free spirit
more tea vicar?
Actually, that is an interesting point with the data in Falcon's graphs - is that historic discovery rate inclusive of the later reserve growth figures? I assume it must be.
But this is the signature error of the pattern of your arguments - stating immaterial problems as material as a device for avoiding an argument. Running the extrapolate along the base actually reduces ambiguity by making it clearer about any assumption you make about future basin discovery and technology changes (material discovery is associated with both). Any error introduced by running the extrapolate along the base of the increments is insignificant in relation to the magnitude of the extrapolate of the increment that would be required to impact production. Running it through the centre would not alter the conclusion - we are not replicating the exploration conditions that pertained in the 1930's, and that would be a necessary (but not sufficient) condition for your argument to be valid.This essentially has been my point about those graphs all along, I don't see the extrapolations as being valid for the actual situation, and this then must logically cause the predicted timings of any peak and declines to also be out. Maybe it only pushes them out by a few years, but then that's all I'm really claiming anyway is that it's not actually happening right now, but may well be in 10 years time or so.
A device is not ambiguous merely because you don't understand it, or dislike the conclusion. It is, in fact, perfectly unambiguous. What *is* ambiguous is the meaning of an extrapolation of unbackdated reserve - it has no physical interpretation.I'm aware of the phenomenum, and tbh I reckon both sides in this debate are as guilty as each other of using this sort of ambiguity to manipulate the data to produce graphs that neatly support their point of view. Arabia plans to boost renewable energy use as a way to pare back on oil consumption used for domestic desalinization and power plants, potentially saving 523,000 barrels of oil equivalent a day over the next 20 years. The country aims to have 41,000 megawatts of solar capacity within two decades, Maher al-Odan, a consultant at the King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable Energy, said last year.
You didn't, because you also failed to consider that solar manufacturing nations use far more oil to build solar than oil producing nations use oil to make electricity, so all you would do is displace oil consumption to another part of the system.I appear to have underestimated solar's potential to actually directly replace oil, as I'd not considered that oil producing nations use a lot of oil
No, they are doing it because they have overstated their reserves by billions and realise their society will crash when Garhwal fails. That's why they are building a fleet of 16 nuclear reactors to maintain their water supplies - the solar is a PR stunt for the credulous.btw, Saudi has a new policy of prioritising the reduction of domestic oil consumption for the first time to increase the amount of their oil they can get paid for exporting
no they don't, and you've never once produced a single credible source to back up that position either - for a very good reason I presume.You didn't, because you also failed to consider that solar manufacturing nations use far more oil to build solar than oil producing nations use oil to make electricity, so all you would do is displace oil consumption to another part of the system.
It's not an either or situation, they're doing both for the same reason, and 70TWh a year of electricity isn't a PR stunt.No, they are doing it because they have overstated their reserves by billions and realise their society will crash when Garhwal fails. That's why they are building a fleet of 16 nuclear reactors to maintain their water supplies - the solar is a PR stunt for the credulous.
70TWh a year of electricity isn't a PR stunt.
I see the oil barrel price is pushing back to $100. Which seems to indicate that the new (i.e. very old) shale oil technology bonanza is a fiction.
Industrial technologies don't function above $90 without printing money because the cost structure (of everything, but chiefly food and transport) becomes unaffordable. So the question seems now to be: how long can we keep printing money?
If you’ve ever shaken a can of soda pop good and hard and then opened it, you know something about fracking that countless column inches of media cheerleading on the subject have sedulously avoided. The technique is different, to be sure, but the effect of hydrofracturing on oil and gas trapped in shale is not unlike the effect of a hard shake on the carbon dioxide dissolved in soda pop: in both cases, you get a sudden rush toward the outlet, which releases most of what you’re going to get. Oil and gas production from fracked wells thus starts out high but suffers ferocious decline rates—up to 90% in the first year alone. Where a conventional, unfracked well can produce enough oil or gas to turn a profit for decades if it’s well managed, fracked wells in tight shales like the Bakken and Marcellus quite often stop becoming a significant source of oil or gas within a few years of drilling.
Those who were paying attention to all the hoopla may have noticed that the vaporous claims being retailed by the mainstream media around the fracking boom resembled nothing so much as the equally insubstantial arguments most of the same media were serving up around the housing boom in the years immediately before the 2008 crash. The similarity isn’t accidental, either. The same thing happened in both cases: Wall Street got into the act.
IMO, the new building regs part L and their built-in year on year escalation of standards have done a great deal to turn things round in the industry. There's a lot of grumbling from contractors, but the new build homes of today are much more efficient than they used to be.
But the bigger problem by far is the existing stock. All those victorian terraces and pre-war semis leak heat like a seive and are a pain in the arse to fix. Big, hard problem.
I was talking to someone the other day about solid wall insulation on the outside of houses - is it really something that would be a worthwhile idea?
Funnily enough a week or so after Crispy gave me helpful practical suggestions in the face of my defeatism, exactly this work began on a whole bunch of houses on the streets around me. I've been able to see the work in action. I believe this may be a job-lot of houses that are owned by a group connected to the local mosque, probably used as part of the social services they provide to that community. I assume they wouldnt have bothered getting it done if there were not eventually a return on the investment. But the work doesnt look cheap, and I'm in no position to do such things at the moment. Given the decrease in north sea gas production there is little doubt it makes sense to insulate existing stock as much as possible, its just a question of how to pay for it.
I reckon EWI prices should be falling fairly fast due to economies of scale, installers learning the trade and getting faster etc.
damn sure the councils etc won't be paying 12k a property.
no, don't go near it, it's green deal, 8-9% interest rates, bit of a nightmare of a scheme really, and I'd expect you'll pay well over the odds through it due to all the bureaucracy.Doing them in a block will be much cheaper per house and mine's an end terrace so has an extra wall to do. I've just had an email today about Birmingham Energy Savers scheme which might be offering grants, something about paying back with savings from electricity bills.. so do you think it would be worth it (in energy/heating terms) to externally insulate an end terrace with a party wall to an uninsulated house?
no, don't go near it, it's green deal, 8-9% interest rates, bit of a nightmare of a scheme really, and I'd expect you'll pay well over the odds through it due to all the bureaucracy.
It's only just started and is still not really sorted out, so give it at least 6 months if you do want to go that route.
Economics of fracking improving rapidlyAn interesting post by Greer on the imminent burst of the fracking bubble.
I can help you sanity check it via pm if you like.Just a quick one on the solid wall insulation: colleagues have an interesting idea I'm trying to sanity check, so anyone with relevant experience and fancies a chat over beer/food, dm me.
Somehow not surprised by the interest rates. There's another thread about the need for energy co's to cover co2 by this route to be done...
Somebody in the PR department (what we call "External Affairs" in the oil industry) will have got a bottle of champagne for getting that whopper placed.Faster drill times down, longer horizontal sections per well. They are drilling the best sites but getting a lot more for their money these days.
I can help you sanity check it via pm if you like.
I reckon I probably already know what the idea is, if so, it works, and is already being done by a couple of specialist companies who really know their stuff.
I'm hoping to get chance to do a monitored install at some point, but need to find a willing customer with a suitable building.