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Pedestrian jailed for causing death of cyclist

The debate is usually framed by motorists vs cyclists but both of those can be annoying to pedestrians in their own way. Motorists are generally more deadly but more predictable than cyclists.
The pics Jennaonthebeach put up brought up fond memories of bombing it over London bridges at 30+ mph but I wouldn't dream of cycling there now. Large parts of most towns are just completely off limits for most peoples abilities on bikes. Cycling paths of any kind are a god send.
Agreed. I use a new cycle path one day a week. It’s properly done, with clearly marked lanes that are mostly cycle only, and the intersections are done well and safely. It’s really a joy to ride in pleasant surroundings - i always see red kites in the sky, which is a thrill that never diminishes for me. Speaking of thrills, I kinda miss cycling in London. I actually enjoyed the rush of cycling in traffic and viewed it as a hair-raising but enlivening extreme sport, but appreciate that this is not a sensible view to take.
The debate is usually framed by motorists vs cyclists but both of those can be annoying to pedestrians in their own way. Motorists are generally more deadly but more predictable than cyclists.

One thing that's got quite shit round me is - to get a bit shouty at the workers - delivery riders with budget electric conversions. That can get genuinely dangerous.
Back to the actual topic.
That particular cyclist absolutely belonged on the shared pavement and her behaviour cannot be faulted.
And this from someone who regularly has had words with cyclists - both as pedestrian and cyclist.
We’re still on topic though as this has wider implications
The debate is usually framed by motorists vs cyclists but both of those can be annoying to pedestrians in their own way. Motorists are generally more deadly but more predictable than cyclists.
I think we should save a bit of space for joggers too.

One past me once and did a full nostril blow out right in front of me and the Mrs during our state sponsored hour of apocalyptic exercise in the first week of lockdown. The same time people were farting to muffle out the sound of a sneeze.

It didn't happen again.
One thing that's got quite shit round me is - to get a bit shouty at the workers - delivery riders with budget electric conversions. That can get genuinely dangerous.
In Leeds, (IME), the greatest danger, either from accidents or road rage, is from young men in cars they cannot really afford, who get absurdly territorial around their vehicles, and drive accordingly, as well as being super paranoid about getting a scratch on their leased ugly lump of metal. I guess paranoid is the wrong word, cos they will end getting scratches if they keep behaving like they’re playing MarioKart
They councils can but that does not mean they will
Westminster have. Others I believe are considering it.

Plus I understand that TfLs budget for this sort of thing is miniscule which is why they've taken so long to get anything in place, that and the legal challenges they are probably dealing with. It needs the government to match the amounts they spend on motorists.And probably legislation to make it all happen in a timely fashion.
Anything less means they aren't taking cycling seriously.
I've been looking at the video of this incident and it does very look like the cyclist was pushed to me.
Possibly. But did the defendant realise that her lashing out in frustration could have led to death?
Manslaughter is company directors taking safety shortcuts to save money that leads to deaths of workers. Or murderers who get off on a technicality.
This was an unfortunate clash where the blame lies with the council if anyone.
In Leeds, (IME), the greatest danger, either from accidents or road rage, is from young men in cars they cannot really afford, who get absurdly territorial around their vehicles, and drive accordingly, as well as being super paranoid about getting a scratch on their leased ugly lump of metal. I guess paranoid is the wrong word, cos they will end getting scratches if they keep behaving like they’re playing MarioKart

Yeah, as a er... sobering note... a friend of a friend was killed just a few months ago cycling back into Sheffield from the peaks. A lot of the dangers we talk about from cyclists are, to some extent, abstract... I've been annoyed by bikes as a pedestrian, I've never actually been hit by one. I have been hit by cars, and have dangerous encounters pretty much every time I'm out on the bike. And yeah, I met that guy a couple of times, seemed nice. Shit waste of life.
In Leeds, (IME), the greatest danger, either from accidents or road rage, is from young men in cars they cannot really afford, who get absurdly territorial around their vehicles, and drive accordingly, as well as being super paranoid about getting a scratch on their leased ugly lump of metal. I guess paranoid is the wrong word, cos they will end getting scratches if they keep behaving like they’re playing MarioKart
Leeds is moving in the right direction on the cycling front I think. A pal of mine has been working for the LA on safer/greener pathways for pedestrians and cyclists. I was quite impressed with what she was telling me was going on including a decent lecky bike scheme and a lot of youth engagement in their consultations with the local community.

On the road rage stuff though I think the young aggressive male driver thing or Bad Boy Chiller Crew as I like to call them, has been endemic for years. I had a group of lads telling me they were going to fuck me up because they'd crashed into each other but it was my fault because I was stationary in the road. When I pointed out to them that was because I was indicating to turn right across oncoming traffic they told me I was a fat cunt :)

Fearing that I was going to be shanked to death a passer by called the plod who arrived on the scene during their kind appraisal of my fine figure. It became obvious that they all knew each other and had been driving in convoy on their first big day out.

Even when I told the WPC I didn't want to press charges against the low profile BMW Bad Boy he proclaimed that that was because I knew I was in the wrong. That's when the copper decided to arrest him anyway under caution for public order so he could have some rules of the road explained to him when he'd calmed down.

Two weeks later I got an apology via the police from his dad. :oops:.
In Leeds, (IME), the greatest danger, either from accidents or road rage, is from young men in cars they cannot really afford, who get absurdly territorial around their vehicles, and drive accordingly, as well as being super paranoid about getting a scratch on their leased ugly lump of metal. I guess paranoid is the wrong word, cos they will end getting scratches if they keep behaving like they’re playing MarioKart

Not to mention they'll fuck up the clutch and/or gearbox by over-revving the engines to make as much noise as possible.
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