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Piers Morgan rehired by Murdoch for his new TalkTV

Update on Morgan's viewing figures, the average watching on -

Mon - 317K
Tue - 216k
Wed - 123k
Thur - 118k

Friday's figures are likely to be even lower, as like Farage on GB News, it's a 'best of' compilation of the Mon-Thur shows.

So, despite all the hype and the massive advertising campaign, Morgan as a supposedly big TV personality, seems to be settling down with only around 20% more viewers than old frog-face, in a time slot when more people are watching TV, so in percentage reach into households terms they are neck and neck.

Their only two hours of other dedicated TV output score less than GB News in the same time-slots, very poor performance. The other 21 hours of output is just TalkRadio with video, and will probably rarely get over 10k viewers.

Morgan will keep banging on about beating BBC & Sky News, but 8pm isn't a big time slot for news, and also it's not comparing like-for-like, as the BBC & Sky news channels are putting out actual news based programmes, whereas Morgan is more of a general chat show, normally considered 'light entertainment' rather than 'news'.
Update on Morgan's viewing figures, the average watching on -

Mon - 317K
Tue - 216k
Wed - 123k
Thur - 118k

Last night Morgan peaked at just 75.8k viewers, and that's despite the fact they were still running ads on some of the main channels promoting his show, Dan Wootton on GBN peaked higher later in the evening at 79.7k.

And Tom Newton Dunn on before him averaged just 3.6k.

Those are shocking figures, they must be wondering what the hell they can to do to rescue the situation.
Last night Morgan peaked at just 75.8k viewers, and that's despite the fact they were still running ads on some of the main channels promoting his show, Dan Wootton on GBN peaked higher later in the evening at 79.7k.

And Tom Newton Dunn on before him averaged just 3.6k.

Those are shocking figures, they must be wondering what the hell they can to do to rescue the situation.
Offer to blow their own brains out, live on TV.
Last night Morgan peaked at just 75.8k viewers, and that's despite the fact they were still running ads on some of the main channels promoting his show, Dan Wootton on GBN peaked higher later in the evening at 79.7k.

And Tom Newton Dunn on before him averaged just 3.6k.

Those are shocking figures, they must be wondering what the hell they can to do to rescue the situation.

Move Morgan to a breakfast slot with a female co-presenter?

Or Maybe Murdoch has misjudged how much damage the Megan/weatherman incident did to him? :hmm:
That includes his book and Sun column too though right? Plus his show is on Fox Nation and Sky News Australia.

Not that any of those justifies such a stupendous amount but I think the context is important.

The £50m over 3 years is only rumoured, it's not confirmed by News UK or Morgan, so could be totally wrong.

And, yes, the show is on Fox Nation and Sky News Australia, so they will be sharing the cost with TalkTV, plus regular articles for the Sun and New York Daily Post, then the book deal with Murdoch's HarperCollins, and there's no mention of how many books have been agreed too.
Last night Morgan peaked at just 75.8k viewers, and that's despite the fact they were still running ads on some of the main channels promoting his show, Dan Wootton on GBN peaked higher later in the evening at 79.7k.

And Tom Newton Dunn on before him averaged just 3.6k.

Those are shocking figures, they must be wondering what the hell they can to do to rescue the situation.

Not sure where you're getting your figures from but he claims to be smashing it through the online figures?
Not sure where you're getting your figures from but he claims to be smashing it through the online figures?

They're BARB's overnight viewing figures, on this occasion from Guido Fawkes.

He was happy to bang on about the BARB figures when they were looking good, and just like with GB News, when they nose-dived he's switched to banging on about the total number of views all the online clips have got since launch, not daily viewing figures, and not for the whole show.

He's learnt that trick from GBN.
They're BARB's overnight viewing figures, on this occasion from Guido Fawkes.

He was happy to bang on about the BARB figures when they were looking good, and just like with GB News, when they nose-dived he's switched to banging on about the total number of views all the online clips have got since launch, not daily viewing figures, and not for the whole show.

He's learnt that trick from GBN.

Yeh, looking at the comments on this tweet, you're right.. god I just watched one of his clips. why the fuck would anyone tune into that night after night. an angry upper middle class fuckwit ranting and ranting and ranting and.... oh you get the idea.

It's just radio done from a TV studio. I don't really see what the appeal would be to watch it during the day. There's no pictures or footage of any world events.

