I don't need a 'leader' and i don't need to be 'taught' anything.
Non violence is a tactic. It works in some situations, and not in others. Whether it was right for last night is a discussion to be had. But If you preach it as a blanket answer, based only on your own feelings, to others without empathising with who and what they are, then you are part of the problem, not part of the solution.
The upsurge in defiance against the police in the last week has not arrived overnight, and cannot be quelled by people sitting in the road, or from following leaders who preach peace.
The reason the people were on the streets (including many locals, young and old) was that they are tired of the 'leaders' thinking they can do what they want to them. Tesco was a perfect catalyst because it exposed the corruption of the council, and of the police, in ignoring the blatant facts of the matter - the massive majority did not want a tesco store there.
Remember what started this - the police storming into Stokes Croft in what seems like a deliberate attempt to draw the anti-tesco campaign into a confrontation. They thought a show of force would deter people from attacking the Tescos. It spectacularly backfired. Now the local 'disaffected' feel stronger than ever and are up for a fight, The police try and play the media game, to parade the velvet glove, but are ready at the drop of the hat to deploy the iron fist.
Remember, if you talk of casualties, 80% are on the side of the 'violent' protesters who aren't dressed up in invulnerable body armour and driving around in armoured vans. Think on that.
Now the genie is out of the bottle. Old wounds have been reopened.Real anger is being shown, in a very unfocussed way, but that doesn't make it any less heartfelt, or justified.
When the police were confronted, and reacted, only 3 people chose to sit and do nothing. Think on that as well.
The reason things have got this bad is that the majority of Bristolians have been happy to sit back and do nothing, while sections of society are mistreated, and ignore their cries for help. Why should they now listen to your cries now? Think on.