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Right wingers less intelligent

I have to wonder how many Mail comments loons are actually people like me who've signed up purely to troll.

"Scientists can't be trusted with their lies about evolution, global warming and so-called vaccines. They just hate us because we want to retain our BRITISH culture." etc
Well yes, broadly speaking the study is right IMO. That doesn't mean there are no intelligent right wingers, or thick left wingers, but when it comes to anti-immigration sentiment, homophobia, sexism, racism and general prejudice and bigotry, much of it comes from the less enlightened members of our society. You only have to listen to radio phone-ins such as those on LBC to realise the majority of callers, invariably complaining about the kind of issues that give the Daily Mail a hard on, are all right wingers and slightly thick.
Thicko right-wingers will just have to content themselves with running the world/ruining the planet then - whilst 'left-wingers' smugly give one another knowing smiles.

Ah the comforting warmth of a knowing smile, particularly in the checkout at Waitrose. That reminds me I must go shopping.

Cheers - Dr Louis MacNeice
It's something to do with the part of the brain that develops empathy and love of one's fellow creatures on spaceship earth lying very close to the part that is responsible for the capacity for logical thinking, using long words and doing crosswords.
No it is a legit and well known study... it's conclusions are open to debate though.

Legit and well known, but could still be full of methodological flaws and missing evidence. I'd like to know more about it before drawing any firm conclusions.

That said, I do think some of the stock canons of right-wing thinking - nationalism and free-market economics especially - appeal to those of a *ahem* less analytical turn of mind, if only by virtue of being simple.
I have to wonder how many Mail comments loons are actually people like me who've signed up purely to troll.

"Scientists can't be trusted with their lies about evolution, global warming and so-called vaccines. They just hate us because we want to retain our BRITISH culture." etc
I'm quite often tempted to green_arrow comments like that. :D

I know for certain that lots of non- Fail types gravitate there to comment on certain issues.
I wonder how this relates to the often observed and reported phenomenon of people who start by being left wing when they are young but move to the right in their opinions as they get older. Presumably they were intelligent when young but have somehow lost some of that intelligence as they got older. I am still left wing I might add, and did add.
I don't define myself as any wing but I guess I have a lot of left leanings. What scares me more than your common or garden right winger are the articulate, well-educated ones who use their intelligence to impart very dubious social commentary.
Intelligent right wingers are just cunts who know exactly what havoc, destruction, suffering and misery their exploitation is wreaking, but are more than happy to keep riding the gravy train than try to make things better... "human nature is flawed" they say, so this system is inevitable, "just got to make the best of it" they say, it's like saying there will always be murderers so the only way to guard against it is by killing everyone else first. race to the bottom...

stupid twats.
This study at least clarifies one point: conspiraloons must definitely be right wing.
it's probably bollocks. (unless that's the way it's been reported and not what it really says, which is often the case)
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