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Rishi Sunak's Time is Up

Blowing out Mistotakis in a fit of confected petulance over the Parthenon marbles is the ultimate in playing to a tiny base of empire nostalgists beyond all sense and reason. It’s better than any hammer to drive the final nail into his coffin.
Have been watching Frances Pryor's History of Britain and he remarked that the British Museum originally didn't bother with British prehistory much because the weapons and artifacts were seen as too much like the primitive countries the Empire was off abroad 'civilizing', so stuff we nicked from empires abroad dominated.
More cringe “I’m an ordinary person like you” stuff from Sunak that comes across as vapid and grey.

This rather Pooterish anecdote could have been in John Majors’s spoof diary in private eye

After signing “thousands” of cards last year during his first Christmas as prime minister, Sunak said he called his mum and thanked her for giving him such a short name.

“I said: ‘Thank God you named me a name that only has five letters in it.’ If it was a 10-letter thing this would probably have taken twice as long.”

He's only ever known money and wealth and going through open doors. He's always had stuff done for him. He's never wanted for money. Oh course he's never picked up a hammer.
It doesn't matter if he has or not, unless you are completely isolated you know how a fucking hammer works.

I don't get why people think shit like this is true. And if it was a leftwing politician you would be up in arms.

There is plenty of shit to hate him for, crap like this does nothimg to help.
Is their actually going to be another leadership challenge - thanks to this rwanda bollocks? They are fucking mental. Cant see that the headbangers have enough to bring him down - but they can certainly do him damage.
The state of this cunt. Podium with just "stop the boats" plastered on it.

They're a single issue party, every bit as much as the Brexit party were. A press conference to announce that they're cruel arseholes. Wankers, complete wankers.

He's just so shit at it as well isn't he. Someone like Braverman has a genuine instinct for that hateful stuff, Sunak is just another posh rich boy who fancied being PM blundering around acting like a cunt because he has no idea what else to do. I don't know if that makes him better or worse to be honest.
Sad that no journo is asking him about the refugees from rwanda, now a safe country in the government's eyes, we willl be resettling or that it's only 200 people a year
Has he really just said that the government are going to disapply relevant sections of the Human Rights Act?

Scum, utter, utter scum.
There's no rule against having a prime minister in the Lord's is there? And they are able to resign and become MPs again now.

Regardless of the technicalities Cameron wouldn't get the support of the current Tory party because he's a wishy-washy liberal pro-EU type. That's not going to wash with the current lot, they're looking for blood.
Sunak, seen earlier today...

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