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Pensioner arrested on suspicion of murder after a suspected burglar was stabbed to death.

Yes, which is why I know people including me had already posted multiple alternate possibilities for the way the burglar died. It always seemed much more likely that it was a burglary gone wrong but it wasn't the only possibility in the world and it's stupid to pretend so.

My position is now fixed. :D To your side of the line. A bit. :)
And wait in fear while you are ferried from one menu to another!?....you called 999 lately?
There was a couple in Durham last week who caught the burglar and restrained him. When they phoned plod they were told to let him go but a take a photo first! He went on to burgle another property before getting nabbed.
They must have all been busy filming police interceptors.
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It would have to be concealed I think. Not sure if it’s a specific crime for it not to be, or just because it’ll get you reported or what. I got my collar felt for walking down the street with a hammer once. Cops just said it should be in a bag or something.

Oh yeah, it'd probably have to be in the packaging and/or dismantled.
There was a couple in Durham last week who caught the burglar and restrained him. When they phoned plod they were told to let him go but a take a photo first! He went on to burgle another property before getting nabbed.
They must have all been busy filming police interceptors.

Similar story here in Northumberland ( think I've mentioned it before) local haulage/farming business had been plagued by thefts of diesel. They arranged to ambush the thieves and caught them red handed, video the lot, after a bit of a scuffle they held them in a workshop until plod arrived.
After a discussion with said thieves, plod informed the haulier that yes, they (the thieves) could be charged with attempted theft, but he and his workers could then be charged with assault and unlawful detention.
Plod advised him to let them go, which after much gnashing of teeth, they did.
The thieves involved had a long history of assault, drug dealing, theft etc ( much longer now) but they are still walking free.
When I posted that, the thread looked like it was going down the tedious and slightly pathetic route blokes talking about how will they would use baseball bats, how they’ve got a chainsaw under the bed et cetera.
And FFS are people still saying he shouldn’t have been arrested. You thick twats.
Can't argue about others, but most seem to reckon A, plod had to follow procedure, B, it was to protect his rights (PACE etc)


It’s only a “scumbag family” that might want revenge.

A killing type revenge.


But it’s ok...ok...for any ‘common sense, reasonable, right thinking Urban 75er’ to think it alright to kill someone for burglary. And that doesn’t involve scumbaggery at all.

At all.

I’m sure I’ve misunderstood something somewhere. Don’t worry about me.

Seems you have, it's wasn't just 'burglary' the burglar in question was armed and threatened the home owner, in that situation all bets are off, or we could argue the homeowner should have only stabbed non life threatening bits of the burglar?
Similar story here in Northumberland ( think I've mentioned it before) local haulage/farming business had been plagued by thefts of diesel. They arranged to ambush the thieves and caught them red handed, video the lot, after a bit of a scuffle they held them in a workshop until plod arrived.
After a discussion with said thieves, plod informed the haulier that yes, they (the thieves) could be charged with attempted theft, but he and his workers could then be charged with assault and unlawful detention.
Plod advised him to let them go, which after much gnashing of teeth, they did.
The thieves involved had a long history of assault, drug dealing, theft etc ( much longer now) but they are still walking free.
Liked for the sheer stupidity of the law not for the shite bags who are still free to cause grief :facepalm:
TBF - and I'm not sure Spymaster's particular rhetorical style helps here - the situation does rather have to be one of "if you live by the swordscrewdriver, then be prepared to die by the screwdriver". Regardless of scumbag families, etc., this guy took a risk - a risk that would usually pay off nicely - and on this occasion, through whatever combination of circumstance and misfortune prevailed, it didn't. It isn't unreasonable to speculate what a family which, according to public record, appears to involve at the very least, a culture of crime, might think about that happening. And, indeed, what they might choose to do about it - this is, after all, a family of which three generations have been convicted for crimes against vulnerable elderly people, so they might reasonably be assumed not to be particularly unencumbered by moral strictures. If I were that 78 year old, i'd certainly be pondering my options wrt a place in the country...

Even complaining about these 'families' is enough to get your tires slashed, a brick through the window etc, to actually do the World a favour and whistle one of them off this mortal coil is another ball game entirely, poor bloke isn't going to get a good nights sleep for along while.
Only other scumbags would think he'd been hard done by.

