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riots in paris banlieu...

note to everyone

if you have nothing to say about the riots in the paris banlieus, please don't bother posting on this thread.
kasheem said:
...The real losers are the ordinary white people in those areas who are being targetted by the scumbags...
People of *all* skin colours are suffering, from what I can gather.
butchersapron said:
Someone else got me though.
yeah i did after a bit of thought. i hope yr right.

meanwhile, urban violence/ rioting/ unrest/ uprising spread. 900 cars (doubling every night it seems) torched. nurseries and a school were burnt overnight and unrest spread to Nice, Lille, Marseille and Toulouse.

bbc report

like thursday night its more arson than confrontations with the police.
Youth unemployment played in the riots, I wonder if they will be used as an excuse to "liberalise" the French economy. having said that, it was mentioned above, soomeone's friend with a baccleureate (sp) working in McDonalds.........

I wanted to talk sometime generally about working class ghettos on the edges of cities. Shall I start a new thread maybe to keep this one just focussed on Paris?
Isambard said:
Youth unemployment played in the riots, I wonder if they will be used as an excuse to "liberalise" the French economy. having said that, it was mentioned above, soomeone's friend with a baccleureate (sp) working in McDonalds.........

I wanted to talk sometime generally about working class ghettos on the edges of cities. Shall I start a new thread maybe to keep this one just focussed on Paris?

I vote new thread and keep this one more of a newsy thing.
kasheem said:
For those of you who say you support this bullshit because of some 'class war' theory you read in a book once, think again. The victims of this are 95% lower middle or working class, both in material damage and violence against people. The real losers are the ordinary white people in those areas who are being targetted by the scumbags. It's the whole community that is being destroyed here for decades to come.

Rioting is not revolutionary, it's pure lunacy.

Exactly. And Torching ambulances and medical workers rushing to the aid of stricken people, disgusting.

More quotes from the artilce.

"Bands of youths also burned a nursery school, warehouses and nearly 900 cars overnight as the violence spread from the restive Paris suburbs to towns around France."

"Fires and other incidents were reported in Lille, Toulouse, Rouen and elsewhere on the second night of unrest in areas beyond metropolitan Paris. An incendiary device was tossed at the wall of a synagogue in Pierrefitte"

"Late Friday in Meaux, east of Paris, youths prevented firefighters from evacuating a sick person from an apartment in a housing project, pelting them with stones and torching the awaiting ambulance, an Interior Ministry officer said"

The violence seemd to escalate last night
Flavour said:
900+ vehicles burnt out last night according to BBC.

Hands up - who supports the rioters?

I've been finding out that burning cars in France seems to be an accepted method of protest. Saw annual number of burnings somewhere.

We walk around with protest signs, AQ blows things up, and the French burn cars. I guess it is a cultural thing.

I'm going to sit on my hands at this point.
spring-peeper said:
We walk around with protest signs, AQ blows things up, and the French burn cars. I guess it is a cultural thing.


Thats cool then.

Chopping off, hands and clitorectamy are also cultural things............
pbman said:
Chopping off, hands

Is the USA going to shun countries that practice this then pbman?

Burning cars etc is not uncommon as a means of protest in France and elsewhere. It's slightly more in your face than walking in a circle with placards to be sure.

I'm not sure that the French Interior Ministry is exaclty a reliable source on this but I don't think resuce workers are legitimate targets.
Back to the thread...

Kasheen can keep his class war theories for bedtime reading. I support anyone that feels the need to demonstrate.
pbman said:
Thats cool then.

Chopping off, hands and clitorectamy are also cultural things............

Very good, you have been paying attention.

*pats pbman on his head and gives him a cookie*
spring-peeper said:
Very good, you have been paying attention.

*pats pbman on his head and gives him a cookie*

EVeryint the us does, is a cultural thing as well.

Including owning lots of guns.

Please refrain from commenting on anythig we do, in anyway. :p
spring-peeper said:
I've been finding out that burning cars in France seems to be an accepted method of protest.

They are selective in what cars they burn, it depends which department number is on the number plate. ;) :D
citydreams said:
I support anyone that feels the need to demonstrate.

What if paedophiles will one day feel the need to demonstrate against the authorities that do not allow them to “celebrate their difference”?
Serguei said:
What if paedophiles will one day feel the need to demonstrate against the authorities that do not allow them to “celebrate their difference”?
Riiight, 'cos that's really going to happen, isn't it, what with paedophilia being illegal.
citydreams was talking about legitimate protest over legitimate points (unemployment, racism, the fact that Sarkozy is a twat), so introducing your "special interest" to the thread isn't really appropriate, is it?
ViolentPanda said:
citydreams was talking about legitimate protest over legitimate points (unemployment, racism, the fact that Sarkozy is a twat), so introducing your "special interest" to the thread isn't really appropriate, is it?
yeah, and let me guess who is going to decide whose are the legitimate points...

basically its okay for the people who you support to protest violently but not those you don't. right?
kasheem said:
The real losers are the ordinary white people in those areas who are being targetted by the scumbags. It's the whole community that is being destroyed here for decades to come.

is the whole community there made of white people? are not the kids of north african immigrants parts of the community?
where to said:
yeah, and let me guess who is going to decide whose are the legitimate points...

basically its okay for the people who you support to protest violently but not those you don't. right?

I've ascertained from your copious volume of posts on this thread that you're rather prone to making assumptions.

Your post above is another fine example.

I was replying to Serguei's usual "low-grade trolling" where he introduced a somewhat irrelevant matter along the lines of "what next? Will we allow paedophiles to demonstrate?", which I answered, mentioning that paedophilia is (as far as I know) an illegal activity in France (although if you're high enough up the governmental chain you can perhaps get away with it in Belgium), and of a different order to protesting about legitimate concerns such as "unemployment, racism, the fact that Sarkozy is a twat".

Which has very little in common with your assumption as to the meaning of my post, does it? :p
ViolentPanda said:
Couldn't you cook his head and give him a pattie instead, please?

Actually, I do have a recipe for goats head cheese I was thinking of trying - hmmmm.

Would that be canabolism (sp?)?
ViolentPanda said:
I was replying to Serguei's usual "low-grade trolling"
of course sergueis post was a distraction. i wasn't refering to it. i was asking who decides what 'legitimate concerns' are? if what you mean is 'i support rioting when i think there is a legitimate case for it', fair enough, but unfortunately back in the thread you were defending citydreams post were he said "I support anyone that feels the need to demonstrate." why are you assuming that every demonstration citydreams happens to agree with is legitimate :confused:

seems yr the one making assumptions.

oh, and have one of these too: :p
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