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Reopen 911 Forums and film screenings

Loki said:
Nothing in your initial posts suggested you had your tongue in cheek. Several posters here take this sort of thing seriously. How are we supposed to guess you were joking?

you weren't and you didn't.


that's pretty old icke pic... he's a bit tubby these days. still mulletted though.
I'll be particularly interested to hear from William Rodriguez, the last person to escape from the towers.

If editor came along, he could get to ask Jimmy Walter about the panel of engineers who judge submissions as to how the towers fell for the $100,000 prize.
DrJazzz said:
Back to the topic.

I'll be there and it should be an interesting evening.

People who simply accept the official theory need not attend. Are we a nation of them? Maybe. I for one hope not.

Whilst those who "simply accept the official theory" regardless of the evidence need not attend, those who accept the official theory but are open to hearing some of the evidence that challenges it (and even challenge back) are v welcome. It is not intended to be meeting of the already persuaded. Atleast I hope not.
Do yez mind if I show up in my lizard costume? It's just for a laugh and I swear I won't turn you all into the slaves of my alien race.
sparticus said:
Whilst those who "simply accept the official theory" regardless of the evidence need not attend, those who accept the official theory but are open to hearing some of the evidence that challenges it (and even challenge back) are v welcome.
Why do you think your last big 9/11 screening - widely plugged on these boards for several weeks on end and billed as a 'UK Premiere' - only attracted an audience of just one, Sparticus?
editor said:
Why do you think your last big 9/11 screening - widely plugged on these boards for several weeks on end and billed as a 'UK Premiere' - only attracted an audience of just one, Sparticus?
Are you serious? Was there really an audience of one single person? That is amazing - 'they' must have put on some serious deception to keep the crowds away.
gurrier said:
Are you serious? Was there really an audience of one single person? That is amazing - 'they' must have put on some serious deception to keep the crowds away.
Unhappily for sparticus, I know the owner of the bar where he hosted his "UK premiere screening" of some fruitloop 9/11 conspiracy tosh film or another.

I believe the first screening - plugged relentlessly on these boards - attracted a bumper crowd of six, while the second screening - also liberally advertised here - attracted the sum total of one person.
editor said:
Unhappily for sparticus, I know the owner of the bar where he hosted his "UK premiere screening" of some fruitloop 9/11 conspiracy tosh film or another.

I believe the first screening - plugged relentlessly on these boards - attracted a bumper crowd of six, while the second screening - also liberally advertised here - attracted the sum total of one person.
the low turnouts were probably the result of a conspiracy, perhaps involving lizards.
DrJazzz said:
Back to the topic.

I'll be there and it should be an interesting evening.

People who simply accept the official theory need not attend. Are we a nation of them? Maybe. I for one hope not.

I think there are many questions unanswered, but none are going to be answered accurately by the kind of conspiranoid lunatics you rely on for your fun facts.

Holograms? Missiles?

I've never once suggested the idea of 'holographic' planes but that doesn't stop editor or pk.

Anyway, highlight of the night had to be hearing and meeting William Rodriguez, 'the last person out of the WTC', a hero for helping save hundreds of lives, and originally feted as such by the media. It's maybe one thing reading such accounts on the internet but quite another hearing them first hand.

It's a great shame that more urbanites weren't there to hear it.
DrJazzz said:
I've never once suggested the idea of 'holographic' planes but that doesn't stop editor or pk.
You've linked to sites containing that rubbish and have repeatedly stated that you believe in the invisible missiles fired from the fantasy plane 'pod'.

Which means you also believe that the planes were pretend planes with a team of Mike Yarwoods making fake phone calls.

You also believe that two near-invisible planes rumbled extremely low over Long Island in a highly dangerous and illegal formation because some loon on a website told you.

According to his credibility-exhausting claims, just two people - out of a population the size of Great Manchester - saw this incredible sight roaring overhead in broad daylight. During the rush hour.

And if credibility wasn't stretched enough, these two (conveniently anonymous) eye witnesses elected to tell just one person: the conspiraloon who runs the 9/11 site!! And you believe him!
DrJazzz said:
It's a great shame that more urbanites weren't there to hear it.
So how many people were there to hear it?
fubert said:
can i point out here that david icke, conspiracy theory king even discounts the missles and hologram theories...
Icke's got an even more bonkers theory:
Icke explains how we ‘live’ in a ‘holographic internet’ in that our brains are connected to a central ‘computer’ that feeds us the same collective reality that we decode from waveforms and electrical signals into the holographic 3D ‘world’ that we all think we see.

Sadly, other fruitloops do believe in holographic missiles:

How do you rate that site, DrJ?
DrJazzz said:
Anyway, highlight of the night had to be hearing and meeting William Rodriguez, 'the last person out of the WTC', a hero for helping save hundreds of lives, and originally feted as such by the media. It's maybe one thing reading such accounts on the internet but quite another hearing them first hand.

wish i'd been there to see it. i can't say i subscribe to many of the 911 theories and ideas but i'm always interested to hear them.
I've never ONCE suggested 'holographic' planes editor, although both you and pk repeatedly make out that I have. I'm not going to tacke the rest of your diversion, because you are just seeking to misrepresent all that too, shamelessly I might add.

Here's information about William Rodriguez

Chaps like him aren't some 'loon on the internet' - they're very real, and this was a real hero I had the pleasure to meet last night.

