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Piers Morgan rehired by Murdoch for his new TalkTV

Latest developments in this love triangle saga :D .....

Metro.co.uk: Piers Morgan releases leaked footage of Nigel Farage slagging off Donald Trump.

Nigel Farage calls his so-called friend Donald Trump ‘angry’ and ‘one-geared’ in a video sensationally leaked by Piers Morgan.

That's a bit rich, proper pot meet kettle stuff.

Farage wasn't involved in orchestrating anything for publicity, he would never have known that his actions would result in Morgan's lot creating this publicity, which is the exact opposite to what he was trying to do.

He likes to promote himself as a close friend of Trump, he bragged about getting his exclusive interview with Trump back in December and the fact that it was the only UK TV interview that Trump had agreed too since the election, probably because no other TV interviewer was interested and therefore hadn't asked for one. Farage has continued to boast about it and his special friendship ever since.

Then he became aware that Trump had agreed to an interview with Morgan, that hurt his ego, so in an attempt to stop it or at least ruin it, he complied a lengthy dossier of negative remarks made by Morgan against Trump and personally handed it to him at some point before the interview took place. It didn't work, as Trump went ahead with the interview anyway, and it seems that because Trump wasn't very happy with Morgan, the interview wasn't the friendliest, but will probably turn out more entertaining than the one Farage did.

Farage was trying to knobble the competition, as in both Morgan & TalkTV, it back-fired on him, Morgan got his interview, but then the team at TalkTV edited bits for what seems like a dodgy promo, which created most of the publicity they have been getting, that was entirely of their own doing, and not something Farage could have foreseen.

As a separate side-show, on Thursday morning Morgan decided to come out on ITV and describe Farage's “pathetic attempt” to ruin his interview, which seriously pissed off Farage, and resulted in him having an auto-rant of almost 15 minutes on his show that evening, that was not only totally unprofessional, but left Farage looking like the pathetic little child he is.

Morgan & his team have played a blinder in creating this publicity over the Trump interview, and as an added bonus they were able to make a complete twat of Farage, it's all the complete opposite to what Farage was trying to achieve, which is bloody funny TBH.

As I said, Blur vs Oasis.
Actually now overtaken by Emmerdale, but these figures do fluctuate.

Thinking of what you have said, live viewing is certainly going down.

Netflix lost 200,000 subscribers, and 35% of their stock price recently, so maybe streaming is also less popular.

I don't stream, I download. About 20Tb on my drives.
Just how many episodes of Corri have you got? :eek:
not sure about that, it looks a hot mess

Depends how it appears on screen, it's a big space that is apparently designed so Morgan can present different segments in different styles from various parts of the massive studio, not all of which is shown within that photo.

Unlike Andrew Neil who got plonked into a dark shipping container, with just a few blue strip lights.
First thoughts. The set is miles better than GB news. Looks a lot like Good Morning Britain meets Peston.

There's some weird interlacing on the youtube feed. The promos they're running are terrible. They just ran the Kate McCann one twice within the same minute where she bigs herself up about a scoop she once got on the Labour manifesto. Woop de doo. Also. Jeremy Kyle, ugh.

It looks like it'll be a lot more professional than GB News. But still pretty unpaletable.
First thoughts. The set is miles better than GB news. Looks a lot like Good Morning Britain meets Peston.

<putting my media anorak on, and go...>

The main set/studios are in the News Centre, News UK's HQ at 1 London Bridge Street, but these weren't considered big enough for Morgan's ego, so they built a bigger one for him somewhere out in west London, that's the one pictured above. As expected the long shot of that one wasn't shown, it was mainly a close up of Morgan sitting at his desk, and after one break, with him standing by a video wall to one side.

And, yes, the TV sets piss on anything GB News has ever come up with, very polished & professional looking.

Outside peak evening hours, they are broadcasting from the TalkRadio studios, and that let's them down, the backdrop is somewhat blurred and for some unknown reason there's a banner running around half way up the screen & behind the presenter saying 'TalkTV live from the TalkRadio studios', which is somewhat amateurish and incredibly annoying. 🤷‍♂️

I don't get why they haven't just transferred the radio presenters into one of the TV studios, as the presenters seem confused as to if they are on a radio or TV station, and I don't understand why they have two names, TalkTV and TalkRadio, it's incredibly messy branding for a Murdoch operation, they should have just gone with TalkUK across both platforms.

There's some weird interlacing on the youtube feed. The promos they're running are terrible. They just ran the Kate McCann one twice within the same minute where she bigs herself up about a scoop she once got on the Labour manifesto. Woop de doo. Also. Jeremy Kyle, ugh.

The promos do let them down, and are probably going to get over played for a few weeks on TV, and indefinitely on youtube. The problem they have is NewsUK has sold advertising on TalkRadio, whereas they have appointed Sky Media as their 'sales house' to sell the advertising on TalkTV, and they need to balance the length of the ad breaks across the two platforms, as all programming is simulcast on TV & radio, but with different ads. So, until enough TV spots are sold, they will use these promos to fill time, to match the length of the radio breaks. Neither the radio nor TV ads can be played on youtube, as that service is available internationally, so will probably always be just promos.

