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Queen Death: Thread for unhinged Tweets, opinions and behaviour

Also why is Holly in the firing line but Phil not so much?
Women are held to different (higher) standards and get blamed more for transgressing them.

But you're glad the pricks are getting a kicking
I'm barely aware of what's happening with this, except they're real unpopular right now, and sure it's manufactured. Barely aware of them at all tbh, they're on the tellybox I believe? :D I liked Jeff Robinson's post for this bit, not the remark about being glad they're getting a kicking. I don't gaf either way.

Kinda strange to promote an equality norm in the context of grovelling before the corpse of an unelected monarch who issued orders from a golden throne and lived a life of extraordinary opulence because of the family she was born in to.

I'm only joining in this hoo-ha cos I've been on hold listening to annoying music for 20 mins now :D
You realise it's all manufactured outrage?

Also why is Holly in the firing line but Phil not so much?

View attachment 344173

It's because Schofield is still loyal to his press agents that the tabloids want to stay on the good side of, but Willoughby won a million quid settlement from them so is not protected:

You read Popbitch last week too aye? :thumbs:
God, the tabloid press is poisonous. They won't be satisfied until they hound another person in the public eye to commit suicide. Then they can start another Be Kind campaign.

typical service has resume Megan bad being the main story in most of the papers today
That is such a strange story. The channels should say to the palace 'OK, next time an event is being covered, we will film it for one hour max, and then we'll shout 'cut' and down tools, so you can have the final copy of the entire broadcast couriered over almost immediately'.
I don't have the mental strength to read this thread, so forgive me if you've seen something like this, but following a death I looked at the online local paper from my hometown, and the family notices are full of notices re the Queen's death. They have paid to do this...
I don't have the mental strength to read this thread, so forgive me if you've seen something like this, but following a death I looked at the online local paper from my hometown, and the family notices are full of notices re the Queen's death. They have paid to do this...
I've been sent condolences from an American person I barely know. Someone who doesn't normally communicate with me, who I just come across in my job. Why?!!
They've seen crying loons outside buckingham palace on the news and assume everyone in the uk is the same.

Yes I watch some small niche online youtube livestream shows about synths and some American guests were anticipating UK guests being more affected by the Queens death news than was actually the case. Could see them testing the waters and quickly discovering that few shits were given, and that the shows would carry on much as normal, in contrast to the big deal made about this event on television.
At Holyhead Marina cafe, Sandra Armstrong, 44, gave the princess a brooch of a rose because she said "she'll be a fantastic Princess of Wales".
She added: "They are inspiring. It felt not real to meet them."

How low status can a person be?
Well that'll be in the bin as soon as they're out of sight. One thing Kate Middleton will never need is the kind of jewellery that a Welsh cafe worker can afford.
Since there doesn't seem to be any big news stories or anything happening today, I have decided to spend the day looking into Preston local news from a month or so ago. Does anyone know if other clubs have been handing out lifetime bans for fans posting stuff about the Queen on twitter, or was that just Preston North End?
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