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Prince Harry

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Meghan sues Mail on Sunday as Prince Harry launches attack on tabloid press

i’m certainly no friend or supporter of the Royals, but it’s hard not to side with them in their current battle with the MoS, and their wider claims of hounding & harassment of Markle by the tabloids.

Sadly even a victory in the courts will result in nothing worse than a loose-change settlement payment and a half-arsed apology buried on page 30. Indeed, fresh articles on the Mail website about Merkle and her family continue to flourish even after the legal action plans were announced. The cuntiness of that newspaper group never ceases to amaze.
They could just jack it all in, give the money and the big house to the homeless and go and get proper jobs. Meghan was pretty successful with the acting before she gave it all up for him so they'd be alright for money. He could stay at home and look after the kid. Maybe do a few hours a week at his local Tesco.
Kinda hard not to side with Megs and Harry in this case. She sounds like typical American actor liberal, who just so happened to fall in love with one of the leaches. She seems to be helping him curb his worst tendencies, and I find it all quite sweet, and has basically found herself a target because of this. They're gonna donate winnings to charity. Definitely backing them.
I have no time for the royals, and even less time for the Mail, I just hope any damages awarded goes to charity, so some good can come from it.
This is what seriously pisses me off - the royals have several fuck off massive piles - if we were to kick ‘em out, just think of all the good they could be used for vis a vis getting the homeless off the streets. Ditto all the luxury empty flats in London; I have a photo somewhere of a homeless dude in a sleeping bag sat up against a “luxury 1 and 2-bed apartments now available” sign. I’ve no idea where I found it, nor who took it, but that to me says everything - I bet the flats are still empty and that poor fucker’s still kipping in his sleeping bag.

I had thought Sadiq might’ve been different - but he’s given the nod to - I think - at least three luxury developments, one of which I think was on a site which included a homeless drop-in and advice centre.

Apologies for the slightly off topic rant.
tbf the MOS and others do the same to ordinary peeps day in and day out except the poor sods can't afford to fight back.
so go harry give them a well deserved kicking the cunts dragged up that horrible story about that cricket players family murder it's like freedom of speech and freedom of the press.
The right to say what you like about the people in power and the right to publish what you like does rather rely on not being a total irredeemable cunt day in day out.:mad:

Katie Hopkins and the British tabloids tear the arse out of a Disagree with what you say but will defend the right of you to say it.

Its a point of principle, not a licence to behave like that every single day.:mad:
thats, why people are losing belief in freedom of speech when arseholes claim to be champions of it, demeans the very principle they claim to defend your not a champion of free speech your a bully
Its blatant racism in the national press. I don't give a flying fuck who it's directed at. That shit festers like a turd and perpetuates, then you hear about an ordinary, non royal person being attacked by some twat who has been taught that its ok to behave like that by the media. I think we need to put our hatred for the royals aside and understand what the problem is here.
Its blatant racism in the national press. I don't give a flying fuck who it's directed at. That shit festers like a turd and perpetuates, then you hear about an ordinary, non royal person being attacked by some twat who has been taught that its ok to behave like that by the media. I think we need to put our hatred for the royals aside and understand what the problem is here.

Yes, this.
Its blatant racism in the national press. I don't give a flying fuck who it's directed at. That shit festers like a turd and perpetuates, then you hear about an ordinary, non royal person being attacked by some twat who has been taught that its ok to behave like that by the media. I think we need to put our hatred for the royals aside and understand what the problem is here.
Indeed. I have no love for the Royals either, but this really does go beyond the respective bank balances of the two parties involved.
Its blatant racism in the national press. I don't give a flying fuck who it's directed at. That shit festers like a turd and perpetuates, then you hear about an ordinary, non royal person being attacked by some twat who has been taught that its ok to behave like that by the media. I think we need to put our hatred for the royals aside and understand what the problem is here.

Yeah, the press are obviously utter cunts-in-the-park*, but I don't recall them being like this about Kate M.

* - copyright danny la rouge 2019
You choose whether to watch though. It's pretty gross that any of you do.

Just getting my money's worth...

But seriously, I'm not paying that much attention. When I do notice, I'll decide whether I find what I see endearing or nauseating. As it happens, these two are on the endearing list.

I wouldn't worry too much about what I think of the 6th in line to the throne, if I were you. It's not important, at all.
Its blatant racism in the national press. I don't give a flying fuck who it's directed at. That shit festers like a turd and perpetuates, then you hear about an ordinary, non royal person being attacked by some twat who has been taught that its ok to behave like that by the media. I think we need to put our hatred for the royals aside and understand what the problem is here.

I begrudgingly concur.
I sort of agree - but I don't find it easy to work-up a great deal of sympathy/interest, beyond noting that much of it is pretty unvarnished racist shit.

There is a seedy undertone to the reportage that smells like the mail don’t like this particular royal partner. It’s not explicit but you know....

It’s lucky that the royals have a billion quid pot of stolen assets to be able to take up such a case.i certainly would not be able to front one
Just getting my money's worth...

But seriously, I'm not paying that much attention. When I do notice, I'll decide whether I find what I see endearing or nauseating. As it happens, these two are on the endearing list.

I wouldn't worry too much about what I think of the 6th in line to the throne, if I were you. It's not important, at all.
I don't worry about it. Just getting involved in a discussion on a discussion forum is all. If you don't want people to be interested in your thoughts and feelings, it's probably the wrong place to post 'em.
I don't think it is. But I'm fine with people objecting to blatant racism anyway, I'm just against finding anything about the royal family 'sweet'.
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