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Relentless pro-Tory, fake news bullshit in my Facebook feed

Do you mean the capitalist worker stuff? Honestly don’t sweat it. The comments on every one of those posts are funny as fuck and proof that analytics probably aren’t really deciding elections.
In fact never in the history of politics have I seen such a blatantly obvious, and totally desperate attempt to win votes fall flat on it’s drunken face like that. What the fuck are they thinking? They must really believe the Russians under the bed stuff. You pathetic, irrelevant cunts.
I'm going to report every misleading pro-Tory, fake news, anti-Labour skidmark sponsored post that stinks out my newsfeed from now on.

If everyone does the same there's a remote* chance that Facebook may act because it's really winding me up.

*Well, I can dream

Just saying today that I see next to nothing of this. I mod a few groups around issues like universal credit and bedroom tax too. We get chancers, trolls etc but next to nothing of Tory based fake news or adverts.
Maybe it's because Brixton Buzz is a tiny bit more high profile or seen as some sort of vaguely influential site, so we get this targeted excrement in the FB feed thanks to their shit-shunting algorithms
Either way, consider yourself lucky if you're not seeing it.
I’m not even profile let alone high profile, what did I do? I think someone broke it down though it has more to do with age and earnings or shit like that
All paid for by this piece of old festering spewage of arsedribble


Richard Patrick Tracey was identified as the sponsor of a Facebook advert, which opposed the Labour Party's 2019 pledge to remove charitable status and tax exemptions from private schools in the United Kingdom. [2] He has been doing this through a Facebook page called 'Parent's choice

Richard Tracey - Wikipedia
Seriously, this should be a big story.

Glad to see other people getting pissed off about this. When I looked it up a couple of weeks ago all I could find was an article on another angry voice -
AAV: Who are the people behind all these annoying fake-grassroots Tory spam ads?

If you look at who is paying for these it's sometimes 'activists' and sometimes the weird quasi grassroots groups themselves. The funding there is less than transparent and these groups usually have at best a terrible template based site registered around the time of the election being announced (or just before).

There is something very wrong going on here and I suspect it's a coordinated thing. These guys can post whatever they want being arm's length from the conservative party so not accountable. Not on the books spending wise either.

Just saying today that I see next to nothing of this. I mod a few groups around issues like universal credit and bedroom tax too. We get chancers, trolls etc but next to nothing of Tory based fake news or adverts.

I suspect they specifically exclude people active in those communities. You're informed enough not to be swung by the adverts and might be an irritant in the comments. I'd imagine they are targeting 'regular' people who haven't been particularly active politically on Facebook (by liking certain parties/groups even bands etc). I don't do much on Facebook so get loads of this shit.
I don't get any of this tory propaganda. In fact the opposite and only a tiny amount of it. But I never comment or share or "like" on fb. Sure they'll get enough data in the end to target me but will take longer.
Thousands of misleading Conservative ads side-step scrutiny thanks to Facebook policy
First Draft accessed the Facebook Ad Library API to download all 6,749 ads from the Conservative Party between December 1 and December 4. Some 88% (5,952) of the most widely promoted ads featured claims about the NHS, income tax cuts, and the Labour Party which had already been labelled misleading by Full Fact.

Not every ad includes the misleading claim directly in its image or caption. At least 54% (3,646) of the total ads served link to a webpage carrying the misleading claims.
It's all well and good saying FB is crap and being dismissive.

But the large number of potential swing voters see an authoratitive looking group like 'city voice' quoting the Financial Times saying that Corbyn will be a disaster for the economy or qn emotive post about how Corbyn will stop people owning their own home.

It does have an affect on the voting in the election that's why significant money is being spent on this.

FB may be crap but the ramifications here go far beyond that.
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