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Piers Morgan rehired by Murdoch for his new TalkTV

Who watches any of this shit?

Even the BBC news channel is fucking awful.

Until I realised that using VPN I could get BBC and ITV channels in Turkey, I was stuck in bed with CNN on in the background.
It was wonderful when I was over there in 86 proper spellbinding, it must have gone downhill horribly :(

It's pretty much unwatchable now. Apart from the content being utter dross aimed at those poor souls who've suffered some kind of extreme brain injury, the adverts just kick in whenever they want, there's no border between programme and ads, and the ads are all for cancer drugs and haemorrhoid unguents and so on. After around 30 minutes watching you're exhausted.
It's pretty much unwatchable now. Apart from the content being utter dross aimed at those poor souls who've suffered some kind of extreme brain injury, the adverts just kick in whenever they want, there's no border between programme and ads, and the ads are all for cancer drugs and haemorrhoid unguents and so on. After around 30 minutes watching you're exhausted.

Yep, big pharma advertises, patients then pressurise their doctors to prescribe. Beyond shocking.

Not a country I'll ever be visiting.
I love/hate the american news channels. In a very warped way. It's so toe curling its compulsive viewing for me when Im there. Good Morning America. The hosts are repulsive enough but the weirdos standing outside those huge windows, staring in, whooping, with their signs.

Just fucking awful. If I ever used to think how shit Blighty is when I was there, that'd be the cure and I'd miss this grim place.

The hair... I don't think the strongest twister in the midwest could move the presenters' hair. The bouffants, the sickliness. The 'unsung hero of the week' segments. Brilliant. Say what you will about Piers Morgan but he was never gonna fit into that world.
GB News staff trolling TalkTV. :D

Any keen-eyed viewers watching TalkTV yesterday – unlikely – will have spotted a familiar face lurking behind guest Simon Calder during Mike Graham’s broadcast: TalkRADIO presenter-turned GB News host, Patrick Christys. It turns out Calder was Zooming in for his live TalkTV appearance from… the GB News green room.

Throughout his appearance on the show, several members of the GB News team took the opportunity to wander behind Calder and guest star on the rival channel. Unfortunately for TalkTV, borrowing their more popular competitor’s studio for a few minutes didn’t convince many viewers to stick around. Last night TalkTV averaged 18,400 viewers during prime time, with GB News getting 71,700 and Sky News dropping back to third place with 69,000… LINK

I havent actually watched this shit before but having a look tonight as i know Morgan fucking hates Boris so it could be quite funny.

And it is.

He's got the lead singer of Black Sabbath's wife as his main commentator offering her views on the PM's future and a helicopter hovering over the outdoor bar at Westminster where the MPs are pissing it up. It's funny. The production is good though, credit there.
Who watches any of this shit?

Very few judging by BARB's monthly viewing figures for May, TalkTV is unsurprisingly at the bottom of the list for all UK news channels, and judging by the odd daily viewing figures that have been published by other sources during the course of May, showing a serious downward trend, I expect the monthly figures for June to be even worst.

Both TalkTV and GB News should not just be concerned about how many homes they are reaching monthly, but even more worried about those 'average daily minutes' spent watching, especially TalkTV - with households that do switch it on, only doing so for an average of just 8 seconds a day! :D

They may throw money at Susanna Reid to balance him out. She's been missing from GMB all week with no explanation. And the hours would be a blessed relief I imagine after years of breakfast tv.

I was just coming to post that, it's an interesting read.

I note there's a suggestion that Murdoch may look to buy GB News, something I suggested on the GBN thread before TalkTV had even launched. Also the suggestion that GBN's largest shareholder, Discovery Networks, is looking to get out, something I predicted after their 'merger' with Warner Media, owners of CNN.
It does seem incredibly stupid that they didn't realise the success of GMB wasn't just Piers Morgan. It was the pair of them. He arrogantly assumed the reason the ratings were going through the roof was all down to him. She's one of the only people who successfully gets him to shut up now and then. Him just shouting at you solo was never going to work. Given her views are far more balanced than his though, not sure if she could bring herself to cross over.

He's busy trumpeting about his 'Hood' interview on his Twitter, claiming it shows how popular he is. When in actual fact people are watching it to see what an absolute twat looks like getting pwned.

Following Kate McCann fainting during the leadership debate, they put up a message about the break in transmission, this was watched by twice as many people that normally watch Morgan’s show. :D

According to BARB data, the screen message telling viewers last night that TalkTV was off air was watched by one of the channel’s highest ever audiences. An average of 141,000 people tuned in, which is double Piers Morgan’s usual figure for his slot. The debate peaked with 183,000 viewers tuning in shortly after starting. Even so, BBC News, Sky News and GB News all recorded a greater audience than TalkTV did across the whole of primetime, according to the overnight data.

Following Kate McCann fainting during the leadership debate, they put up a message about the break in transmission, this was watched by twice as many people that normally watch Morgan’s show. :D

They are now planning a new format for his show, where they hope to encourage guests and hosts to collapse instead of having the ratings collapse.
I think he's still in Ukraine, looking at his Twitter. He somehow secured the first joint interview with Zelensky and his wife. Not sure who's advising them. Surely better to give that to a UK broadcaster with better ratings than 'zero'?

GB News beckons, Murdoch's a cunt but he's not stupid. He got this very very wrong.
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