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Police strip search 15-year old in school

The staff thought that they had a duty of care because they could smell weed. As I deliver pizzas most nights I can smell it as I get out the car some times before going up the path. So given that they could smell drugs on this kid (ok folks its only weed keep your hair on) what should they have done. Bear in mind the alternative headlines if she ended up coming to harm through being in a situation where it was obvious that she was mixing or associating with drug users enough to be recognised as such.
Here's another one just for the Urban parents. Would you be happy if your kid came home from school stinking of weed
The staff thought that they had a duty of care because they could smell weed. As I deliver pizzas most nights I can smell it as I get out the car some times before going up the path. So given that they could smell drugs on this kid (ok folks its only weed keep your hair on) what should they have done. Bear in mind the alternative headlines if she ended up coming to harm through being in a situation where it was obvious that she was mixing or associating with drug users enough to be recognised as such.
Here's another one just for the Urban parents. Would you be happy if your kid came home from school stinking of weed
So a duty of care involves a strip search does it?
The staff thought that they had a duty of care because they could smell weed. As I deliver pizzas most nights I can smell it as I get out the car some times before going up the path. So given that they could smell drugs on this kid (ok folks its only weed keep your hair on) what should they have done. Bear in mind the alternative headlines if she ended up coming to harm through being in a situation where it was obvious that she was mixing or associating with drug users enough to be recognised as such.
Here's another one just for the Urban parents. Would you be happy if your kid came home from school stinking of weed
Would you say that Duty of Care requires a group of policeman to look up the anus of an unaccompanied fifteen year old schoolgirl who is on her period ? Trick question: it doesn't matter what you think. There are so many rules and laws that utterly prohibit. this behaviour
Explain your point then
Sorry I thought I had .Teachers felt they had a duty of care when they detected possible drug use or association with drug users. So who you gonna call. that's when things go awry. Perhaps they thought they were acting in this persons best interest. That is what I tried to convey above. Should the teachers have ignored these signposts?
Would you say that Duty of Care requires a group of policeman to look up the anus of an unaccompanied fifteen year old schoolgirl who is on her period ? Trick question: it doesn't matter what you think. There are so many rules and laws that utterly prohibit. this behaviour
I refer you to the answer I gave previously but does not suit you because you are angry and want to blame someone
Sorry I thought I had .Teachers felt they had a duty of care when they detected possible drug use or association with drug users. So who you gonna call. that's when things go awry. Perhaps they thought they were acting in this persons best interest. That is what I tried to convey above. Should the teachers have ignored these signposts?

The teachers certainly didn't ignore the signpost that said call the old bill on a black kid did they?

I'm shocked by everything here but certainly by the fact that male officers conducted the search. At a fucking minimum I'd expect female coppers to conduct a search of a female, especially a child
The staff thought that they had a duty of care because they could smell weed. As I deliver pizzas most nights I can smell it as I get out the car some times before going up the path. So given that they could smell drugs on this kid (ok folks its only weed keep your hair on) what should they have done. Bear in mind the alternative headlines if she ended up coming to harm through being in a situation where it was obvious that she was mixing or associating with drug users enough to be recognised as such.
Here's another one just for the Urban parents. Would you be happy if your kid came home from school stinking of weed
Jesus wept.
The teachers certainly didn't ignore the signpost that said call the old bill on a black kid did they?

I'm shocked by everything here but certainly by the fact that male officers conducted the search. At a fucking minimum I'd expect female coppers to conduct a search of a female, especially a child
Sorry I thought I had .Teachers felt they had a duty of care when they detected possible drug use or association with drug users. So who you gonna call. that's when things go awry. Perhaps they thought they were acting in this persons best interest. That is what I tried to convey above. Should the teachers have ignored these signposts?
No. But nor should they have ignored the "signposts" of a police officer taking a child unsupervised to strip search them.
The "I smelled cannbis" ploy is popular with US police. It's a kind of magic incantation that allows them to conduct warrantless searches of people, property and vehicles, citing "probable cause". The bonus feature is when they claim that their "highly-trained" drug dog "indicated". Of course, as a doggy, it's just keen to please its handler, and will readily react to deliberate (or even subliminal) signals from the human.
"I smelled cannabis" can barely get a cop into an address without permission. A strip and cavity search would only be done if something else incriminating is found and your are expecting to find something quite serious concealed. Nobody hides cannabis in a cavity because nobody cares, it's not even worth it for cops to look if that is all they are after, because cannabis alone does not warrant a strip search. . . . . and that's before you consider that this is a minor, without parents present or notified.
The staff thought that they had a duty of care because they could smell weed. As I deliver pizzas most nights I can smell it as I get out the car some times before going up the path. So given that they could smell drugs on this kid (ok folks its only weed keep your hair on) what should they have done. Bear in mind the alternative headlines if she ended up coming to harm through being in a situation where it was obvious that she was mixing or associating with drug users enough to be recognised as such.
Here's another one just for the Urban parents. Would you be happy if your kid came home from school stinking of weed
A 15 year old either taking drugs or holding/moving drugs should be a safeguarding issue.
The teachers had already searched her bag and coat (with her co-operating). They didn't find anything.
It should have been a trusted adult talking with her, a meeting with her parents, maybe a call to children's services/safeguarding hub.

