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Political polling

The movement from the BP to the Tories as Johnson gets closer to the leadership is in line with what I expected, and presumably in line with what Labour are expecting as he's their preferred candidate (not least because he's the most likely to call an election).
Corbyn now has the worst polled net satisfaction with an opposition leader since polling for it began in 1980


Satisfied 17% Dissatisfied 75% Don't know 8% Net -58
Out polled by Michael fucking Howard. :rolleyes:
Corbyn now has the worst polled net satisfaction with an opposition leader since polling for it began in 1980

Too bad we can't just have more of the same as we hurtle towards fuck knows where? Even if he doesn't get elected in the near future at least something is being built and argued beyond the narrow career interests of a few jobsworths. The civil service establishment seem worried enough, going by their undemocratic 'confused and frail' meddling in the Telegraph. I suggest that is more alarming then a poll dip for the Labour leadership. And it's not so much about Jeremy Corbyn in particular, is it? We know that the media and political establishment is hostile to e.g. the Labour party. As is a large section and demographic of the country. So what?
Being behind in satisfaction polls at this stage is like your team losing pre-season friendlies. You’d like it to win every game, but it’s inconsequential.

But can Corbyn galvanise a poll bounce at the next election as he did last time?
There will be some who will go for the strongest non-Tory party, so the Lib Dems out-polling Labour may be a danger for them if it persists.

I think this has arisen from the local elections where they emerged with the appearance of a party with significant support, even if a lot of the support on that occasion was a transient protest vote (which might not be so transient on reflection). Looking plausible now in numeric terms.

I know of people who should have known better that voted for them in the EU poll as they’d been convinced by the bullshit adverts on Facebook that this was a way of preventing Brexit Party candidates getting elected (Labour were not recommended in these ads due to their compromise position). I’m beginning to think that campaign might not have been funded by someone that was anti-brexit as it’s been effective at dividing the parties to the left of the tories. Depends if a tactical anti-Tory vote is pushed at the next election, whenever that may be, as plenty of Tory seats vulnerable to a yellow surge. Also whether some kind of Tory/Brexit Party stitch-up emerges, there will be some coming back to the fold with Johnson in charge so they could easily snub Farage, it’d politically useful to have someone more extreme/cranky than you to make your party look reasonable.
Labour need to start landing some punches anyway. One of the problems at the moment is there isn’t a target to land them on, but in a few weeks there will be, although it looks like it might be a Teflon one.
"They believe that Sedwill is particularly opposed to the idea that a lifelong civil libertarian who would doubtless seek to upend decades of foreign and security policy consensus could soon be in Downing Street."

What consensus do these mandarins think exists? That a former imperial power, tear-stained and drunk in the corner and bitching about how it's everyone else's fault, has a rational approach to security? What nonsense. The actions of the British state have consistently reduced security at home and abroad.
Labour need to start landing some punches anyway. One of the problems at the moment is there isn’t a target to land them on, but in a few weeks there will be, although it looks like it might be a Teflon one.
They need to do that in terms of having an individual to target (Johnson no doubt), but also Brexit. There's been much discussion on here as to whether their cautious, say very little approach has gone on too long (along with the dangers of coming down on one side or the other). But as to where we are now, all I can detect is that Labour are opposed to No Deal. It's not much to inspire the voters.
An indictment of our politics or our polling? Is there a difference now it is government by poll?:hmm:
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Even if he doesn't get elected in the near future at least something is being built and argued beyond the narrow career interests of a few jobsworths.
Corbyn, McDonnel and Abbot are just career jobsworths.
They have achieved fuck all of note in their decades in parliament until they landed in charge of the party by accident. Since then they have dithered and frittered away anything resembling public support beyond the core Labour vote. They face one of the most incompetent and unpopular governments in modern history and still get trounced in the polling by them.
They are however the perfect group for the loons and fanatics of Urban 75 to support. People on Urban hate the large majority of the UK population with a passion and often expresses murderous desires towards people with different political views to you.
A dithering thick cunt with no traction beyond a very narrow part of the population? Its your dream leader of the Labour party. Anyone who could be liked by the average person would be hated by you clowns. :D

Have fun, this is as relevant as you will ever be.
Corbyn, McDonnel and Abbot are just career jobsworths.
They have achieved fuck all of note in their decades in parliament until they landed in charge of the party by accident. Since then they have dithered and frittered away anything resembling public support beyond the core Labour vote. They face one of the most incompetent and unpopular governments in modern history and still get trounced in the polling by them.
They are however the perfect group for the loons and fanatics of Urban 75 to support. People on Urban hate the large majority of the UK population with a passion and often expresses murderous desires towards people with different political views to you.
A dithering thick cunt with no traction beyond a very narrow part of the population? Its your dream leader of the Labour party. Anyone who could be liked by the average person would be hated by you clowns. :D

Have fun, this is as relevant as you will ever be.