This is a problem when you simulcast programming on both TV & radio, as demonstrated by GB News playing out promos to fill airtime on their radio service, which was launched months ago, as they don't have any sales team to sell the airtime, they use Sky Media for the TV service, but they don't sell radio ads.
Tom Newton Dunn's News Desk -

The launch at 7pm yesterday started with the sound and picture out of sync, like GB News suffered with for some weeks when they launched, and I thought they had fucked-up, but it was corrected within seconds, leaving me wondering if they have done it on purpose for those at GB News watching their launch, just trolling them. :D

After those few seconds, it was very slick and hard to believe it was their first night, also Tom Newton Dunn was very professional considering it's the first time he has ever presented a TV show, although he has some experience as a guest on TV shows.

He kicked off with standard factual news, including switching to live reporters both in the UK and aboard, without any problems at all, unlike GB News.

That was followed by an interview with the mother & brother of one of the Brits captured by the Russians in Ukraine, when it was made clear both the Brits had lived there & been in the army for years before any threat of war and are certainly not mercenaries, complaints about facebook not taking down the video that the Russian's released of him despite many reports/complaints to them, and ending with an appeal for the UK government to work hard for their release & safe return, fairly emotional stuff.

There was a interview with some woman that worked in Prince Nonce's household when she was 21, with her saying how creepy he was, but with no real substance to it, and it went on too long. The show rounded up with review of what that been reported so far, with a panel of three joining TND, Kate McCann their political editor, the Sun's deputy editor, and the leader of Labour in Scotland. All very balanced & professional, none of the talking over each other like GB News has a reputation for.

Some big brands in the ad breaks, unlike GBN, and I see no reason for an GBN-style ad boycott based on this show, being it was professional & balanced and not like the loons on GBN in the evenings. There was a slip-up playing the same promo twice in one break ad, but that was about the only thing that stood out, apart from what I suspect was a bit of GBN trolling at the start.

I would give it a score of 7/10 compared to 2/10 for GBN's launch.
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I saw a clip of it. As expected, Piers by himself, going uninterrupted and unchecked by his 'TV wife' was very monotonous. He and Susanna Reid were a very effective team. It'll go the same way as his CNN show. And I bet he's pissed off he's not on terrestrial TV anymore.
I saw a clip of it. As expected, Piers by himself, going uninterrupted and unchecked by his 'TV wife' was very monotonous. He and Susanna Reid were a very effective team. It'll go the same way as his CNN show. And I bet he's pissed off he's not on terrestrial TV anymore.

He is on terrestrial TV, they are on Freeview.

I've not watched his show yet, I can't stand him, but I've seen posts on here about how good he was interviewing politicians on GMB, and Trump is usually good for a laugh or two, being so bloody bonkers, so I had decided to record it long before the circus over the last few days. :D
He is on terrestrial TV, they are on Freeview.

I've not watched his show yet, I can't stand him, but I've seen posts on here about how good he was interviewing politicians on GMB, and Trump is usually good for a laugh or two, being so bloody bonkers, so I had decided to record it long before the circus over the last few days. :D

He was good on GMB but as I say that was because he had the voice of reason sitting next to him who he would actually give way to (and she's actually a better interviewer anyway imo). Unchecked it's just gonna be dull.
Ed Balls is hosting GMB this morning at the mo btw. He's quite good. Obv politicians can't get away with quite as much when he's doing the interviewing. It's so much better than the excruciating cringefest that is BBC Breakfast.
Piers Morgan Uncensored [the ego has land]

Now I am bias here because I've always considered him to be a obnoxious twat, but I've tried to put that to one side. I can see what Petcha means about him being basically too over-bearing, a co-presenter to counter him would make it an easier watch.

He started with a trigger warning to 'woke snowflakes', with a monologue quoting Winston Churchill on the importance of free speech and poke at what he calls 'Princess Pinocchio', as a image of Meghan Markle was flashed-up, seriously cringeworthy stuff.

What was seriously annoying next, the clips of the Trump interview, before actually going to the interview proper, thus ruining part of it's impact.

He referenced Farage's dossier - 'sent to Trump by a treacherous little weasel called Nigel working for a little watched TV network somewhere in the UK, in an attempt to sabotage this interview, a sneaky plot that spectacularly backfired', which I guess he had too as it was part of the story, it was a brief mention, way more professional than Frog-face's long auto-rant last week, and the BiB did actually make me laugh out loud. :D

I also laughed out loud, when Morgan asked him to name one high point from his time as president, and Trump replied along the lines of, 'I can't, there was too many.' :D

Trump also reckons during his time as president he spoke to Putin, warned him off from invading Ukraine, and 'threatened him like he had never been threatened before', and basically it wouldn't have happen if he was still president. :hmm:

He still actually thinks he won the election by a massive margin, and now the rigged election has caused the war in Ukraine, it's the ramblings of a madman, and ironic that he claims the US is only now run by stupid people. 🤷‍♂️

When asked if he will stand again, Trump replied, 'for reasons of campaign finance and everything I’m not allowed to say but let me just say this, I think a lot of people are going to be very happy,' which sounds like a strong hint he will.

I noted at the end that it was produced by 'Wake Up Productions', and unsurprising a look on companies house website confirms Morgan is a director, no doubt handy for tax reasons. :mad:

This is not for me at all, I'll not be watching again, but on the basic that the production standards were professional, I'll give it 3/10.
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