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Question about 9/11 'conspiracy'


Nothing matters
Ok i havent been posting here that long, but i have observed many comments about 9/11 'conspiraloons' etc etc and i would like to know what the general urban 75 consensus is on 9/11, when these conspiraloons are being referred to, is this because the consensus is that the events of 9/11 were in no way a cover up, and that the Bush administration has been entirely honest with the world about how it happened, or do we get away with believing that at least some parts of the story were covered up and that there is more to the story than was revealed in the world's media??

<runs and hides in the cellar> :eek:
Aye, like Pickman's Model said, its more the "everything's a CIA plot" types who are being disparaged.

Last in bin?
In Bloom said:
Aye, like Pickman's Model said, its more the "everything's a CIA plot" types who are being disparaged.

Quote from Terence Mckenna:
"To my mind, conspiracy theory is a kind of flight from facing the fact that probably nobody is in charge. You want a vertiginous vision that'll stand your hair on end? How about that? It's not the Catholic Church, not the World Bank, not the Jews, not the Communist Party -- nobody is in charge! I was in London in October, in the conference that these shaved, pierced and scarified deconstructive "contemporary artists" were having near Buckingham Palace. They put me in a hotel in Vincent Square, so I had to walk back through Whitehall late at night, which is where the Ministry of Defense and all the back-channel, super-secret British ministries are. And the lights are burning late in those buildings. I assume it's because nobody has a grip, nobody has a clue. They have to pay guys with pony tails and earrings to turn on the machines every day, and then it sort of goes from there..."
er sorry but


THEY most certainly are in charge MOST of the time. They didn't engineer 911 neccessarily but, apart from that, they pretty much have it sewed up.
Taxamo Welf said:

THEY most certainly are in charge MOST of the time. They didn't engineer 911 neccessarily but, apart from that, they pretty much have it sewed up.
Taxamo Welf said:

THEY most certainly are in charge MOST of the time. They didn't engineer 911 neccessarily but, apart from that, they pretty much have it sewed up.
yeah that 'they are all bumbling idiots really' quote got on my nerves too..
max_freakout said:
is that the events of 9/11 were in no way a cover up, and that the Bush administration has been entirely honest with the world about how it happened, or do we get away with believing that at least some parts of the story were covered up and that there is more to the story than was revealed in the world's media??
<runs and hides in the cellar> :eek:

personally think some bits were covered up - but these bits were screw ups and covering up for ineptitude.

I can't believe that teh intel services have that much control. I do believe they might be into a lot of stuff but no where near as much as the conspiracy theorists sem to have them. To be true they would have to be a super efficeint organisation and not the fat civil servants they really are

FifthFromFront said:
personally think some bits were covered up - but these bits were screw ups and covering up for ineptitude.

I can't believe that teh intel services have that much control. I do believe they might be into a lot of stuff but no where near as much as the conspiracy theorists sem to have them. To be true they would have to be a super efficeint organisation and not the fat civil servants they really are


I think it's much more plausible to say that NOBODY has ANY control over how history is progressing, "a fire in a lunatic asylum" is a good metaphor i heard for the state of world affairs. Im sure the people who were behind 9/11 knew that the price of oil was going to shoot up after a few years, that the general public were blissfully unaware, but 9/11 just marks their startled reaction when they realised this. Only God can save us, not George Bush or the lizards :eek:
Taxamo Welf said:

THEY most certainly are in charge MOST of the time. They didn't engineer 911 neccessarily but, apart from that, they pretty much have it sewed up.

No they don't. They simply have a little more influence in an out of control system that follows its own logic.
The problem with anything related to Sept 11 is that we always end up with a bunch of people saying "you are censoring fascist sheep you just believe Bush, open your minds" and another bunch saying "you delusional fuckwits, piss off". It doesn't seem to matter why the thread started, or what the original intention was, it just happens.
If this turns into another tedious thread with the usual conspiraloon, evidence-untroubled 9/11 'facts' being casually tossed around for the zillioneth time, it's going straight in the bin.
888 said:
No they don't. They simply have a little more influence in an out of control system that follows its own logic.
fine, they still have more influence. Much more.

This idea that history wites itself is shite, what kind of conclusion are you meant to draw from that?

If i here any more of it you are all consigned to the dustbin of history :mad:
I don't know how this conspiracy theory got past first base. I mean.... ok, so you're the CIA and you wanna fly a jumbo jet into the twin towers to gain support for the war on terror (tm). Fine. Right out there on the far perimeter of plausibility, but I'll go with it for a moment.

So you strap some bombs onto the wings of your jumbo (or was it missiles? I didn't pay much attention). You grit your teeth, hope nobody's watching too closely in case they spot all the modifications you've made to your plane, and then you crash it. But hang on. Let's give it a few minutes until every camera in New York is trained on the twin towers and then fly another jet into 'em. Y'know, just in case they failed to catch any clues on film the first time round. Utterly ridiculous.

Editor: all conspiraloonery deleted until the poster answers the repeatedly asked question: have you posted here before YES/NO?
No, we're not having any of this "prove the official story" stuff, that's been tried before. Unless you think that the current US administration post here, nobody has to prove the official story, because nobody is saying the official story is the be-all and end-all of the situation. That particular straw man has been thrown up many times now.

And yes, it's not logically impossible that the US administration would kill US citizens for its own benefit, well done. Without stuff like actual evidence that's of no use at all.
re: censorship/harrassment (probably by editor): NO I haven't. Now please recover my post and stop trying to censor me you pathetic coward. What is your problem?

re: fridgemagnet's post: I asked for evidence for the official story because there is very little which stands up to scrutiny. For the three examples I gave, there is (1) no absolute evidence of what hit the Pentagon because the authorities took the camera tape and only relseased three frames of it, before and after the impact. Why not show the public the whole tape of the impact and thus remove all doubt? (2) The passport supposedly found of one of the hijackers has never been shown to exists and was later admitted to be "a rumour". (3) The owner of the WTC, Larry Silverstein admitted on a PBS documentary that WTC7 was 'pulled', despite the official story being that it fell despite early reports of little damage. If it was pulled, how did they get the explosives into the building in time, bearing in mind there was somehow a fire in the building despite it not being hit. It would have taken hours at the very least to set up a controlled demolition. Bearing in mind that building 7 fell in exactly the same way as the twin towers and that a fuel fire cannot melt or shatter steel, how can the pancaking of the twin towers be explained?

Awaiting answers if this post is not censored first.
lastmanineurope said:
re: censorship/harrassment (probably by editor): NO I haven't. Now please recover my post and stop trying to censor me you pathetic coward. What is your problem?
Ah! So it's just a remarkable coincidence that your IP perfectly matches a banned fruitloop called "no names" who - would you believe it! - posted the exact same sort of conspiraloonery drivel here?!!


And I have a BIG problem with obsessed, lying nutjobs abusing the popularity of these boards to shunt their deluded fantasies.

I do hope that answers your questions. Now fuck off, tinfoil boy.
People in the USA institutions knew it would happen and let it happen. That's the obvious truth. Trying to go into it further though is too much speculation.
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