You did read the link upthread which describes how this family has done jail time for theft by deception against elderly people on a massive scale? The scrote that was killed did time twice for that.

I take no pleasure in the fact a man died, but I'm not mourning his passing either.

I'm slightly ashamed to admit I took a sneaking pleasure in thinking 'one less'
As you get older and realise your 'frailties' and that the law no longer sees your protection as a priority, then the less scumbags on the prowl, the better.
Yes, they almost certainly are scumbags, but that was the point - it's scumbags that tend to get all up tight about concepts like "honour" and "revenge", and it's more likely to be that kind of person who decides to start a vendetta against the innocent victim "who killed are Henry".
Mmm, you obviously don't live in the 'leafy suburbs' with plenty of police presence, where this type of 'scumbag' would be moved on within minutes of parking their Transit


(Source: Daily Mail)

The Late Henry Vincent: Can anyone clarify exactly what his family thought it was that he did "deserve"?
Even complaining about these 'families' is enough to get your tires slashed, a brick through the window etc, to actually do the World a favour and whistle one of them off this mortal coil is another ball game entirely, poor bloke isn't going to get a good nights sleep for along while.

I'm slightly ashamed to admit I took a sneaking pleasure in thinking 'one less'
As you get older and realise your 'frailties' and that the law no longer sees your protection as a priority, then the less scumbags on the prowl, the better.
You total dickhead, fuck off
You total dickhead, fuck off
Lol! This sums up some of the twats on these boards nicely. It’s ok to wish death upon all sorts of people (tories, liberals, posh folk, wealthy people, bankers, Jamie Oliver, etc) but get stuck in to a career criminal from a family of nasty bastards who prey on the elderly and you get shit like this! :facepalm:

I’m glad this cunt is dead too. Hope it happens to more cowardly shits who violently target vulnerable people.
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Either the police actually suspected he committed murder or we accept that they can arrest people under false pretences just to make their job easier.

If a man calls the police an says he stabbed someone to death in their kitchen, it's probably reasonable to have a suspicion the dead chap may have been murdered. Investigating the murder provides a necessity to arrest him. Arresting him puts him under the protection of PACE and gives him access to free legal support. The police then investigated found no evidence of wrongdoing and off he went and as far as I can tell the State is now providing this family with security.

That's the process working. In your model where the police don't bother with any of this because they think the dead person is a wrongen I'm not sure we'd have the same outcome - although it does make great Daily Mail headlines.
Lol! This sums up some of the twats on these boards nicely. It’s ok to wish death upon all sorts of people (tories, liberals, posh folk, wealthy people, bankers, Jamie Oliver, etc) but get stuck in to a career criminal from a family of nasty bastards who prey on the elderly and you get shit like this! :facepalm:

I’m glad this cunt is dead too. Hope it happens to more cowardly shits who violently target vulnerable people.

I had liked this post, but you then edited it & added that last line, so I've had to unlike it.

Personally I am uncomfortable with the 'he deserved it' line, but I have some sympathy with that thinking, as he was a right evil scumbag, so I don't think you're a dickhead.

Well, not over this anyway. ;) :D
From the way most papers write up the story it would be a blessed relief for all pensioners in South London if the majority of the Vincent family met with an untimely end....

To be honest it is hard to disagreed
Similar story here in Northumberland ( think I've mentioned it before) local haulage/farming business had been plagued by thefts of diesel. They arranged to ambush the thieves and caught them red handed, video the lot, after a bit of a scuffle they held them in a workshop until plod arrived.
After a discussion with said thieves, plod informed the haulier that yes, they (the thieves) could be charged with attempted theft, but he and his workers could then be charged with assault and unlawful detention.
Plod advised him to let them go, which after much gnashing of teeth, they did.
The thieves involved had a long history of assault, drug dealing, theft etc ( much longer now) but they are still walking free.

Would be tempting to suggest to the heroes in blue in this instance that if they failed to arrest the thieves they would be referred for gross dereliction of duty. A lot easier said than done, I know, having experienced health and safety reasons being sited as reason to not make an arrest after an assault (not of me).
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