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Thread on testing in schools

Its a shame that Guardian article they start with didnt put this into the context of the MHRA and the government being at odds over this before - the government always wanted to recklessly stretch that sort of testing in that sort of direction previously, but that time the MHRA nixed it by saying such tests were not licensed for that particular use. And I think it was the Guardian that reported on that at the time, though I dont have a link to that era of story to hand.
The assessment regime for GCSEs and A levels here is slowly killing the staff and kids both. The teachers are spending every spare second going through exam papers, and the kids have got 2 - 4 tests that are effectively final exams every day, on top of revision. Smart, capable, organised people are melting down in public, it's awful.
The assessment regime for GCSEs and A levels here is slowly killing the staff and kids both. The teachers are spending every spare second going through exam papers, and the kids have got 2 - 4 tests that are effectively final exams every day, on top of revision. Smart, capable, organised people are melting down in public, it's awful.

Yes. I'm too exhausted to write more as this is me right now, but yes. It's horrible.
So does anyone remember that I quit my job in a school before even starting properly, mainly due to feeling unsafe? This is the school: sorry for daily mail link but if I find another ill share it. Feel really justified now!
So does anyone remember that I quit my job in a school before even starting properly, mainly due to feeling unsafe? This is the school: sorry for daily mail link but if I find another ill share it. Feel really justified now!
There aren't enough facepalms in the world.
The assessment regime for GCSEs and A levels here is slowly killing the staff and kids both. The teachers are spending every spare second going through exam papers, and the kids have got 2 - 4 tests that are effectively final exams every day, on top of revision. Smart, capable, organised people are melting down in public, it's awful.

Yes- you're so right, Frank. It's a really stressful time for pupils and teachers and I am often waking up at stupid o'clock at the moment with it occupying my mind.
So does anyone remember that I quit my job in a school before even starting properly, mainly due to feeling unsafe? This is the school: sorry for daily mail link but if I find another ill share it. Feel really justified now!

Either my childhood secondary school or within its MAT.
So does anyone remember that I quit my job in a school before even starting properly, mainly due to feeling unsafe? This is the school: sorry for daily mail link but if I find another ill share it. Feel really justified now!

Schoolgirl my foot, that's some dickhead parents using their kid as a sock puppet.

Funny how these people hate schools so much but still send their kids in every day.
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"Schoolgirl's parents are suing school"
Schoolgirl my foot, that's some dickhead parents using their kid as a sock puppet.

Funny how these people hate schools so much but still send their kids in every day.

Yes, as soon as I read it I thought 'no way is that the 12 year old, it's the parents'!
A strange coincidence also that 100% of the children of anti-mask covidiots happen to have legitimate medical conditions which make them unable to wear masks.

Schools can't force anyone to wear a mask. It's a bone of contention for many school staff but I begrudgingly accept it, given that the alternative is making people disclose health information they shouldn't ever have to disclose in order to get an 'official' exemption. But the people who exploit that honesty-box system because they just don't like the idea of masks, eugh. Nobody likes the fucking masks. But most people wear them anyway because they have some concept of the needs and rights of people other than themselves.

Of course the family in the news story above know perfectly well that the school and/or trust is not forcing their kid to wear a mask, hence the unwieldy phrase about 'requiring or encouraging'.
Worth adding here that in my experience kids are far better at wearing their masks when expected to without making a fuss about it than adults. And kids make a fuss about everything else under the sun. They moan relentlessly about being asked to tuck their shirts in. Obviously they are capable of discerning that while tucking your shirt in serves no purpose, fucking off this virus in whatever way we can is a purpose bigger than anything else happening in their lives or anyone else's right now.

They do make me proud, the little bastards. Proud of my species.
Anti-mask girl lost her case:

"Put shortly, the underlying premise of the claim is that the physical and psychological risks presented to children by the requirement to wear face masks is not justified by medical or epidemiological evidence," the judge said.
He accepted it was a belief which was strongly held by many people, including the girl's father.
(My bold).

There are still suggestions in the media that the government are going to ditch the masks in classrooms side of things.

Yes we're expecting another pronouncement in the near future, which will involve rewriting the timetable at short notice again right when everyone is burnt the fuck out from the endless assessments for GCSE and A levels. Many teaching staff remain unvaccinated of course. Nearby schools have had covid cases in the past week.
Ok, so it looks like no more masks and back to normal classrooms next week.

Lucky teachers have so much free time at the moment to re-plan everything accordingly.

I think that we still have to have bubbles etc - it's just the face masks that are changing for now.

The updated guidance still states "The overarching principle to apply is reducing the number of contacts between pupils and staff. This can be achieved through keeping groups separate (in ‘bubbles’) and through maintaining distance between individuals."

I think that we still have to have bubbles etc - it's just the face masks that are changing for now.

The updated guidance still states "The overarching principle to apply is reducing the number of contacts between pupils and staff. This can be achieved through keeping groups separate (in ‘bubbles’) and through maintaining distance between individuals."

Yes current line at our school is they're not changing the bubble setup but there could easily be a volte-face on that from the DfE before the weeks is out.
Yes current line at our school is they're not changing the bubble setup but there could easily be a volte-face on that from the DfE before the weeks is out.

Even if guidance changes (and I'm not sure it will - but then again - why not just drop in one more last-minute change to the plans for us to deal with?) our school would not change until after half-term when year 11/13 have gone. Everything is focused on those two year groups right now.
We've had about 20% of one year group and several staff sent home due to covid contacts this week. Most other schools in the area are dealing with similar or worse.

Kids are still not wearing masks. Staff are increasingly abandoning them too, and you can't entirely blame them as it does feel like a bit of a joke when you're surrounded by unvaccinated, maskless humans all day.

This all renders the year group bubbles largely moot, as staff move between bubbles constantly.

Nothing that's happening makes any sense. Kids ask me perfectly sensible questions about how any of this is supposed to work and I have nothing to tell them.
We've had about 20% of one year group and several staff sent home due to covid contacts this week. Most other schools in the area are dealing with similar or worse.

Kids are still not wearing masks. Staff are increasingly abandoning them too, and you can't entirely blame them as it does feel like a bit of a joke when you're surrounded by unvaccinated, maskless humans all day.

This all renders the year group bubbles largely moot, as staff move between bubbles constantly.

Nothing that's happening makes any sense. Kids ask me perfectly sensible questions about how any of this is supposed to work and I have nothing to tell them.
Mask are increasingly becoming worn haphazardly at my school too by adults. Had children have to isolate today for the first time in ages. I don’t know…
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