From reading the report it does seem like the teacher/s involved weren't expecting a strip search (who would? It's such a bizarre reaction from the police) but they were expecting the police to pat her down and scare her a bit.
The school response was all about discipline, catching her out, punishing her rather than care and concern.
"I smelled cannabis" can barely get a cop into an address without permission. A strip and cavity search would only be done if something else incriminating is found and your are expecting to find something quite serious concealed. Nobody hides cannabis in a cavity because nobody cares, it's not even worth it for cops to look if that is all they are after, because cannabis alone does not warrant a strip search. . . . . and that's before you consider that this is a minor, without parents present or notified.
Last time I was asked to spread my arse (swedish border), it's because his dog smelled cannabis. Let's ignore the fact that he's talking to a dog. Noone puts drugs in their arse cos they arent fucking weirdos.
It's a weird power thing they have going on because they are scared of everything.
Last time I was asked to spread my arse (swedish border), it's because his dog smelled cannabis. Let's ignore the fact that he's talking to a dog. Noone puts drugs in their arse cos they arent fucking weirdos.
It's a weird power thing they have going on because they are scared of everything.
to be fair that's not entirely true, years back i had some charis which came back from india up someone's bottom. but the chance of a schoolgirl in hackney a) smelling of cannabis and b) having secreted it up their jaxi or in another orifice is, i'd suggest to both teachers and police, on the extremely unlikely side: if a) is indeed true. it is a weird power thing, and the people involved, be they teachers or police officers, should reconsider their position and if they don't resign be ousted from their posts forthwith.
"I smelled cannabis" can barely get a cop into an address without permission. A strip and cavity search would only be done if something else incriminating is found and your are expecting to find something quite serious concealed. Nobody hides cannabis in a cavity because nobody cares, it's not even worth it for cops to look if that is all they are after, because cannabis alone does not warrant a strip search. . . . . and that's before you consider that this is a minor, without parents present or notified.
That's bullshit. If I am stopped and the cops smell weed, they can take it wherever they want to go from there and that is right inside my house with a warrant
The staff thought that they had a duty of care because they could smell weed. As I deliver pizzas most nights I can smell it as I get out the car some times before going up the path. So given that they could smell drugs on this kid (ok folks its only weed keep your hair on) what should they have done.

By the letter of the rules you would have to inform safeguarding staff. Who should then address the issue directly with the child and their parents, and escalate the matter to the police only if there was a concern that the child was involved in something like county lines drug trafficking. That concern would have to be based on something other than a possible smell of weed.

Safeguarding staff should know that no adult who had not provided evidence of DBS clearance in advance should be on the premises unescorted for any reason. I went for a job interview last week and despite already working at a school in the same trust and having a copy of my DBS certificate on my person I was still not allowed to walk down the corridor to use the toilet without a member of staff. This is absolutely standard practice at every school I've worked at.
The teachers certainly didn't ignore the signpost that said call the old bill on a black kid did they?

I'm shocked by everything here but certainly by the fact that male officers conducted the search. At a fucking minimum I'd expect female coppers to conduct a search of a female, especially a child
According to this report, the search was carried out by female officers (not that that makes everything OK, just clarifying this one point)

Police were called to a school in Hackney at the end of 2020 by teachers, who told investigators they had been concerned the teenager had drugs in her possession because she smelt of cannabis. She was taken to the medical room and strip-searched by two female officers, while teachers remained outside.

The idea that because she smelt of cannabis she must have some in her possession, or even that she must herself have been smoking, is a nonsense, TBH.
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