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Pat Finucane 'Apology'

Sorry, should have added the ;) or :hmm: smillie.

Its the way Cameron has acted, apparently sorry is the easiest word, move along now - nothing to see here.
If you have two sides fighting a "dirty war", both of whom frequently murdered their "rivals" or those who as they saw it, supported their enemies, as well as periodically blowing up anyone else who happened to be in the way, then some pretty nasty stuff is going to happen.

Why demands for endless "enquiries" on one side only?


Ok then, I take it we can expect you to simply shrug your shoulders at Warrington, Enniskillen, Omagh etc. After all some pretty nasty stuff is going to happen?!
Why has only one side put their weapons beyond use?

Because both bunches of paramilitarys mostly gave up on armed struggle.
I dont think there was any masterful british stratergy tbf republican stratergy was pretty pants as well. Tbf the loyalist stratergy was clear and concise kill catholics they were the only ones to achieve there goal a pile of corpses.

The troubles were a stupid answer to a stupid situation.
Civil wars even low intenisty ones like northern ireland tend to be really horrible all the combatants committed atrocitys at times and all kept the bodycount down.
The simplistic interpretation of the Finucane affair is that Sgt William McBigot from the RUC Special Branch met up for a pint with his pal Johnny MacMadDog of the UFF and passed a couple of 'names' on to him... Presumably Sgt MacBigot then left saying, "Remember Johnny/Ken/Billy/Jacko/Delete-As-Appropriate, that whatever happens after I give you these names, it's got nothing to do with me!"

It's a convenient cop-out which defies the already disclosed evidence about the level of collusion between British military intelligence, RUC Special Branch and loyalist paramilitaries. The loyalists could not have finessed their operation without input and direction from British Intelligence personnel such as Brian Nelson, who refined their intelligence operation and who selected targets for assassination by the UFF/UDA. Nor could they have carried out such operations without good and effective firepower, which they were supplied with via an MI5 gun-running operation from apartheid South Africa in the late 1980's.

The Brits and RUC Special Branch were not only in the business of recruiting touts in loyalist areas, but also of recruiting reliable assets with a penchant for killing taigs, who would take direction and be supplied with the 'names' of targets and the right gear for the job. Throw-in the amazing way that British Army and RUC units would just magically 'disappear' from the streets of the intended target's home area just before a loyalist death squad moved in and I think you have more than a series of unforeseen coincidences.

It beggars belief frankly that there was no 'conspiracy'. I get the feeling that Dave thinks by conspiracy we think that Thatcher and her various NI Ministers sat down in Number 10 with the high heidyins of the Army/Police/Secret Services for a minuted meeting of who to shoot next. As such given I doubt anyone seriously thinks that Cameron says then there was no conspiracy. That he can't get his head round the rather glaring reality that there had to be a conspiracy of individuals within the various agencies for this to happen. It's as if Cameropn actually believes the scenario you paint....
Article finishes with 'What is it they are hiding?'. I rather suspect John Finucane's question is at least in part rhetorical. In situations like this the default position of the British establishment is to close ranks.

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