But, that's the weird thing, with the exception of the brief news bulletins & weather forecast, the daytime output isn't actually from their TV studios, hence why it's billed as 'TalkTV from the TalkRadio studios', so even when there's a studio guest, it's shown in split screen because they're are just using a couple of fixed cameras, it's basically what they have been putting out on youtube for the last couple of years billed as 'TalkRadioTV'.

There was suggestions that the 'radio output' would be enhanced for the TV service, so at the very least I was expecting the radio presenters to be moved into one of the TV studios, with vision showing them and their guest together at a desk, with added pictures and footage for viewers, but for some strange reason that hasn't happened.🤷‍♂️
Update on Morgan's viewing figures, the average watching on -

Week 1
Mon - 317K
Tue - 216k
Wed - 123k
Thur - 118k

Week 2
Mon - 61.7k
Tue - 76.7k

I did think the Monday figure may have been impacted by the Bank Holiday, as Farage's figure was lower than usual, and that seems to be the case, as he bounced backed a little yesterday, but still a big decline of over 41k on his lowest figure in his first week.

The News Desk with Tom Newton Dunn twice dropped to zero viewers detected last night, with nobody watching between 7pm-7:15pm and again from 7:30pm-7:45pm.
Just like GB News. The hype has all gone now. He'll need some big hitting interviews to sustain any interest.

He hinted during his interview on the BBC Media Show Podcast (which I highly recommend btw) that he'd like to get JK Rowling - which given both their outspoken views on trans issues would be quite the interview. But big hitters aside, I don't see much to sustain any huge interest at that time of day on TV.
Update on Morgan's viewing figures, the average watching on -

Week 1
Mon - 317K
Tue - 216k
Wed - 123k
Thur - 118k

Week 2
Mon - 61.7k
Tue - 76.7k

I did think the Monday figure may have been impacted by the Bank Holiday, as Farage's figure was lower than usual, and that seems to be the case, as he bounced backed a little yesterday, but still a big decline of over 41k on his lowest figure in his first week.

The News Desk with Tom Newton Dunn twice dropped to zero viewers detected last night, with nobody watching between 7pm-7:15pm and again from 7:30pm-7:45pm.
Considering the amount of posters across the country that is pisspoor

was in clacton on the weekend, wall to wall GB News and Piers Morgan posters :mad::mad:
He hinted during his interview on the BBC Media Show Podcast (which I highly recommend btw) that he'd like to get JK Rowling - which given both their outspoken views on trans issues would be quite the interview. But big hitters aside, I don't see much to sustain any huge interest at that time of day on TV.

IIRC Rowling isn't a right wing fuckwit so I'd be surprised if she wants to appear on his show.
This is straight out of the Farage/GB News textbook - good TV ratings are good, bad TV ratings don't matter and should be ignored. :facepalm:

Morgan, who tweeted gleefully about his first night television ratings, now insists he does not care about such figures. He told his social media followers that television ratings should be ignored: “Linear TV increasingly irrelevant to total eyeball potential for a global show like this, especially with younger viewers who don’t really watch TV any more.”

Also from the Farage/GB News textbook...

On Wednesday, Morgan said his nightly programme was still performing well in the ratings when compared with other news channels: “Amazing achievement for a brand new show on a brand new network. Lots of work to do, but very encouraging.”

The other news channels, well the BBC & Sky, are putting out actual news programmes, Morgan's is a chat show, it's not a real comparison.

This is straight out of the Farage/GB News textbook - good TV ratings are good, bad TV ratings don't matter and should be ignored. :facepalm:

Also from the Farage/GB News textbook...

The other news channels, well the BBC & Sky, are putting out actual news programmes, Morgan's is a chat show, it's not a real comparison.

It's true that social media views need to be counted in for an accurate idea of 'impact'
Update on Morgan's viewing figures, the average watching on -

Week 1
Mon - 317K
Tue - 216k
Wed - 123k
Thur - 118k

Week 2
Mon - 61.7k
Tue - 76.7k

I did think the Monday figure may have been impacted by the Bank Holiday, as Farage's figure was lower than usual, and that seems to be the case, as he bounced backed a little yesterday, but still a big decline of over 41k on his lowest figure in his first week.

