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Queen Death: Thread for unhinged Tweets, opinions and behaviour

People at work kept asking me if I'd watched the funeral today. Was hard to arrange my face into anything other than 'fuck no, why on earth would I?' But I tried my best
I watched 5 mins of it on Youtube this aft, so I’ll be able to say something about it to my client who thinks I was in mourning all day yesterday, in reality I was completing their stuff in peace. No emails or calls. Bliss!
My mum said she watched it yesterday and ,’even your dad watched a bit’ 😆 I know she probably made him, so I watched the bit where they took the crown off the coffin, because mum said it was moving.
I watched 5 mins of it on Youtube this aft, so I’ll be able to say something about it to my client who thinks I was in mourning all day yesterday, in reality I was completing their stuff in peace. No emails or calls. Bliss!
My mum said she watched it yesterday and ,’even your dad watched a bit’ 😆 I know she probably made him, so I watched the bit where they took the crown off the coffin, because mum said it was moving.
One teacher was really prying and my mind went kinda blank and for some reason I said 'I felt for the dogs' :D Appearing heartless wouldn't have been good.
Urbz attempts at 'passing' IRL as though you watched the mourn-fest almost deserves a thread of its own. :thumbs:
Yep, given my family and friends are all :rolleyes:, it's easy to forget loads of people are not despite all the coverage (especially as I'm ignoring the news etc).
I failed to bite my lip about it at work last week, so I doubt I’ll get asked tomorrow, even though my co-worker is an ardent Royalist
My site manager, on mentioning that I didn’t watch it as I’d have found it depressing, said “you should be proud”.
I just walked off.
I think it may have brought back stuff from his mum dying fairly recently.
Proper gammons that I work with though.
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I managed to get to work on someone's garden ( 94 yr old heil reader) I asked her would it be okay and she said it's my garden what are they going to do. I told her I was anti monarchy, but that didn't stop her zimmering out every ten minutes shouting me updates. ' well, Camilla is older than charles' , ' George looks glum' .
I shouted have you seen charles' sausage fingers' and she said urghh yeh, not aged well has he'. :D
I managed to get to work on someone's garden ( 94 yr old heil reader) I asked her would it be okay and she said it's my garden what are they going to do. I told her I was anti monarchy, but that didn't stop her zimmering out every ten minutes shouting me updates. ' well, Camilla is older than charles' , ' George looks glum' .
I shouted have you seen charles' sausage fingers' and she said urghh yeh, not aged well has he'. :D
I like her. Sounds like she was watching it for the show, rather than out of grief :D
I managed to get to work on someone's garden ( 94 yr old heil reader) I asked her would it be okay and she said it's my garden what are they going to do. I told her I was anti monarchy, but that didn't stop her zimmering out every ten minutes shouting me updates. ' well, Camilla is older than charles' , ' George looks glum' .
I shouted have you seen charles' sausage fingers' and she said urghh yeh, not aged well has he'. :D

I like her. Sounds like she was watching it for the show, rather than out of grief :D
Sounds like a lady with a firm gaze looking futurewards towards an epic crack binge in <checks watch> around two years 😎
will admit a pang of sorrow for the corgi dogs

they could smell her being there

now with nonce king stand in
Just don't get it what sort of secret message is whoever is behind this trying to convey?
It always seem odd to me that the Illuminati will go to such complex methods to send each other a message, what's wrong with a phone call or an email?

I have wondered about this for years. I came to the conclusion that, dastardly as they are, they play fair -- they leave clues so that those sitting in their pants in their parents' basement have a chance of working it all out.
I have wondered about this for years. I came to the conclusion that, dastardly as they are, they play fair -- they leave clues so that those sitting in their pants in their parents' basement have a chance of working it all out.
We don't know.

What is said between the monarch and the PM each week, and in the Privy Councils is secret.
However, it is clear that upper parts of the state such as the armed forces and secret services answer to the monarch. Indeed, belong to the same class as the aristocrasy.

The PR for the Monarch started, according to someone on the BBC long ago, in the Victorian age. The Royal Family became a model for the nw powerful bourgoisie. It could also have something to with the relations with the USA - the Long Apppeasement better known as the Special Relationship.

Part of that PR was the reviving or highlighting the hocus pocus of tradition, which fitted in well with the rise of romanticism, spiritualism and the belief in fairies.

But the fact is that we do not know in what way the the monarchy influences policy but must rely entirely on the media, who are, of course, loyal to the staus quo.

Since the beginning of the 20th century we live in a propaganda bubble, which starts off with the myth about how that word got its current meaning.
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