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Police strip search 15-year old in school

Any properly run shooting club will count ammunition in and out.
Yes, if it is their ammunition. If you bring your own rifle and ammunition, then it is up to you.

I used to shoot .22, and toyed with the idea of going back to it.

When I checked into the storage requirements, not too difficult, so I did a 'dummy run' on applying for a firearms certificate. I would have got one on the basis that I had access to rough shooting, plus club membership. In the end I decided not to, but had I gone ahead, there is no limit on the amount of ammunition you buy. Ditto a shotgun certificate, which is easier to get. A firearms cert covers both rifle and shotgun.

I didn't go ahead on safety reasons, I felt that having a stored firearm would make the house vulnerable if one of the local neds spotted you taking it to and from the car.

Even in the army, rounds weren't counted. When in H&D awaiting my nursing course to start, I was assisting on the ranges loading magazines. At the end of the day I very nearly walked off with a box of 50 9mm rounds in my jacket pocket. Thankfully I found them before the declaration*, from the declaration point it is a courts martial offence.

* I have no live rounds empty cases or pyrotechnics in my possession Sir/Maam/ Sergeant. Only once made the declaration to a 'Maam'.
The Metropolitan Police referred itself to the Independent Office for Police Conduct, but the Independent Office for Police Conduct told the Metropolitan Police to investigate the Metropolitan Police. The Metropolitan Police cleared the Metropolitan Police of any wrongdoing. A public complaint was made to the Independent Office for Police Conduct, alleging racism. The Independent Office for Police Conduct again directed the Metropolitan Police to investigate the Metropolitan Police ... but the Independent Office for Police Conduct, having "reconsidered" its decision, has now taken the complaint back to investigate ... independently:

Mother of water pistol boy, 13, confronted by armed police says she feels 'betrayed'

Independent Office for Police Conduct to investigate Metropolitan Police Hackney racism complaint


This is the type of water pistol that Child X was playing with as he was rammed off his bicycle by the Metropolitan Police and threatened by police officers with real guns.


Courtney Brown, CEO of Father 2 Father, Raju Bhatt of Bhatt Murphy Solicitors, Arlene Small, barrister and member of the board of The IDPAD Centre, Lee Jasper, chairman of the Alliance for Police Accountability and Dr Wanda Wyporska, CEO of the Black Equity Organisation.


(Source: Julia Gregory)

Sorry Hackney borough Commander Detective Chief Superintendent James Conway says he's sorry.


"In the light of the mother’s statement yesterday, and the concerns that have been expressed by the local community in Hackney and more widely, we’ve reconsidered our decision and will now investigate this independently."
As the thread seems to be getting derailed by gunnuts seeking to excuse the police’s actions,
I’ll just point out that an over reacting police force is not what you want.
If they are unable to determine a child playing with a water pistol and a real threat, these are not the kind of dipshits I want giving “security”.
you might justify going in hard that thing looks like a Glock from a distance.
BUT unless you were a complete nutter you'd realised you'd fucked up after handling the "weapon" personally water pistols and Nerf guns etc should in no way look like realistic weapons. Doesn't need an investigation apology and a new bicycle asap.
pretty sure a tactical stop wasn't needed. I've managed not to shoot kids who came up with the genuis idea of tresspassing on an Army training area with air guns to go rabbit shooting during a security alert :eek: and I'm me and my training to deal with high stress situation was yellow card warning and open fire!
mind you IRA ASU were not normally about 14 and armed with air rifles:rolleyes:. pretty sure met police armed response unit get all the Gucci training so should be able to tell the difference between an armed criminal and a teenager with water pistol.
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I am not in any way defending the actions of the police with regard to the child with the water pistol, but I would point out that with 3D printed guns being a real thing, the appearance of a gun is not a reliable indicator of it being a toy.

As the thread seems to be getting derailed by gunnuts seeking to excuse the police’s actions,
I’ll just point out that an over reacting police force is not what you want.
If they are unable to determine a child playing with a water pistol and a real threat, these are not the kind of dipsh!ts I want giving “security”.

You raise important issues.

1. If the highly trained Metropolitan Police in Hackney - the same people who appear to have been responsible for intimately strip-searching a 15 year-old menstruating schoolgirl - are concerned whether plastic water pistols that children are playing with on warm summer days are water pistols or firearms, one wonders if the emission of water, rather than bullets from the plastic water pistols concerned might give them a clue?

2. Are there many cases where the highly trained Metropolitan Police in Hackney - or anywhere else in the Metropolitan Police District for that matter - have seen children from Britain's ethnic majority playing with plastic water pistols and have consequently found it necessary to surround them with armed police officers from two different police forces, after knocking them to the ground with motor vehicles in order to determine whether plastic water pistols are plastic water pistols?