The News Desk with Tom Newton Dunn twice dropped to zero viewers detected last night, with nobody watching between 7pm-7:15pm and again from 7:30pm-7:45pm.
It’s tragic when even the presenter’s mum can’t be bothered to watch it
I've just skipped through last night's Morgan show to see what he's up to and if it's likely to grow an audience, one highlight from his opening 'brain dump' segment was very unprofessional, but also funny, he showed footage of Farage out in the channel, and said that should be enough to put anyone off coming to Britain. :D

First interview set was about an American comedian being attacked on stage, he had an American wrestler and a British comedian on to discuss it. [YAWN]

Next set was about Kim Kardashian attending 'Met Gala', whatever that is, in a dress once worn by Marilyn Monroe, he was joined by two Monroe impersonators, one each from the US & UK. [YAWN]

Followed by a piece on Musk taking over Twitter and his plans to rid it of trolls, discussed with a presenter from Sky News Australia. [YAWN]

Then, a discussion on 'working from home', with input from an American psychotherapist, and Charlie Mullins the founder of Pimlico Plumbers! [WTF?]

And, finally a former astronaut and US navy caption discussing Russia pulling out of the space station. [OKish]

Not exactly real news is it? Mostly piss-poor guests. Trying hard to win viewers across Australia, the UK, and the US is unlikely to satisfied many viewers in any of those markets. Way too heavy on American stuff & guests, where he's got a potential market of under a million homes there (Fox Nation subscriber numbers), compared to almost 30 million in the UK.

Conclusion - it's not likely to grow an audience, because it's shite. :D
This is quite entertaining in parts

after this week one thing is clear: if Rupert Murdoch were to die tomorrow, his obituary will state that his last act as a media baron was to start a boring, pointless and laughably ineffectual TV channel that employed a presenter so stupid he thinks you can grow concrete. Welcome to the first week of TalkTV.

it is very much pegged to the conjoined brand and ego of one Piers Stefan Pughe-Morgan.

Many other similarities between GB News and TalkTV prevailed, including a crutch-like reliance on words like “wokies”, “cancel culture”, “fun police” and “Londoncentric” – a phrase which daytime host Jeremy Kyle managed to use to admonish someone while in the TalkTV HQ, located next to the Shard in London Bridge, in the heart of the capital.

Take Mike Graham, whose 10am-1pm TalkRadio show is simulcast on the network. The relentlessly opinionated 61 year-old worked on Fleet Street for 25 years. He was also the man who claimed you could grow concrete in a much-memed interview with a climate activist in October last year. (He later tried to justify the comment in an interview with an “applied futurist”, who told him it is possible to “turn carbon dioxide into a variety of stone-like materials”). Graham spent the launch week admonishing people for working from home, without once nodding to the fact that almost all the network’s guests were Zooming in like his despised WFH wokies. Even that icon of progressive thought, Anne Widdecombe, took him to task on that one. Fellow daytime host Julia Hartley-Brewer has similarly spent her entire career in journalism, ditto Newton Dunn and Morgan. Sharon Osbourne has spent her life in entertainment. In short, if you’re looking for opinions rooted in real world experience, jog on.

Despite having more time than most get with the PM, the host’s inability to extract any gold whatsoever points to another profound problem with TalkTV: its staggering levels of deference. As a sign of just how weak and ailing Murdoch’s anti-establishment ethos has become, TalkTV saw more soft balls flying around than a creche.

If Morgan is as “censored” as his show’s name suggests, how was he able to give interviews in the past week with The Times, Radio 4’s The Media Show, Press Gazette, Steven Bartlett’s The Diary of a CEO podcast and ITV’s Lorraine, as well as bang out his columns for The Sun and the New York Post? Piers may be many “c” words – “cocky”, “challenging” (why, what were you thinking?) – but “censored” is not one of them.

Morgan ... was fired from the Daily Mirror for running faked pictures of abused Iraqi prisoners. He was criticised in the Leveson Report into phone hacking. He walked off a live TV show and never appeared on Good Morning Britain again. And then also fold in the many baffling incongruities, like claiming in 2012 that he’d never met Jimmy Savile, only for a 2009 quote to surface in which Piers stated: “As I left, Jimmy Savile came up to me. ‘Your TV shows are BRILLIANT!’ he exclaimed. ... I’ve always loved Jimmy Savile.”

For some reason doesn't mention the seemingly inexplicable refusal to prosecute him over insider dealing though.
As I just skipped through his show without really watching it, I didn't pay attention to the whole piece on the channel crossings, which a mate suggested I should watch, so here it is.

Fair play to Morgan for attacking the government over the Rwanda plans, skip to 1.20 to hear what he says about Farage. :D

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