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Queen Death: Thread for unhinged Tweets, opinions and behaviour

Have we had Trumps rants about where Biden was seated for the service yet?

This is what’s happened to America in just two short years. No respect! However, a good time for our President to get to know the leaders of certain Third World countries. If I were president, they wouldn’t have sat me back there—and our Country would be much different than it is right now!

What a tool. Biden was seated next to the president of Switzerland, it's a good thing Trump wasn't there to try to grab a closer seat and order Black leaders to sit at the back of the abbey.
This is what’s happened to America in just two short years. No respect! However, a good time for our President to get to know the leaders of certain Third World countries. If I were president, they wouldn’t have sat me back there—and our Country would be much different than it is right now!

What a tool. Biden was seated next to the president of Switzerland, it's a good thing Trump wasn't there to try to grab a closer seat and order Black leaders to sit at the back of the abbey.

does sound like he is finally admitting that he lost to Biden , should stick to grifting his little bunch on one finger saluting Nazis
Since the invention of broadcast TV. The function of what they show you. It's amazing, it's almost psychosis.
Popular papers started at the beginning of the 20th century.
Then came cinemas, showing news reels and then BBC's monopoly on radio which started in the 1920s and lasted until the 1970s (?).
BBC tv claimed independence from advertising, while the newly allowed commercial tv, dependent on advertising, called itself ITV - Independent TV.
We mustn't forget the value of popular fiction and pop music to spread views and attitudes either.

No need anymore for the vicar in the pulpit to keep the population right-thinking!
I'd be willing to bet the majority of humanity doesn't own a tv, it's only us privileged capitalist filth
Even if the majority of humanity have access to a telly or some kind of device, I just doubt that they'll all have been up for watching this royal shite. For example a 63% figure must have the majority of Chinese people watching dead brenda. Also, how many of the 86 million Iranians, for example? Not suggesting they are locked out of watching the box by their government and there will be interest, but 63%?? Then, as you say plenty of people with more significant struggles going on in their lives.
Have to say, I don't believe a fucking word of that.
The bbc has this fascination with lying about viewing figures. Claiming they can work out how many people are viewing a particular broadcast. I have not seen this behavior in any other country.
It struck me last year as they claimed 20 million people tuned in to see the final queens speech/cgi hologram.
They'll have sold footage to big international news networks and just added up what they reckon the viewing figures for that country's news shows are. So CCTV show 10 seconds on their international round up and they'll have added 900,000,000 to the figures. Tbf, I wouldn't be surprised if that was approximately the number of people who watched a tv channel on which part of the funeral was shown, however briefly.
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