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Pensioner arrested on suspicion of murder after a suspected burglar was stabbed to death.

[...] but also to the calling out of anyone who doesn’t see burglary as a capital offence as a hand-wringing liberal [...]

This is disingenuous bollocks. There’s an ocean of difference between seeing someone who preys on pensioners getting their come-uppance from one, and campaigning to give the state the power to kill and including burglary in the list of transgressions you can be executed for.
If a man calls the police an says he stabbed someone to death in their kitchen, it's probably reasonable to have a suspicion the dead chap may have been murdered. Investigating the murder provides a necessity to arrest him. Arresting him puts him under the protection of PACE and gives him access to free legal support. The police then investigated found no evidence of wrongdoing and off he went and as far as I can tell the State is now providing this family with security.

That's the process working. In your model where the police don't bother with any of this because they think the dead person is a wrongen I'm not sure we'd have the same outcome - although it does make great Daily Mail headlines.

Why didn’t they arrest his wife? If she had stabbed him the obvious thing to do would be for her to climb into bed and her husband to pretend he had confronted what he thought was a burglar.
Why didn’t they arrest his wife? If she had stabbed him the obvious thing to do would be for her to climb into bed and her husband to pretend he had confronted what he thought was a burglar.

Aside from the obvious daftness of this (from the published reports the husband appears not to have known the bloke was dead until some time afterwards - the bloke who died was bundled out of the house by his accomplice then left in the street and died later in hospital, so how would he know to cover it up?), its very telling that you think that other people would think they'd need to cover up stabbing someone in self-defence after that person has tried to rob them in their own home.

It has literally never been something for which people have been imprisoned, there is oodles of caselaw proving that it isn't, so why does a large part of the population think that it is?

If Mr Vincent's family do indeed believe that he did not "deserve" what he received, I sincerely hope that they or their repreentatives will come forward as soon as possible to say what exactly it is they consider he did "deserve". This has yet to be made clear.


(Source: Daily Mail)

The Late Henry Vincent

Latest: 'Henry had a heart of gold!': Flowers and card left outside OAP's boarded-up home for burglar who was stabbed to death by 78-year-old homeowner during late night break-in
If that cunt had a heart of gold, it'd only be because he nicked it off someone else.
Aside from the obvious daftness of this (from the published reports the husband appears not to have known the bloke was dead until some time afterwards - the bloke who died was bundled out of the house by his accomplice then left in the street and died later in hospital, so how would he know to cover it up?), its very telling that you think that other people would think they'd need to cover up stabbing someone in self-defence after that person has tried to rob them in their own home.

It has literally never been something for which people have been imprisoned, there is oodles of caselaw proving that it isn't, so why does a large part of the population think that it is?
Because it sells newspapers. The story in the cases like this ( about every three years) is always the same.
Mind, with modern forensics if you wanted to kill someone known to you, rather than a total stranger, then you need to call it in straight away and develop a rationale to make the argument that it was self defence.

Not that there is any suggestion that this is what happened in the case under discussion.
And, why the fuck does it matter?

You tell me? a few years ago I got a right bollocking on here for making a moan on "travellers" while trying to make the point that 'genuine travellers' hardly exist and those who pretend to be 'travellers' are in fact dyed in the wool local scumbags who have identified with the traveller meme.
If that cunt had a heart of gold, it'd only be because he nicked it off someone else.
But, getting back to 'the family' the old bloke, his home etc, they will be targeted, the fact that an old bloke took on and overcame one of their 'best' and as a result the media exposed his family connections and held them up to public scorn, won't be 'overlooked'
But, getting back to 'the family' the old bloke, his home etc, they will be targeted, the fact that an old bloke took on and overcame one of their 'best' and as a result the media exposed his family connections and held them up to public scorn, won't be 'overlooked'

I rather suspect the old bill have thought of this and are putting measures in place. If nothing else it'd be good procedure.

Also, this wanky family. Aurely even they'd be able to see that retribution on this case would bring a whole shit storm down on them. They caused this to happen by being such a bunch of cunts and using crime as the family trade, this whole tragedy is on them. They should take their licks and just fuck off.
... the calling out of anyone who doesn’t see burglary as a capital offence as a hand-wringing liberal who, because they don’t care for the consequences of retributive justice, would really like to be be organising benefits for burglars.
Or maybe the calling out of people who can’t put into context what has happened here and seem to sympathise more with the armed robber than the victims.

“Capital offence” :facepalm:
they mean traveller families
wishing and celebrating their deaths is fair game now??
I don’t think they necessarily meant “travellers” just these type of career criminal groups.
But if they are thieveing scum bags terrorising old people then traveller families are not exempt from feelings of disgust, including a lack of empathy if they get killed during their criminal activities.
The house has been boarded-up with metal grills & CCTV installed, including on a lamppost in the street, whilst Richard Osborn-Brooks & his wife are in hiding. :(

The pensioner arrested for stabbing a burglar who later collapsed and died has been forced into hiding as he fears a revenge attack. Richard Osborn-Brooks, who has been cleared by police and will face no further action, is said to be in hiding with his wife Maureen. The 78-year-old is reportedly concerned that associates of Henry Vincent will target him following the burglar’s death. A friend of Ms Osborn-Brooks told The Sun: ‘Richard doesn’t want to go home. ‘He’s genuinely sorry about what happened to Vincent but felt he had no choice.
‘The police are still very concerned for him and his wife who has arthritis.’
Pensioner who fatally stabbed burglar 'fears revenge attack' | Metro News
What if, and a topic for my students, they are disorentated and fall?

Breaking an arm or shattering their spine? What would you do?

A.call the police,
B.call an ambulance or
C. drag them outside to let fend for themselves

I am interested as a tricky/experence fuelled moral dilema my students will have to struggle with tomorrow.

I need some sleep, and after reading all this, double bolting the door and windows tonight.

I'm not strong, so I can't drag them out. If they fell I certainly wouldn't strike them while they're down. The more I think about it, the more I think I'd try and stay calm - if they left peacefully I wouldn't even bother calling the police. I think screaming just adds fuel to the fire, so I think I'd try not to scream/shout aggressively. But again, this is a fantasy, you never know how you'd react in reality... But maybe it's good to rehearse these things in your mind
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