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Possible vaccines/treatment(s) for Coronavirus


Chief seagull hater & farmerbarleymow's nemesis.
A thread for hopefully positive news on the fight back against this coronavirus.

I remember Chris Whitty, England's Chief Medical Officer, mentioning some exiting antiviral drugs could be effective in treatment of this coronavirus, and there are three particular ones that could be good candidates. The advantage of using exiting drugs is clear, a rapid increase in production could be done far quicker than waiting for any new drugs to go through the many stages of clinical trials, and then go into production.

Well, it's seems China has got good results from one already...

Favilavir, the first approved coronavirus drug in China
The National Medical Products Administration of China has approved the use of Favilavir, an anti-viral drug, as a treatment for coronavirus. The drug has reportedly shown efficacy in treating the disease with minimal side effects in a clinical trial involving 70 patients. The clinical trial is being conducted in Shenzhen, Guangdong province.

Remdesivir is another frontrunner.

The first clinical trial of the antiviral medicine remdesivir in Covid-19 patients is due to report its findings next month according to Gilead Sciences, which said it had accelerated manufacturing of the drug to increase its supplies “as rapidly as possible”.

As the coronavirus outbreak has unfolded, about 300 separate trials into different drugs and experimental therapies have been launched in the absence of any established treatments. Many see remdesivir, originally developed to treat Ebola, as a frontrunner and one of the very few drugs that has a reasonable prospect of helping patients in the near-term.

Does anyone know if any trials have been done with steroids?

From what I understand the severe symptoms are caused not directly by the virus itself but by the immune system sort of going out of control and causing inflammation in the lungs.

I don't know anything about pneumonia but I used to suffer with a lot of chest infections and now help my dad when he has them. The standard treatment weve both had is a combination of antibiotics and steroids (usually prednisolone). Part of what the steroids do is suppress the immune system to reduce inflammation and congestion while the antibiotics fight the infection.

So I'm just wondering if either they've tried anything with steroids or if theres some reason why they wont work (maybe because suppressing immune system has worse results than reducing the inflammation?)

Just wondering if anyone better informed than me knows?
China tried corticosteroids on a bunch of early patients, with the usual results - they were shit, and the advice is not to use them.

I may have gone a little overboard with this answer, lack time to give a more nuanced one with appropriate links.

Also interesting:

191 patients (135 from Jinyintan Hospital and 56 from Wuhan Pulmonary Hospital) were included in this study, of whom 137 were discharged and 54 died in hospital. 91 (48%) patients had a comorbidity, with hypertension being the most common (58 [30%] patients), followed by diabetes (36 [19%] patients) and coronary heart disease (15 [8%] patients).

Plus older age increases risk. I'd have expected greater incidence of asthma/COPD.
The sooner the better (obvs).

Trump has also announced that he has cut as much red tape as possible to get a vaccine out at the earliest.
If being an idiot were a crime you'd be in solitary confinement for life. I can't believe you're still here polluting the boards with your nonsense. Either you're a troll being deliberately stupid, or you have some psychological problem that forces you to stay around where you're not wanted. Either way, please fuck off the threads talking about serious topics, or for preference, fuck off altogether.
Testing medicines, particularly vaccines, properly is not 'red tape' it's vital for upholding the basic principle of medicine, 'first do no harm'.

And this might loom larger in the collective memory of older people in the USA because of the absolute disaster they had with the rushed 1976 vaccine for the 'flu pandemic that never was'.
If being an idiot were a crime you'd be in solitary confinement for life. I can't believe you're still here polluting the boards with your nonsense. Either you're a troll being deliberately stupid, or you have some psychological problem that forces you to stay around where you're not wanted. Either way, please fuck off the threads talking about serious topics, or for preference, fuck off altogether.
Earning his stripes for a far-right group is my increasingly firm hunch on this one.
Earning his stripes for a far-right group is my increasingly firm hunch on this one.

That's somehow comforting. Time was you'd maybe have to firebomb a lefty bookshop or a synagogue to get in with the cool nazis, now expectations have apparently sunk to being a minor annoyance on an internet forum for ageing lapsed anarchists.
Early days. Maybe there's a vaccine, maybe not.

Scientists in Israel are expected to announce in the coming days that they have completed development of a vaccine for the new coronavirus COVID-19, according to a media report here.

Quoting medical sources, Israeli daily Ha'aretz, reported on Thursday that scientists at the Israel's Institute for Biological Research, supervised by the Prime Minister's office, have recently had a significant breakthrough in understanding the biological mechanism and qualities of the virus, including better diagnostic capability, production of antibodies for those who already have the virus and development of a vaccine.

The development process, however, requires a series of tests and experiments that may last many months before the vaccination is deemed effective or safe to use, the report said.

The Defence Ministry, however, did not confirm the same in its response to the daily.

"There has been no breakthrough in the efforts of the biological institute to find a vaccine for the coronavirus or to develop testing kits. The institute's work is conducted according to an orderly work plan and it will take time. If and when there will be something to report, it will be done in an orderly fashion", the Defence Ministry told Ha'aretz.

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