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Rishi Sunak's Time is Up

But rwanda said they would pull out if we breach international law.

Gods, that would be the funniest fucking conclusion to this bullshit. Bonus points if the money we pissed away on this nonsense so far was non refundable
Pretty sure that's what will happen. Rwanda have no vested interest in taking in migrants in this fashion, they have vested interests in receiving the partnership money. Our government have been so blinded by the hateful zeal of their own right fringe, they haven't noticed that Rwanda have played them like a fiddle.
He's so shit that he's chosen Rwanda as his hill to die on, a policy that no one wanted at all and that 99% of those who understand what it fully entails are repulsed by. Useless wanker that he is.

It doesn't matter if he has or not, unless you are completely isolated you know how a fucking hammer works.

I don't get why people think shit like this is true. And if it was a leftwing politician you would be up in arms.

There is plenty of shit to hate him for, crap like this does nothimg to help.

Sure he was told to use the side of the hammer, anyone with an ounce of acumen would have not put themselves in such a situation. Useless wanker that he is.
The state of this cunt. Podium with just "stop the boats" plastered on it.

They're a single issue party, every bit as much as the Brexit party were. A press conference to announce that they're cruel arseholes. Wankers, complete wankers.
But NOT a Unicorn or lion in sight on the plinth
Sunak is up before the Covid inquiry all day on Monday.

I think Sunaks big problem is that while the Disgraced, and dishonest, Johnson can quite admirably pull off he the 'i don't recall that specifically...' routine, because he looks like a man who's been living in a hedge on a diet of buckfast, that's not who Sunak is, and we all know it. It's going to be a car crash, in that he thinks he's answering the questions and putting himself in the clear, for anyone watching is going to be with mounting horror.

Probably going to add to Graham Bradys' postbag....
I find it hard to predict because the inquiry hasnt turned up the heat all that much when it came to questioning the likes of Hancock and Johnson. And they didnt even ask the person who called Sunak Dr Death why they called him that!

Perhaps they have some juicy whatsapp messages that we havent seen yet, that they can throw up on the screen, I just dont know. Certainly when press were reporting that Sunak didnt have those messages to hand over, the inquiry made a point of responding, saying that they had obtained loads of such messages via the other participants in those whatsapps groups. But since then we havent really seen any of those pertaining to Sunak.

Maybe it will still be a great roasting but I cant predict it with any confidence in advance.
All this to send 200 people to Africa on a plane. Batshit.
It is batshit, along with cruel, illegal and inhumane etc., but the Guardian offers a surprisingly cogent (Tory) explanation of Sunak's political obsession with the policy:

When James Cleverly, the home secretary, claims that the government’s latest proposals will cut immigration by 300,000, that huge number won’t even take the annual inflow back to where it was when the Conservatives first entered government.

This is why Sunak keeps focusing on Rwanda, and the broader question of asylum, despite the enormous difficulty the government is having getting the scheme off the ground: to try to use it as a shorthand for being “tough on immigration”, without having to admit that since 2019 the Conservatives have been running perhaps one of the most laissez-faire immigration policies in modern British history.

This problem predates Sunak. But the fact is that that neither he nor his predecessors wanted to confront the hard choices that reducing the UK’s reliance on imported labour would entail. They have instead repeatedly talked tough, and installed a rightwinger at the Home Office with the impossible task of sorting the issue out, while allowing other departments such as education, business, and the Treasury to keep pushing policies that drive the numbers ever higher …

Focusing on the troubled Rwanda scheme is the closest Sunak has got to answering an impossible question: how do you campaign on being tough on immigration when your record says the opposite? I suspect that next year he will learn the hard truth: you can’t.
It does look like his premiership is now numbered in weeks rather than months and he is very lucky that the Christmas holiday is coming up.

That said, whether it's through this deranged tearing up of international law for short term political advantage, or through simple exhausation after what's likely to be a monstering via this and his appearance at the Covid enquiry, a spring general election now looks odds-on.
I find it hard to predict because the inquiry hasnt turned up the heat all that much when it came to questioning the likes of Hancock and Johnson. And they didnt even ask the person who called Sunak Dr Death why they called him that!

Perhaps they have some juicy whatsapp messages that we havent seen yet, that they can throw up on the screen, I just dont know. Certainly when press were reporting that Sunak didnt have those messages to hand over, the inquiry made a point of responding, saying that they had obtained loads of such messages via the other participants in those whatsapps groups. But since then we havent really seen any of those pertaining to Sunak.

Maybe it will still be a great roasting but I cant predict it with any confidence in advance.

'Eat out to spread it all about' was his baby, other than that can't see him being too badly in the frame for it all. Hopefully I'm very much mistaken though.
'Eat out to spread it all about' was his baby, other than that can't see him being too badly in the frame for it all. Hopefully I'm very much mistaken though.

He had a bad effect on the strength and timing of measures to deal with the second wave, and was not good when it came to paying for regional restrictions or encouraging people to self isolate.

But the ultimate decider being Johnson is something of a shield against that stuff, along with the general treasury attitude to keeping its workings out of economic considerations secret. Also, despite occasionally hearing some evidence that the need to balance economic considerations with public health is not a straightforward balance between two opposing forces (eg countries that controlled the virus also did better economically) the inquiry has failed to bake that into their thinking properly when formulating questions. So there have still been endless questions and answers where a false version of 'the need to balance these things' is made use of.
Is he being listed as 'beleaguered' yet (the stage before resignation), or is he just embattled (the stage before beleaguered)?

Ah, The Guardian has now declared him beleaguered.

...a major rebellion would be another blow to the authority of the beleaguered prime minister.

Whose job is it to say they ‘have full confidence in him’ the day before the knife goes in? Forgotten who does that for PMs.
Our government have been so blinded by the hateful zeal of their own right fringe, they haven't noticed that Rwanda have played them like a fiddle.
It's worse than than that. They know perfectly well that Rwanda have played them like a fiddle, as they hoped would happen.
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