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Police strip search 15-year old in school

My best friend was head of safeguarding at a massive Academy in north london until a few months ago, her entire day was spent ensuring students had representation, if no parents around that’s what she’d do. No way would a student ever be strip searched by police especially pre charge and on school grounds. All kinds of wrong.
Campaigners say police strip-search of black schoolgirl was 'sexual assault'


December 2020: Child strip-searched by Metropolitan Police

6 May 2021: Independent Office for Police Conduct commence investigation


(Source: as stated in image)

16 March 2022: "The Guardian understands that three Met officers who were placed under investigation by the police watchdog over the incident in December 2020 remain on full duties."

(Source: Black girl strip-searched by Met officers at London school tells of trauma)
Campaigners say police strip-search of black schoolgirl was 'sexual assault'


December 2020: Child strip-searched by Metropolitan Police

6 May 2021: Independent Office for Police Conduct commence investigation


(Source: as stated in image)

16 March 2022: "The Guardian understands that three Met officers who were placed under investigation by the police watchdog over the incident in December 2020 remain on full duties."

(Source: Black girl strip-searched by Met officers at London school tells of trauma)
Please, stop this grandstanding. Especially on a thread like this. We already get the point.
It’s some twisted fucked up societal protection we have that visits worse moral and ethical violations on people than they are suspected of committing.

I‘ve been planning on volunteering as an appropriate adult when I relocate - this has made me even more determined. Wouldn’t have helped in this instance but kids deserve to have someone their for them when faced with ‘the law’.
Not read the whole thread as I have been busy, but as someone who works with vulnerable children who often attract police attention and understands the procedures in place, this sadly does not surprise me. I have plenty of my own examples.

Sick, sick bastards. It's easy to inflict trauma and fucking hard to repair it.

Back to work.
What we're the 2 female officers thinking?? .

Prison service training covers this of course males never search females females never search males. Etc

You dont strip search juveniles especially not for a bit of weed.

The 2 police need to be facing charges hopefully the met is being sued.
As is the school thry called the police on an Innocent kid and failed in their duty of care.

Had a look around and the data is real - you can download the spreadsheet direct from the Met website here:

7 boys and 2 girls aged 10-12 last year.

Most schools in leeds in rough areas have their own coppers. Mine does. The lovely PC Groves. Who fwiw is a nice bloke who does his best. Mostly negotiates with the Asda next door to get kids warnings for shop lifting for first offences in exchange for bollickings (youngest lad). But there’s also problem with fireworks in school, drugs and some really insane fights so he sees to them too. He gave my eldest a ‘community resolution order’ once for arson (burning a hedge down) and got involved with the cuckood flat across the road. At first I was very suspicious of him but he’s an alright guy. We are white tho so different ball game.
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Tbf 30 teens were murdered with knives in london and 10000 stabbed 😳.

This is teen on teen violence fueled by the drugs
I am so bloody glad I’m not the single mum of black boys in London. My eldest fell right into the demographic of kids that were starting to get involved in serious trouble. He did a bit of squares (and got a weekend length bollocking off me that involved him balling and protesting whilst I deleted all his social media accounts lol), that stupid ‘arson’ thing when he got a community resolution order, I had the police round showing me photos of him going to the cuckoo flat. Sailed pretty close to the wind but managed to pull him back. Being black and in London could well of changed the odds.
I am so bloody glad I’m not the single mum of black boys in London. My eldest fell right into the demographic of kids that were starting to get involved in serious trouble. He did a bit of squares (and got a weekend length bollocking off me that involved him balling and protesting whilst I deleted all his social media accounts lol), that stupid ‘arson’ thing when he got a community resolution order, I had the police round showing me photos of him going to the cuckoo flat. Sailed pretty close to the wind but managed to pull him back. Being black and in London could well of changed the odds.

What’s squares Edie? I googled it and mostly found crisps.
What’s squares Edie? I googled it and mostly found crisps.
Credit card fraud. You get tor and go on the darkweb and buy lists of stolen cc numbers, then you go to a site like Amazon and plug em in until you find one that works. Then you get the goods delivered to a convenience store pick up, an empty address (ideally this is isn’t to an address that’s across the fucking road from you), or if you are really really fucking thick and 14 to your own address. You then flip the goods.

I should add that what you definitely should not do is hide cash or goods you clearly cannot have bought with pocket money in your room if your Mum has any sense you will suddenly find yourself living in a police state.

(Eta: the way kiddies get sucked into squares, or my lad did, is you get offered £50 to do the pickup. £50 to literally go to the corner shop and collect a parcel. You don’t know what’s in it. Then you get offered goods to sell on etc. It makes me so angry that actual fucking adults were involved as well and I know who they were. Absolute scum.)
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Sorry for the derail. As you know, I have a 9yr old lad and don’t live a million miles from you so want to be aware of this shit. I read a book about county lines, which scared the living bejeezus out of me.

What was the book, out of interest?
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