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Peaches Geldof is dead, age 25

Tragically young and desperately sad for family & friends....but top story on the BBC? Really?
Being fair, when somebody in their mid 20s dies unexpectedly without an accident or a long term condition, drugs and/or suicide are the most usual assumptions. Because they are most usually the reason.
This has really saddened me, her kids robbed of their mum at such a young age, and the rest of her family experiencing that sort of loss again.
This is just awful - her poor family, her poor babies. I'm surprisingly sad about this. :(
Six articles about Peaches currently up on the Fail website :facepalm:
Equation, I think you mean well, but all this Mail monitoring is doing you no good, causing multiple :facepalm::mad::(s.

Added to which if you carry on like this you may be accused of protesting too much. :hmm:
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Equation, I think you mean well, but all this Mail monitoring is doing you no good, causing multiple :facepalm::mad::(s.

Added to which if you carry on like this you may be accused of protesting too much. :hmm:
I checked their website once. That's not monitoring. And please can you stop patronising me? I'm an adult, I know what does me good and and what doesn't.

If I was constantly posting links to their articles you may have had a point. But I'm not so you don't.

Having lost friends to drugs and suicide in the last couple of months, I really don't think it's right to speculate at all. It doesn't even matter really.

People cannot help wondering, because she died so young. People are shocked, baffled. I would like to know why she died. I think it matters. When people wonder why, it is not for ghoulish reasons. However, I hope the media can let Bob and his family grieve in some semblance of peace...
What's the betting in the coming days there will be a particularly vile Daily Mail piece written by one their columnists, to be taken offline a couple of days later once the required number of clicks have been achieved?

So certain it's scarcely worth placing the bet.

I haven't checked thoroughly for duplicates, but I think I see eleven pieces on the Fail website now.
RIP. Didn't know much about her beyond her losing her mum at a young age and who her parents are. Talk about history repeating itself.
Know nothing about her really, so can't be sad for that, but her dad's statement is heartbreaking.

Press ghoulishness really winds me up. Expect pointless shots of reporters outside her house/family member's houses all over the fucking telly news tomorrow, like there's anything to add to the story by them being there.
Funny how people want to grieve and express sorrow about some non-entity who had a famous father.

Part of what makes it so tragic is, as I said earlier, that she never appeared to be anything other than yeah, the annoying daughter of an annoying rich man. But she was a young woman with a young family she clearly loved and cared for deeply, and a young woman who never had any time to grow and develop outside of an aggressive public glare. She didn't ask for this attention, and whilst she may have revelled in it at points in her life, that doesn't stop the death of somebody so young, who went through so much in her short life, from being fucking sad.

If you can't see that, I feel sorry for you.
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