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riots in paris banlieu...

mears said:
France needs to give private Business some incentive to hire more people, young and old alike. According to this article, the unemployment rate for French under 25 years old is 23 percent. I wonder what the unemployment rate is for immigrant, or first generation French under 25, 40%, 45%?

Tax breaks for private companies and a loosening of labour standards is in order. Cushy jobs are lovely, but forcing private, tax-paying companies to extend 4 week vactions, big pension benefits, and full healthcare makes hiring people mighty expensive.

Pension obligations will continue to incease for a huge demography ready to retire and draw those pensions. Anyone who thinks France can afford massive government investment for its youth and pay these oldies benefits is dreaming.

Gernmany and France will have to accept that dreaded Anglo- American capitalism by default. The sooner they realize it the better.

Total bullshit. The people from the cites won't be any better off. They will be the ones doing the crap McJobs making money for the people at the top who proclaim how wonderful capitalism is.
_pH_ said:
Total bullshit. The people from the cites won't be any better off. They will be the ones doing the crap McJobs making money for the people at the top who proclaim how wonderful capitalism is.

Working at Mcdonalds is better than no job.

What do you expect from the French government to do? Drop Euros from a plane?

You see, I criticize their system but I sprinkle in suggestions for fixing the system. Some tax breaks to private French business to hire more people (though I doubt the French government has much money for that) and curbing restrictions on benefits for new hires. Lessen the cost of French employers to hire new workers.

If you have any suggestions I am all ears.
Joblessness in France is 22.2 percent for men under 25 years old, compared with 7.8 percent for men aged 25 to 49, according to the Labor Ministry. France doesn't include ethnicity in its census nor does it publish poverty or unemployment statistics based on ethnicity or religion.

Among 20- to 24-year-olds living in French suburbs whose residents are predominantly Muslim, the jobless rate during the1999 census was 37.2 percent for men, compared with the national average of 22.5 percent, and 39.5 percent for women, compared with 28.4 percent. The figures come from a 2003 report for the prime minister by the High Council for Integration.
mears said:
What do you expect from the French government to do? Drop Euros from a plane?

There has to be money for the businesses to be successful. where do you suppose that comes from?
where to said:
Joblessness in France is 22.2 percent for men under 25 years old, compared with 7.8 percent for men aged 25 to 49, according to the Labor Ministry. France doesn't include ethnicity in its census nor does it publish poverty or unemployment statistics based on ethnicity or religion.

Among 20- to 24-year-olds living in French suburbs whose residents are predominantly Muslim, the jobless rate during the1999 census was 37.2 percent for men, compared with the national average of 22.5 percent, and 39.5 percent for women, compared with 28.4 percent. The figures come from a 2003 report for the prime minister by the High Council for Integration.

National average of f-ing 22%?

Dumb shits need more capialism.
I've heard that people in France who are actually *in work* have very good terms and conditions, which on the face of it should be a "good thing" for "the working class" (if you like those terms).

But bigger barriers to laying people off and increased costs of hiring people mean that businesses can't provide as many jobs (nor can they take advantage of any short-term opportunities) leaving more people out of work and excluded.

France also hides behind "anti-globalisation" and "protecting national identity" rhetoric in its refsual to change the EU Common Agricultural Programme - something that is realy fucking over farmers in poor countries and sucking EU money into France that should by rights be going to far poorer Eastern European countries who have just joined.

If this exclusion is combined with racism and xenophobia that can hide behind the more noble ideals of "secularism" and "egalitarianian Frenchness", and combined with a tendancy to gravitate towards authoritarian/militaristic patriarchial government (again hiding behind supposedly idealistic "Republican" concepts) then I would argue you have a problem which is going to be hard to unpick.

The ironic thing is that there are plenty of French multinationals and various French politicans are actually introducing privatisation and neo-liberal policies even while mouthing off the very opposite in public. But because they aren't brave enough to say what they are doing and argue their case (they have their eye on their careers and just say what they think people want to hear) they can't actually carry these things through properly and leave the door open to the far right when people get fed up with being lied to.
citydreams said:
There has to be money for the businesses to be successful. where do you suppose that comes from?

Banks are a good place for start up costs. Than you have things like clients and customers who pay you for goods and services provided.

so how can any good come out of this for communities affected?

end: the police seem to have started to arrest as many as possible

does urban have an ignore list *thinks of pbman etc*
mears said:
Banks are a good place for start up costs. Than you have things like clients and customers who pay you for goods and services provided.

That's a good tip for the angry poor people on the streets in France.

lostexpectation said:
does urban have an ignore list *thinks of pbman etc*

He's just upset that posters here seem to care more about France than the US and he is throwing a temper tantrum.

I'm sure that's why he started his thread on MM, jealous of all the attention that France is getting.
soulman said:
That's a good tip for the angry poor people on the streets in France.


You don't need to start a business to improve your life, you can start by finding a job.

By changing their labour laws, the French government may help this process.
mears said:
You don't need to start a business to improve your life, you can start by finding a job.

By changing their labour laws, the French government may help this process.

Really ?

Please suggest changes to French labour laws which would give the desired effect ?? ????
Maidmarian said:
Really ?

Please suggest changes to French labour laws which would give the desired effect ?? ????

Cite there policies on economic development for small businesses and I'm sure that several of us have enough experience in these matters to suggest improvements.

I know that I can - I work with this segment of the government in Canada.
mears said:
You don't need to start a business to improve your life, you can start by finding a job.

By changing their labout laws, the French government may help this process.

If there's any banks left in one piece!

The dispossesed have moved from their concrete jungles to central Paris, and many other French cities, hence the bleating from the politicians. Imagine if they moved out of the cities to take the chateuax - the capitalists worst nightmare :)

I just want to say that if there is one mouth on these bulletin boards that likes to order up a burger to eat it, but, shows even the least amount of contempt for the poor and working people, that they should be denied full well every bit of wage and sabbath of day and of year and honour (they make your burger), and, if this person has even a remote thought that they are too good to cook it for others with godly reverence for your neighbors (we are all in God's image): then seven times worse for every cracking of the political/econimic whip be returned upon the very person, by God. I'm sick and tired of this wicked oppressive talk.
soulman said:
That's a good tip for the angry poor people on the streets in France.


Aye, their anger is probably more legitiamte than that of a middle class black bloc.
There's probably an interesting comparative question here. If we accept that France is slightly less socially dysfunctional than the anglo-saxon economies*, then why is it the les cites and not the council estates that are erupting in this way?

(although, obviously they have done in the past. But on this scale and for this duration?)

Uniquely poor policing? (In terms of racism? In terms of brutality?)
Concentration of social problems?
Stronger subversive infrastructures?
Ineffective disciplinary functions? (Is the prevalance of low-pay, low-skill, insecure work in the UK acting as a means of controlling dissent?)

Or is this a flavour of what we have to come?
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