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Piers Morgan / Emily Maitlis tweet


International Man of Misery

So we are now in a society that not only to you have to guard what you say but as a journalist you can be held responsible for telling people what someone else has said?

Now let me be clear. I think Piers Morgan is a cunt to the nth degree.

Even so you got to see his point in the retweeted tweet. But as it’s criticism of the government… god forbid a BBC journalist should point out that someone has criticised the government!!!!
Anything that hurries Piers Morgan towards some kind of terminal condition from which he cannot recover is acceptable to me. The man is a maggot.
There are no guidelines for Kuenssberg. If there were she'd have been out in 2019 for reporting the election results before the polls closed, or any one of numerous othe things.

Oh wait, this time it's Maitliss. Meh.
There are no guidelines for Kuenssberg. If there were she'd have been out in 2019 for reporting the election results before the polls closed, or any one of numerous othe things.

Oh wait, this time it's Maitliss. Meh.
Fox News did the same thing. Not defending Kronenberg or Fox but the news networks tend to have the scoop before the official tally. We live in a post-paparazzi world.
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