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Queen Death: Thread for unhinged Tweets, opinions and behaviour

I managed to get to work on someone's garden ( 94 yr old heil reader) I asked her would it be okay and she said it's my garden what are they going to do. I told her I was anti monarchy, but that didn't stop her zimmering out every ten minutes shouting me updates. ' well, Camilla is older than charles' , ' George looks glum' .
I shouted have you seen charles' sausage fingers' and she said urghh yeh, not aged well has he'. :D
’Zimmering out’ :D:D:D! Genuine rofl!!
The bbc has this fascination with lying about viewing figures. Claiming they can work out how many people are viewing a particular broadcast. I have not seen this behavior in any other country.
It struck me last year as they claimed 20 million people tuned in to see the final queens speech/cgi hologram.
FWIW everyone else is also at it when trying to push their own narratives. Like when those promoting the Super Bowl or the football World Cup final claim the game is watched by a good couple of billion people around the world. The flying fuck it is. At best, the event is broadcast on channels across countries which combined populations add up to tge quoted figures.
What the fuck was he on?
Obvious dickhead jumping to his defence.

This is like a Russian doll of knobbishness.

So what if someone laughs about something during or before or after a funeral?

It’s the closest to anything remotely endearing that he’s ever done that I’m aware of.
This is like a Russian doll of knobbishness.

So what if someone laughs about something during or before or after a funeral?

It’s the closest to anything remotely endearing that he’s ever done that I’m aware of.
I'm not sure that anything that cunt does can be described as endearing.
I'd have whole heartily applauded him if he'd deployed a whoopee cushion.
The point is, he turned up off his tits and if had been any other person there would have been a media lynching.
What the fuck was he on?
Obvious dickhead jumping to his defence.

It's one thing taking the piss out of the royal family and the absurdity of the whole thing, totally another rocking up to a funeral service of a 97-year-old (even if it is stupidly OTT) looking like you are off your tits. If you can't be serious, claim you have COVID and stay away.
This is like a Russian doll of knobbishness.

So what if someone laughs about something during or before or after a funeral?

It’s the closest to anything remotely endearing that he’s ever done that I’m aware of.
I burst out laughing at my gran’s funeral. The minister taking the service painted a picture of someone warm-hearted and wonderful - when she was the exact opposite. I hid my face in my hands trying to disguise it as a sob and someone in the row behind put their hand on my shoulder to comfort me. Awkward doesn’t begin to cover it.
So what if someone laughs about something during or before or after a funeral?

Yes but this was ... the Queen's ... funeral. You noticed that and the outpouring of national grief didn't you?

The point is, he turned up off his tits and if had been any other person there would have been a media lynching.


can imagine the 'news' if they had decided keir starmer had not looked sad enough...

or if jeremy corbyn had still been leader when it happened it would all somehow have been his fault
Glad these pricks are getting a kicking even if its for the weirdest reason. Kinda strange to promote an equality norm in the context of grovelling before the corpse of an unelected monarch who issued orders from a golden throne and lived a life of extraordinary opulence because of the family she was born in to.

Glad these pricks are getting a kicking even if its for the weirdest reason. Kinda strange to promote an equality norm in the context of grovelling before the corpse of an unelected monarch who issued orders from a golden throne and lived a life of extraordinary opulence because of the family she was born in to.

You realise it's all manufactured outrage?

Also why is Holly in the firing line but Phil not so much?


It's because Schofield is still loyal to his press agents that the tabloids want to stay on the good side of, but Willoughby won a million quid settlement from them so is not protected:

I'm not sure that anything that cunt does can be described as endearing.
I'd have whole heartily applauded him if he'd deployed a whoopee cushion.
The point is, he turned up off his tits and if had been any other person there would have been a media lynching.

Because the media have now been told he has ADHD or some such, is why he wasn't lynched.

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