How many WTC eyewitnesses have you met, editor?
DrJazzz said:
I've never ONCE suggested 'holographic' planes editor, although both you and pk repeatedly make out that I have. I'm not going to tacke the rest of your diversion, because you are just seeking to misrepresent all that too, shamelessly I might add.
You clearly haven't read my post. Do so again.

I said that you have linked to sites waffling on about holographic planes, so you clearly view them as credible sources.

Do you dispute that?

And do you dispute that you have claimed that the planes fired missiles?

Oh, and how many people were at that meeting then?
the editor quoted said:
Icke explains how we ‘live’ in a ‘holographic internet’ in that our brains are connected to a central ‘computer’ that feeds us the same collective reality that we decode from waveforms and electrical signals into the holographic 3D ‘world’ that we all think we see.

this kind of simplifies what he says. some might say it's unrepresentative, personally i reckon it's more or less on the right lines, but from a different angle.

'tis the motiff of his books though, present something, then in another book backtrack on it and change it. it's pretty sad, he often starts well, presenting stuff which you may not believe, but you can at least understand his justification and accept it to some degree. then all the way out there stuff comes at you and things start sounding a little odd to say the least.

either way he makes a living out of it.
editor said:
You clearly haven't read my post. Do so again.

I said that you have linked to sites waffling on about holographic planes, so you clearly view them as credible sources.

Do you dispute that?

And do you dispute that you have claimed that the planes fired missiles?

Oh, and how many people were at that meeting then?
Let's be very clear about this: I have never once proposed 'holographic' planes and don't consider such a suggestion at all credible. I don't expect to hear you accuse me of otherwise again. I proposed in my first ever thread about 9-11 that missiles might have been involved; I don't 'dispute' that at all.

The meeting had a disappointing turnout - no more than 200. I would say this was in part due to it being a Friday night, in part due to lack of publicity (one reason being that the national press refused to run the adverts). But also due to the attitude of people like you - who imply that people such as William Rodriguez, a real hero are 'looney tunes conspiracy nuts'.

You are always calling for the testimonies of the whistleblowers - yet when they fly to your doorstep to tell you what happened, and why the official story cannot be true, you say 'why bother listening?'

In the not-too-distant future, this is not something you are going to be proud of.
DrJazzz said:
The meeting had a disappointing turnout - no more than 200. I would say this was in part due to it being a Friday night, in part due to lack of publicity (one reason being that the national press refused to run the adverts). But also due to the attitude of people like you - who imply that people such as William Rodriguez, a real hero are 'looney tunes conspiracy nuts'.
Well 200's better than one, to be fair.

Did the national press really refuse to run paid-for adverts? Seems unlikely to me.
DrJazzz said:
The meeting had a disappointing turnout - no more than 200.
by that do you mean the turnout was approaching 200, or is that just a kind of trick way of suggesting the numbers are approaching it without actually lying? if it's the first, mebbe it seems disappointing, but imo it's quite impressive; i had imagined it was gonna be 20 folk if that.
DrJazzz said:
in part due to lack of publicity (one reason being that the national press refused to run the adverts).
Credible proof, please.

PS I manage to get over 200 people down the Dogstar with no national press. On a Thursday.
DrJazzz said:
In the not-too-distant future, this is not something you are going to be proud of.
I hope I never have to feel the shame you should have felt after posting up that foul, repulsive shit about Ian Huntely.
editor said:
PS I manage to get over 200 people down the Dogstar with no national press. On a Thursday.

For a political meeting? Or a night out?

Indeed, people like going out on a Thursday or Friday night - that's why it's a bad time to hold a political presentation. Why not try booking offline for Monday 6pm and see how many you get then?

I note you have no comment to make about William Rodriguez.
DrJazzz said:
I note you have no comment to make about William Rodriguez.

I note that you haven't backed up your assertion that the national press "refused" to run paid-for adverts about this event.
DrJazzz said:
For a political meeting? Or a night out?
Indeed, people like going out on a Thursday or Friday night - that's why it's a bad time to hold a political presentation.
Nice excuse, but utter bollocks, of course.

If the meeting was of any real interest, the organisers would have no problem filling it any day of the week seeing as it was in the centre of London with a population of zillions and was making incredible claims about knowing 'the truth'.

And, of course, people would still be free to go out clubbing afterwards (why do you think the target audience all want to go out on a Friday night, btw?)
DrJazzz said:
I note you have no comment to make about William Rodriguez.
Just as soon as you back up your claim with credible proof that the national press "refused to run the adverts".

Who told you that, then, and why are you swallowing the line without verifying it first?

Oh, and I note you have no comment to make about the credibility of the claims about those near-invisible aircraft flying over Long Island. You swallowed the story whole. Why?
FYI I can verify that 2 national papers refused to run adverts on Friday, pulling out at the last minute. It was advertised in the Metro and Standard.
sparticus said:
FYI I can verify that 2 national papers refused to run adverts on Friday, pulling out at the last minute. It was advertised in the Metro and Standard.
And exactly how can you "verify" it? Who told you the advert had been "banned"? Have you checked the facts?

And could you provide individual statements from ALL the "national press", please?

And seeing as the event enjoyed extensive promotion in the Metro and Standard (readership more than 1m ), how do you explain such a laughably feeble turnout?

And how many people actually turned up? There seems to be a strange reluctance to give a figure...

And why do you trust a "multi-millionaire" organiser anyway?
Why do you imagine I would like to answer those questions (I have nothing to hide, I just can't be arsed with the conversation) when you dumped the last 911 thread I posted in the bin after 2 posts?

Don't bother answering
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