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Political polling

I'm glad you're so certain. It must make you feel good. Try looking at the Jewish Voice for Labour website. You don't have to agree with them, and you may think they're all tankies or whatever, but loads of Jewish Labour Party members are being suspended for being anti-semitic.

This open letter from Cohen is well worth reading imo and shows up the shambles this has all been Why on earth is citing me antisemitic? – asks Jewish blogger Robert A.H. Cohen
Did you imagine I'm not already familiar with Jewish Voice for Labour?
I'm sure you are, but familiarity can sometimes breed contempt, sometimes unwarrantedly. You're also probably familiar with the idea that other people read these conversations, so it's not unreasonable to point out what should be obvious to you, so that others can, in this case, look at the JVL website and appreciate that antisemitism is the smokescreen being used by the Labour Party right wing to attack the left.

I've got the Labour antisemitism threads on ignore so I won't be bothering arguing about it today.
If you don't want to talk about antisemitism in the LP don't start throwing unsubstantiated allegations around on other threads.
If you don't want to talk about antisemitism in the LP don't start throwing unsubstantiated allegations around on other threads.
The racists in the labour party and their weirdo defenders helped destroy the only opportunity for a left wing government we've seen in my lifetime, and I'm still really fucked off about it. I'm still going to chuck the occasional brick over it, even if I'm not prepared to waste my time anymore arguing about the details with dickheads who refuse to see the reality of the situation.
The racists in the labour party and their weirdo defenders helped destroy the only opportunity for a left wing government we've seen in my lifetime, and I'm still really fucked off about it. I'm still going to chuck the occasional brick over it, even if I'm not prepared to waste my time anymore arguing about the details with dickheads who refuse to see the reality of the they
I would suggest that the disgusting right wing press and a massively racist/greedy/corrupt political party may have added to this 🤔
Great to see people are still arguing about whether Labour lost the last election due to a devious plot by the Tories and right-wing press. :thumbs:
The Labour Party has always had a gift for snatching defeat from the jaws of inevitable victory.
5-10% implicit?
I don't think you can really put a number on it: suffice to say though, if you're going to hold the disgusting right wing press etc responsible for Labour's election loss in 2019 then you might as well give up ever hoping for anyone but the tories winning again, cause the press aren't going to get any less disgusting and rightwing, and the tories are going to carry on being corrupt and greedy. These are also things we have no real control over. Antisemitism on the left (and within the Labour Party) in theory is something we have some control over though.
Oh, you nearly forgot the self sabotage by a Labour Party right wing which has always been more concerned about having a left wing Labour government than a Tory one.
I've noticed the YouGov polls seem to consistently put the Greens at around 10%, however most other polling companies seem to consistently put them at around half that. Any idea what methodology YouGov is using to get this differing result, and is it likely to be more or less accurate than the other polling companies?
I've noticed the YouGov polls seem to consistently put the Greens at around 10%, however most other polling companies seem to consistently put them at around half that. Any idea what methodology YouGov is using to get this differing result, and is it likely to be more or less accurate than the other polling companies?

To answer my own question -

That new methodology was called multilevel regression and poststratification, or MRP. This system works by training a model on a small set of data about people’s voting preferences and their demographics. Those bits of information – people’s interests, age, and voting history – are then used to try and predict how people may vote, on the grounds of shared features with other members of the electorate. For instance: if you have a Times-reading Labour-voter living in Barnsley who prefers brown sauce to ketchup, you can assume that Times-reading voters who live in Barnsley and prefer brown sauce may be more likely to vote Labour than any other party.

YouGov was the only polling company to correctly predict the 2017 hung parliament, and also correctly predicted the 2019 result, so I think it is likely that their methodology is more effective and so the polling of Green support is more accurate than others. Around 10% support passes the smell test for me, because there are so many disillusioned Corbynistas with nowhere else to go.
It amuses me that of those four, Brown is the biggest election loser. Blair won three, Cameron won one and was the largest party in another, May was the largest party in her only one (to a lesser extent) whilst Brown was the smallest party in his only one.
I'd imagine the followers of Martin Lewis on twitter lean heavily towards centrist technocrat loving types, so it makes sense.
I posted a poll on my Fully Automated Luxury Communism closed Facebook group for disaffected former supporters of the Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn, and they all said they wanted him to be in charge of the country at this most serious of times. What does this tell us about public opinion? Not for me to say.
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