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Right wingers less intelligent

You seem to imagine that the implausibility of something is what establishes that it cannot be dismissed
Not at all. How absurd!

Maybe you mean that I don't like to absolutely dismiss mind-boggling ideas about life, in light of the rigorous process you refer to leading us to what is essentially mind-boggling.
You can choose completely, but then you'd be falling into a similar trap that 'atheists' fall into.

I'm not saying, btw, that because what is understood to be true is so mind-boggling that it makes something else mind boggling more likely - only that, in light of this, it's not unreasonable to have an inch of doubt.

It is, if all the evidence points in the direction of one thing whilst the other is manifestly impossible.
That means so much, but I don't think some here would ever accept it. Butchersapron said some remark in the Icke thread to the effect of 'we're five steps ahead of you'.. but, of course, overlooked the words I've put in bold. Imagine sitting in an actual room with a group of people all verbally attacking you and insulting you at the same time. All I can say is... don't get so fucking chuffed.
Imagine sitting in a room with some cunt defending anti-semitism.
Cognitive dissonance, going through that 'discomfort', would allow you to hold conflicting emotions, ideas, etc.

returned oh teacher!
Nice try, but no. Failed. Cognitive dissonance creates the motivation to achieve consonance. It is not an enabler of conflicting ideas, quite the reverse.
Imagine sitting in a room with some cunt defending anti-semitism.
well exactly, being "verbally attacked and insulted" only seems to matter to this lot when it's happening to them. That's why people get so annoyed at them - making out that if someone calls them a cunt it's worse than the titanic yet total denial/dismissal of the facts when there is actually evidence to show that they're talking shit and worse that there's consequences to the drivel they're spouting
Someone in the end 'genuinely' wished him to suffer.

That was me. I didn't really mean it - Gmart's an irritating, pompous little prick with delusions of adequacy but I wouldn't really wish him any harm. I really do hope that you get some kind of mutant strain of itchy scrote that kills you though. And just to prove it's not cowardice, I'd gladly suffer the same fate if I knew that you were doing so too.
That was me. I didn't really mean it - Gmart's an irritating, pompous little prick with delusions of adequacy but I wouldn't really wish him any harm. I really do hope that you get some kind of mutant strain of itchy scrote that kills you though. And just to prove it's not cowardice, I'd gladly suffer the same fate if I knew that you were doing so too.

You're worse than hitler.
You're worse than hitler.

Yeah but he wasn't really antisemitic, he wanted to get rid of the Jews cos they were ruining Germany both from within and from without. He didn't hate them because they were Jews. Just like Icke doesn't really mean Jews when he talks about Rothschild Zionism, the Jewage is incidental. Or something.
Yeah but he wasn't really antisemitic, he wanted to get rid of the Jews cos they were ruining Germany both from within and from without. He didn't hate them because they were Jews. Just like Icke doesn't really mean Jews when he talks about Rothschild Zionism, the Jewage is incidental. Or something.

Hitler wouldn't have called someone a cunt from the safety of the internet for expressing their views on lizards. I doubt he would have given them joke death threats either. Case dismissed.
I am still struggling to work out how thinking the Jews were the cause of all Germany's problems is somehow not anti-Semitic. :hmm:
Yeah but he wasn't really antisemitic, he wanted to get rid of the Jews cos they were ruining Germany both from within and from without. He didn't hate them because they were Jews. Just like Icke doesn't really mean Jews when he talks about Rothschild Zionism, the Jewage is incidental. Or something.

Anyway, they're not really Jews. They're aliens.
We're just a bit of rock flying through the universe. Life is short so why not just accept all those protocols and bloodlines exist? if you can't become a free spirit like me just shut up because the world doesn't need your negative energies.
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