Thoughtful and interesting post, elbows.The original reason for this thread, Iraq, certainly shows up as the remaining great hope for good old fashioned on-shore, cheap, easy oil production increases of notable magnitude, backed by reserves that will last a good while.
As a point of clarity, Iraq has 147 billion booked reserves. That's about
It is also the result of a recent 24% upward revision. There were no seismic surveys or exploration program that would justify this revision, or improvement in the security fiasco. There was the political need to attract investment, at a time when it suits everyone for there to be plenty and no-one is applying SEC rules. In other words - paper barrels. Just like the 300 billion OPEC added in the 1980's.
I agree it is the last remaining hope. But that's a statement about the quality of the other hopes, not about the quality of Iraq.
With the effects of these phenomenon filtering through, the Iraq project moving into the stage where its supposed to deliver, and an absence of the key giant fields falling off a cliff and showing us many other places repeating the hideous north sea decline rates of the last decade, I no longer find it impossible to imagine business 'nearly as usual' continuing for another decade or two.
What is 'peak'? By definition - that point when it has never been so good. It would be unwise to scan the environment for superficial indications of problems at that point in our trajectory of maximum injection of low entropy energy into our living arrangement. The slow change in day length at midsummer gives no indication it will shortly be dark by 4pm - you need to know about the orbit of the earth around the sun to anticipate that.
Essential to remember: we are on plateau. The signal/noise ratio right now is very poor. Small excursions could be mistaken as growth even if our institution's fears hadn't disabled our cognitive faculties.
That's all they are, and all they will be: small excursions. But the underlying trend - depletion - is asserting itself and will accelerate year on year on year. We watch the trend, not the noise around the trend.
And we know the trend. It has been set by a pattern of discovery which peaked 40 years ago, declined aggressively, and is now yielding a production trend which is insensitive to even gross errors in our assumption about remaining resource. Everything else is obfuscation.
*edited: it's 4 years