You started well. I'd agree with your first sentence or two.

...but then you seem to lose your grip and descend into some weird bitter rant.

Ah well
Corbyn, McDonnel and Abbot are just career jobsworths.
They have achieved fuck all of note in their decades in parliament until they landed in charge of the party by accident. Since then they have dithered and frittered away anything resembling public support beyond the core Labour vote. They face one of the most incompetent and unpopular governments in modern history and still get trounced in the polling by them.
They are however the perfect group for the loons and fanatics of Urban 75 to support. People on Urban hate the large majority of the UK population with a passion and often expresses murderous desires towards people with different political views to you.
A dithering thick cunt with no traction beyond a very narrow part of the population? Its your dream leader of the Labour party. Anyone who could be liked by the average person would be hated by you clowns. :D

Have fun, this is as relevant as you will ever be.

A careerist jobsworth who was on the backbenches since the 80s? I think its great to have some mild social democracy on offer. Not sure if we are going to have a useful conversation if you are starting from the premise that I am a 'clown' who hates everyone though.
This isn't true. Yougov & Ipsos don't have Labour ahead, everyone else does.

The problem is that Tory votes are definitely on loan to the BP. There is talk of an electoral pact even. Their hatred of Corbyn unites them.

Labour appears to be haemorrhaging support that it may have more of a struggle to get back. Those it has lost aren’t keen on Corbyn either.

Some of the ones who are keen on him are a liability.
Labour appears to be haemorrhaging support that it may have more of a struggle to get back.
That seems to be a popular opinion atm, but I'm not sure what anyone is basing it on other than the reckons of some hyperpartisan political commentators. Surely if there's one thing the recent poll bump for the Lib Dems demonstrates it's that even the most morbid political projects can make startling gains with the right messaging right now.
I think its great to have some mild social democracy on offer.
The SNP are mild social democracy and they have completely wiped the floor with Labour in Scotland.
The problem, the real problem that is going to hit like a fucking freight train when a general election is called in a few months, is that the noise around Labour, not just a few select comments buy Corbyn but the whole sound scape of Momentum, Jo Brand, Stewart Lee, The Guardian and every other prominent "left of center" voice is their braying, condescending contempt for everyone who is not part of the smug inner group of Russel Group educated, foodie luvie, remainer, hipper than thou cunts.

If you cannot talk to and about people who have different ideas and value to yourself on some issues like their opinions matter and are substantial but you disagree with them then fuck the fuck off out of politics. "Gammon", "Patriarchy", "White Privilege" and a dozen other fuckwit terms. How many middle aged white guys who are struggling to get by in towns like Worksop or Wigan really feel like they are some kind of uber privileged class compared to some non white woman writing for £80k a year for the Guardian?

I come on to Urban and its full of cunts giving it the big one about throwing acid over Brexiters, killing tories or hanging bookies. Its so infantile and dumb.

You wont understand this I am wasting my time. Politics for you is a recreational act of self validation. Its public masturbation. Knock yourself out, the Brexit chaos monkey, Boris, will be along shortly to pick up his rewards.
Yeah the dominance of the SNP is defo due to offering 'mild social democracy' not because of decades of labour neglect, years of new labour, and the brilliant political decision to run a cynical and bitter no campaign in league with the tories
The SNP are mild social democracy and they have completely wiped the floor with Labour in Scotland.
The problem, the real problem that is going to hit like a fucking freight train when a general election is called in a few months, is that the noise around Labour, not just a few select comments buy Corbyn but the whole sound scape of Momentum, Jo Brand, Stewart Lee, The Guardian and every other prominent "left of center" voice is their braying, condescending contempt for everyone who is not part of the smug inner group of Russel Group educated, foodie luvie, remainer, hipper than thou cunts.

If you cannot talk to and about people who have different ideas and value to yourself on some issues like their opinions matter and are substantial but you disagree with them then fuck the fuck off out of politics. "Gammon", "Patriarchy", "White Privilege" and a dozen other fuckwit terms. How many middle aged white guys who are struggling to get by in towns like Worksop or Wigan really feel like they are some kind of uber privileged class compared to some non white woman writing for £80k a year for the Guardian?

I come on to Urban and its full of cunts giving it the big one about throwing acid over Brexiters, killing tories or hanging bookies. Its so infantile and dumb.

You wont understand this I am wasting my time. Politics for you is a recreational act of self validation. Its public masturbation. Knock yourself out, the Brexit chaos monkey, Boris, will be along shortly to pick up his rewards.

Those Peterborough Labour voters sipping champagne in their ivory towers. :mad:
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