No doubt, these and other issues will be included in the Independent Office for Police Conduct's belated investigation into the incident.

The actual cases to which attention have already been drawn on this thread arguably provide considerably more insight into what is really going on than the anecdotes and opinions.
I am not in any way defending the actions of the police with regard to the child with the water pistol, but I would point out that with 3D printed guns being a real thing, the appearance of a gun is not a reliable indicator of it being a toy.
3D printed guns are often very basic if not crude compared to the likeness of a metal gun.

But also most guns don't squirt water, have obvious water reservoirs or are made of very bright cheap plastic that's semitransparent.
if somebody screamed down the radio theirs a gangster on a bike with a Glock you might charge in.
But it would be obvious immediately afterwards that you'd fucked up. Also theirs a video of a couple of kids trying to sell an airsoft pistol in a park and the police turned up with guns drawn but no cuffs were used and nobody ended up on the floor.
but the Teens involved were white:hmm:.
also the Glock airsoft gun was black
I am not in any way defending the actions of the police with regard to the child with the water pistol, but I would point out that with 3D printed guns being a real thing, the appearance of a gun is not a reliable indicator of it being a toy.

On a hot summer's day, a kid - or even an adult - playing with what looks exactly like a water pistol - especially the one he was using with the big bulb for water, which would be massively impractical as a real gun - is hugely likely to be playing with a water pistol. Both of them have one, you can see water shooting out of it, there are no gunshot sounds in the slightest, they're probably laughing, and the people shot with it just get wet.

Hackney isn't some hellhole despite what some parts of the media claim, and kids do still play with water pistols in a pure fun way, and there were a hell of a lot of ways to tell that was what was happening. They'd been playing with the water pistols for a while, and if they had been real guns the signs would have been pretty obvious.
On a hot summer's day, a kid - or even an adult - playing with what looks exactly like a water pistol - especially the one he was using with the big bulb for water, which would be massively impractical as a real gun - is hugely likely to be playing with a water pistol. Both of them have one, you can see water shooting out of it, there are no gunshot sounds in the slightest, they're probably laughing, and the people shot with it just get wet.

Hackney isn't some hellhole despite what some parts of the media claim, and kids do still play with water pistols in a pure fun way, and there were a hell of a lot of ways to tell that was what was happening. They'd been playing with the water pistols for a while, and if they had been real guns the signs would have been pretty obvious.
Yes, I agree.
Not to mention that the disciplinary regarding the original incident that this thread was about has yet to be scheduled and the earliest it could be scheduled would be 2025 i.e. next year

Ffs this isn't a complex case March the guilty bastards in form of the commisonur due you accept my award? should have dealt with in months not fucking years 🤬.
this isn't political the Met need to clear house
even when justify a blessed they still manage to fuck it up Girl tried to kill herself after strip-search by Met officers, mother says

she had a blade and was found with a sharpened stick but shouldn't have been in a cell with an implement to self harm and if you do have to strip search her it's done by females only. not in the presence of men thats the mimimum standard.! There's no excuse do your job to the mimimum expected standard or get sacked.
You raise important issues.

1. If the highly trained Metropolitan Police in Hackney - the same people who appear to have been responsible for intimately strip-searching a 15 year-old menstruating schoolgirl - are concerned whether plastic water pistols that children are playing with on warm summer days are water pistols or firearms, one wonders if the emission of water, rather than bullets from the plastic water pistols concerned might give them a clue?

2. Are there many cases where the highly trained Metropolitan Police in Hackney - or anywhere else in the Metropolitan Police District for that matter - have seen children from Britain's ethnic majority playing with plastic water pistols and have consequently found it necessary to surround them with armed police officers from two different police forces, after knocking them to the ground with motor vehicles in order to determine whether plastic water pistols are plastic water pistols?

No doubt, these and other issues will be included in the Independent Office for Police Conduct's belated investigation into the incident.

The actual cases to which attention have already been drawn on this thread arguably provide considerably more insight into what is really going on than the anecdotes and opinions.
It has been reported that the Metropolitan Police have “further traumatised an already vulnerable" child who its armed officers mistakenly held at gunpoint in July 2023, and that the resulting "rapid safeguarding review” by the City and Hackney Child Safeguarding Partnership announced in October 2023 never actually began:

Police accused of ‘re-traumatising’ Black child after he was seized by armed police for having a water pistol
Two Metropolitan Police officers - a constable and an acting sergeant who have not been named - will face a gross misconduct hearing over the stop and search of a school child on on 23 June 2022:


Two Metropolitan Police officers accused of using 'excessive force' on boy, 14, to face gross misconduct hearing

Metropolitan Police officers PC Benjamin Morgan and PC McCorley Clewes will be required to attend a disciplinary panel on 23 September 2024 to answer for their actions on 23 June 2022:



"I thought I was going to die."
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