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Recommend me a book on economics, markets, terminology etc


Secret beanbag chair world
So only 15 years after I shoulda asked. Can anyone recommend me a book that explains in relatively simple terms what things like shorting, issuing bonds, yields, etc, etc mean?

Not capitlism, share ownership or market economies for dummies but specifically this financial market stuff.

I'm trying to get my head around what WTF is going on. BoE buying government debt. The pensions thing. But every time you read something, another bit of jargan appears or a word which seemingly has no relation to it's usual usage.
I think Adam Tooze is a good guide for this kind of stuff. His book Crashed is a bit of a tome, but he explains it all clearly. He's done a lot of more digestable articles and podcasts which might be a less intimidating to start off with too
Hadas Thier’s a people’s guide to capitalism was really accessible I thought. You could probably download a copy from the zlibrary
This guy on gulp YouTube seems quite sensible. He worked as a trader in the Citi Bank before quitting it due to the damage banking was doing to his community or something noble like that.

He’s quite persuasive that economics as an intellectual pursuit is useless.

So only 15 years after I shoulda asked. Can anyone recommend me a book that explains in relatively simple terms what things like shorting, issuing bonds, yields, etc, etc mean?

Books can get out of date rapidly on this. Try Investopedia as a starting point.

Shorting: Short Selling: What Is Shorting Stocks with Pros, Cons, and Examples
Bond (basics): The Basics Of Bonds
Types of bond yields: Understanding the Different Types of Bond Yields

Regarding the Bank of England buying government debt, the BoE's website doesn't do a bad job of explaining. Try the market notices page as a starting point:
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