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Question about 9/11 'conspiracy'

Jazzz said:
You did in post #45, where you insinuated that a 9-11 sceptic such as Henshall must be a 'loonspud'.
You really are talking shit again, you know, and your patheticly transparent attempts to twist and misrepresent my words speaks volumes.
FridgeMagnet said:
Why should evidence for the official theory not be called for? Why not indeed? Fuck off and ask people who are proposing it then. Because all that happens here is that you turn up, say something which is definitively proved to be untrue or if not is completely evidenceless, people call you on this and you whine that they can't prove the official theory when all they were doing was answering you.
To answer your point - let's assume you have sorted what a 'strawman' is - I never say that an alternative theory of mine is necessarily true because people can't prove the official theory.

Most of my arguments are however to do with picking apart the official theory. And this is a theory which deserves rigorous questioning, yet it barely stands up to any scrutiny.

I don't mind if people go 'hey jazzz, I'm not sure about your theory'. I don't have a problem with that. I do have a problem with people endlessly demanding proof and evidence and then refusing to put the official theory (the thing I am seeking to question) to the same standards by which they seek to ridicule any alternative theory. The ferocity of the attacks I generate are not to do with the nature of speculation - because I don't have a problem with admitting it as such. They are to do with unacceptance of basic aspects of the official theory as default. Are you really saying that you accept the most basic aspects of the official theory as unproven?
editor said:
You really are talking shit again, you know, and your patheticly transparent attempts to twist and misrepresent my words speaks volumes.
You have made yourself look silly I'm afraid. Not my problem. I've been perfectly fair, and my comment on the Sunday Times was perfectly justified. It is your resulting to insults that speaks volumes.
editor said:
You really are talking shit again, you know, and your patheticly transparent attempts to twist and misrepresent my words speaks volumes.

Hey mate, at this juncture, would you like me to explain those mirrors and how they work?
Jazzz said:
You have made yourself look silly I'm afraid.
You got caught out once again. Live with it.

At no point did I say that Henshall must be a 'loonspud'. You made that up on your own.
Jazzz said:
Fridge, you still haven't got your fallacies straight at all. I make no apology for being pedantic here.

You are not accusing me, or others of 'straw man'.

You are accusing me, and others, of 'shifting the burden of proof'.

In 'straw man', the opponent is not asked to do anything - the weak argument is selected for him AND REFUTED (or made to look ridiculous).

When you understand this perhaps somewhat pedantic point as to which fallacy is which we might be able to have a proper discussion?
No, I am quite deliberately using the term "straw man" to refer to a basic underlying tactic which...

...wait a second, what the hell am doing arguing about the exact technical term for the type of fallacy you're employing?

*slaps self*

I must have gone bananas.
FridgeMagnet said:
No, I am quite deliberately using the term "straw man" to refer to a basic underlying tactic which...

...wait a second, what the hell am doing arguing about the exact technical term for the type of fallacy you're employing?

*slaps self*

I must have gone bananas.
I have not been employing any fallacy, not that you know which one is which anyway. :rolleyes:
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