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Paris burns after police murder youth

Do the French cops do that shit thing the US cops do, which is always release ‘dirt’ on the victim to make them look more deserving of death? Which then gets batted around and amplified by the worst fucking arseholes on talk radio/social media, “oh, but he was a well-known late returner of library books”. All those cop-simpering bootlicking snivelling fucks doing the dirty work for the state.
Do the French cops do that shit thing the US cops do, which is always release ‘dirt’ on the victim to make them look more deserving of death? Which then gets batted around and amplified by the worst fucking arseholes on talk radio/social media, “oh, but he was a well-known late returner of library books”. All those cop-simpering bootlicking snivelling fucks doing the dirty work for the state.
Yes, There’s the usual He had a Criminal Record stuff doing the rounds
Do the French cops do that shit thing the US cops do, which is always release ‘dirt’ on the victim to make them look more deserving of death? Which then gets batted around and amplified by the worst fucking arseholes on talk radio/social media, “oh, but he was a well-known late returner of library books”. All those cop-simpering bootlicking snivelling fucks doing the dirty work for the state.

I can think of police killing in Britain where that has happened: Mark Duggan, Jean Charles de Menenez, Blair Peach and I'm sure there are plenty more.
^ I think that's actually a still from one of two recent French movies which have been all about this banlieu/police brutality milieu - both worth watching again in light of recent events - one (the better) is Ladj Ly's semi-comic-tragic-social-theatre drama LES MISERABLES and the second the flashy, supposedly more radical, but meretricious ATHENA directed by Costa-Gavras's son, which focuses more on the semi-militarised spectacle of mass revolt and the power games going on in French housing estates.

Also been an entire slew of French 'bad cops in bad neighbourhoods' films like The Stronghold which are arguably borderline Le Pen/Macron propaganda in the way they stereotype and demonise the peripheries. Harder and harder to tell which is life and which is art imitating each other (and making things worse)
Another thread from Twitter which is probably better that the last one I posted detailing the racism people form Africa face in France:

Polish state funded media showing its true colours

i hadnt heard of Visegrad 24 - very shady
tbh even though this is covertly funded by the current polish government, mainstream state polish news is little better

according that link it has become more popular due to its ukraine war coverage...interesting how pro-ukrainian reporting is being 'weaponised' into more general far-right politics
i hadnt heard of Visegrad 24 - very shady
tbh even though this is covertly funded by the current polish government, mainstream state polish news is little better

according that link it has become more popular due to its ukraine war coverage...interesting how pro-ukrainian reporting is being 'weaponised' into more general far-right politics
A few posters on here have outed the channel
Police could easily of shot the tyres. Blatant execution.
The police man has been charged but how many will loose their lives in these riots.
There's even military weapons that some protesters are carrying.

They are also attacking many working class businesses and property.
Police could easily of shot the tyres. Blatant execution.
The police man has been charged but how many will loose their lives in these riots.
There's even military weapons that some protesters are carrying.

They are also attacking many working class businesses and property.
Working class businesses?
what I'm getting at here is that the shift from employed working class to business owning results in individualist interests taking priority for an individual leading to alignment with the right.
the tory government's term for these people is "working people"
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