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Questions for IWCA


If theres any around.

I was reading about your opposition to multi-culturalism, the problem is cultural influences do not start and stop with straight "lines". Rather cultural influences "blur" into each other.

Example, sausages part of our food culure came with the Romans, Tobacco from South America etc.

Therefore what exactly is your opposition to multi-culturalism ? And what do you oppose ?

Will judo clubs be banned ? Will I still be able to buy a kebab ? What about Irish Republican marches ?

Or is your term "Multi-culturalism" really code for anti-Islamic culture ?
What would you reply if you are IWCA and were asked that question on someones doorstep ?

Its a legit question.
He's not answering it because anyone who was willing to invest five minutes of googling would realise that those questions are an irrelevance. The assumption is therefore either you are a lazy git or a troll. Simple.
I'm also nothing to do with the IWCA and - call me ignorant if you must - I couldn't give a fuck about the relationship of sausages to multiculturalism.
jannerboyuk said:
He's not answering it because anyone who was willing to invest five minutes of googling would realise that those questions are an irrelevance. The assumption is therefore either you are a lazy git or a troll. Simple.

Another one bites the dust :D

How can asking a question about a central plank of IWCA policy be an irrelevance ?
Ben66 said:
opposition to multi-culturalism
Will judo clubs be banned?

Wild leap from "button issue" phrase to completely disjoint conclusion: reliably diagnostic of either a blatant troll (given context, probably a st*mfr*nt troll) or a stupid Daily Mail reader - stupid by the standards of Daily Mail readers, that is.

Ben66 said:
Or is your term "Multi-culturalism" really code for anti-Islamic culture ?

The former, then.

Edited to add: I am not an IWCA member.
bristol_citizen said:
I'm also nothing to do with the IWCA and - call me ignorant if you must - I couldn't give a fuck about the relationship of sausages to multiculturalism.

Then you are ignorant of what constitutes "culture".

IWCA claming they oppose "multi-culturalism" is an oxymoron, just as is the BNP giving drivel out about a single "white race".

There is no such thing as " mono-culturalism" in Britain and hasnt been for 2,000 years.
Ben66 said:
Another one bites the dust :D

How can asking a question about a central plank of IWCA policy be an irrelevance ?
Because if you bothered to actually read, i don't know a iwca http://www.iwca.info/ website, your 'questions' would have been answered very quickly and you would see, if you were actually interested, that the areas you are querying are a nonsense and have no relevance to what the IWCA position on multicultaralism actually is. Shit even their worst enemies wouldn't say something as dumb as "Will judo clubs be banned ? Will I still be able to buy a kebab ? What about Irish Republican marches ?"
Is today junior trot training day or something? I give you a 1/10 troll rating, possibly the lowest yet.
jannerboyuk said:
Because if you bothered to actually read, i don't know a iwca http://www.iwca.info/ website, your 'questions' would have been answered very quickly and you would see, if you were actually interested, that the areas you are querying are a nonsense and have no relevance to what the IWCA position on multicultaralism actually is. Shit even their worst enemies wouldn't say something as dumb as "Will judo clubs be banned ? Will I still be able to buy a kebab ? What about Irish Republican marches ?"
Is today junior trot training day or something? I give you a 1/10 troll rating, possibly the lowest yet.

Please post the answers to my questions as I cannot find them, but I have heard the IWCA parrott many times how they oppose "multi-culturalism".
Ben66 said:
Please post the answers to my questions as I cannot find them, but I have heard the IWCA parrott many times how they oppose "multi-culturalism".
Wow yes you rarely searched long and hard. Have you heard them many times - where and when and what exactly did they say?
Ben66 said:
How the fuck can you have a "mono-culture" ? :rolleyes:
Whose not answering questions now? How far did you look in the iwca website for your answers? It took me 1 minute to find a least a basic run down on their views on multiculturalism. Who mentioned monoculture apart from you?
Ben? Ben? Where are you Ben? Aww thats a shame it was such and enlightening discussion and he was really kicking arse. Perhaps he's gone back to trot central to report his great triumph. I heard the IWCA was planning to disband in shame.
jannerboyuk said:
Whose not answering questions now? How far did you look in the iwca website for your answers? It took me 1 minute to find a least a basic run down on their views on multiculturalism. Who mentioned monoculture apart from you?

So IWCA support muti-culturalism ? The site is political drivel that says little.

Please cut and paste what you refer to.
jannerboyuk said:
Ben? Ben? Where are you Ben? Aww thats a shame it was such and enlightening discussion and he was really kicking arse. Perhaps he's gone back to trot central to report his great triumph. I heard the IWCA was planning to disband in shame.

Trot ? I'm an Irish Republican. Who supports Republican Sinn Fein.
jannerboyuk said:
Ben? Ben? Where are you Ben? Aww thats a shame it was such and enlightening discussion and he was really kicking arse. Perhaps he's gone back to trot central to report his great triumph. I heard the IWCA was planning to disband in shame.

How do you know he's a trot?
butchersapron said:
Linking to that site proves what? That irish republicans exist? Well done. Well done indeed.

Death Benefit Payment Option Selection Form trying to wind people up. That's all.

Heres some of our policies mystic.

A recognition that human dignity requires the promotion of self-reliance in individuals, families and communities, on the basis of social justice. This involves reducing the extent to which so many people have been made dependent on the state, employers or financial operators.

A belief in a social and economic system which would develop the capability of people to take greater control of their lives. People have a right to shape the decisions which affect them. Both economics and technology should not be regarded as value-free, but should serve people by enabling them to become more productive and lead more satisfying and fulfilling lives. Over-emphasis on material 'needs' or wants has led to many social problems, greed and corruption.

A conviction that a fuller participatory democracy should replace the inadequate and abused system of representative democracy. This democracy would include economic democracy. Local worker/producer-owned cooperatives and community enterprises would be encouraged and developed. Local economic autonomy and self-sufficiency would be promoted and people would be encouraged to organise themselves and run their own affairs without recourse to the big cities or politicians.

A desire to see the nation organised as a community of communities, with Liberty, Equality and Justice for all citizens, and an approach to economic life and thought which would include qualitative values and ethical choice.

An understanding that most of the earth's resources are finite and that they must be used in a manner which is non-wasteful and sustainable. This means that waste and pollution are to be avoided and the environment protected and that resources should be available to all, including future generations.

A belief in the value of cultural and national identity and the need to conserve, promote and develop the Irish language as the distinctive central core of that Irish identity. This will change the present cultural dependency on England and the United States.
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