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Question Time tonight

This is Josephine McAfee
View attachment 328818
Same woman. ?


Ah! Gowan! Gowan! ...There's cocaine in it!
Interesting that Fraser Nelson, one of Johnson's successors as editor of the Spectator, a Tory rag, didn't have a whole lot nice to say about the PM.
Question Time will be fun tonight. Not. Might mive it a miss. Tim Stanley :facepalm::mad:

Fiona Bruce presents an hour of topical debate from Barnsley, South Yorkshire. On the panel: Dehenna Davison, elected in 2019 as the first Conservative MP for Bishop Auckland; Labour’s shadow education secretary Bridget Phillipson MP; musician Winston Marshall, former member of Mumford & Sons; Alastair Campbell, one of the architects of New Labour; and Tim Stanley, journalist and Daily Telegraph columnist.
; musician Winston Marshall, former member of Mumford & Sons;
jesus he's the prick who was lauding Andy Ngo particularly regarding his anti anti-fascist stance in the US.
Great choice for question time, well done all at the BBC, taxpayer money well spent, and really adding to the political balance on the panel
Mumford and Sons banjoist Winston Marshall took to social media on Saturday to laud noted right-wing agitator Andy Ngo as a “brave man” and congratulate him on publishing a book about ANTIFA’s “radical plan to destroy democracy.”
jesus he's the prick who was lauding Andy Ngo particularly regarding his anti anti-fascist stance in the US.
Great choice for question time, well done all at the BBC, taxpayer money well spent, and really adding to the political balance on the panel

He must be on as the only government supporter
Tim Stanley: "I'm absolutely not part of the political class. I'm an outsider. In fact, the only time I ever stood for parliament, it was for the Labour Party."
Barnsley seems rather less Tory than last week's venue. That musician is a cunt as is Campbell and all the rest of them.
jesus he's the prick who was lauding Andy Ngo particularly regarding his anti anti-fascist stance in the US.
Great choice for question time, well done all at the BBC, taxpayer money well spent, and really adding to the political balance on the panel

Anti antifa is fa
Hope the cunt gets mugged in hospitality
Mogg was on Any Questions? last week, in a part of Dorset which sounded very anti-Johnson. He managed to get everyone to agree with him by saying Johnson had been an "outstanding" PM.
Considering the week that has been - this is a pretty weak lineup.

Fiona Bruce presents the topical debate from Torquay. Her panellists are former Conservative Party Vice Chair for Youth Bim Afolami MP, Chair of the Parliamentary Committee on Standards and Privileges Chris Bryant MP, President of the National Farmers' Union of England and Wales Minette Batters, Joint General Secretary of the National Education Union Mary Bousted and Assistant Comment Editor at the Daily Telegraph Olivia Utley
They appear to have junked the opening episode of the new series tonight. Shame really, because I was hoping for an opening question of, "What's been your highlight of box-staring this week?".
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Wes streeting. ' it's like sending an arsonist to put out a fire'. 🤣
My mate said what so funny about that. He's currently down a twitter hole.
So it is back tonight, with:

Brendan Clarke-Smith (Tory)
Wes Streeting (Labour)
Layla Moran (Lib Dems)
Gerard Lyons (economist)
Claire Fox (nutter)

Watched this for some reason. The Tory was a fucking moron as expected. Literally didn’t know his ABC’s.

The economist was exactly the sort of Quisling piece of shit you’d expect from the profession. He patronisingly suggested that the reason the public were fed up was because the government hadn’t done a good enough job at communicating how brilliant their energy policies are.

Fox dolled out her usual rent-a-gob mediocre, inarticulate hackery, railing against the lockdown and climate science. She also weirdly asserted that the cross party consensus on achieving net zero emissions was “undemocratic” because… she disagreed with it? What a piss stain.
Fox dolled out her usual rent-a-gob mediocre, inarticulate hackery, railing against the lockdown and climate science. She also weirdly asserted that the cross party consensus on achieving net zero emissions was “undemocratic” because… she disagreed with it? What a piss stain.
Yes, she took all of five seconds to turn a question about the current cost of living into a rant about lockdowns two years ago.

And "undemocratic" is a strange criticism from someone who sits in the House of Lords.
Yes, she took all of five seconds to turn a question about the current cost of living into a rant about lockdowns two years ago.

And "undemocratic" is a strange criticism from someone who sits in the House of Lords.

Claim's she's an entryist - undermining it from within. LOL
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