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Pandemic personal consequences

The gov finally decided to give medical and health workers the booster jab.

Big brother getting his tomorrow. Hospitals full of covid and he is very much frontline.

I think the gov here in Ireland has been in denial about cases...

Blimey, that's slow, my SiL had her booster jab back in Sept., she's in the lab, not on the frontline.

I see cases are up over 250% in Ireland, over the last month. :(
Feel like catching it is a matter of time now really. Went to a gig on Monday, 200 people rammed in a room, no masks. Got the train twice this week for hour+ each time, both times rammed and with practically no mask wearing or even attempt at distancing. Token posters on the train saying we 'refresh our trains with open windows' when there were no windows that could be opened on the train ffs. :rolleyes: Last night on the way home on the train a drunk couple sat next to us, the woman was coughing every few minutes. TBH I feel like giving up on mask wearing etc. nobody else I see seems to bother.
TBH I feel like giving up on mask wearing etc. nobody else I see seems to bother.
I got on a bus the other day, and was the only one with a mask on. I thought I may as well take it off if no-one else could be bothered (including the driver). Half a mile later, we stopped outside the hospital and three health service workers got on, masked obv. I felt a right dick.
Feel like catching it is a matter of time now really. Went to a gig on Monday, 200 people rammed in a room, no masks. Got the train twice this week for hour+ each time, both times rammed and with practically no mask wearing or even attempt at distancing. Token posters on the train saying we 'refresh our trains with open windows' when there were no windows that could be opened on the train ffs. :rolleyes: Last night on the way home on the train a drunk couple sat next to us, the woman was coughing every few minutes. TBH I feel like giving up on mask wearing etc. nobody else I see seems to bother.

Why would you stop wearing a mask when you know it is a line of defence?

You're a medical person arent you? You know how to protect yourself...
Why would you not wear a mask just because others stop?

Genuinely confused..
I see medics leaving the local hospital wearing masks as they walk home / to the bus stop etc.

We are constantly being reminded to wear masks over here by the CMO.
...because the virus is just about crippling the health service.
Took some new crew onboard yesterday and despite them having 14 days isolation quarantine and 4 negative PCR everyone else has to mask up full time for the next two weeks

Very very thorough covid mitigation, I’m not really complaining

I’ve checked the U.K. government website for travel…..no countries are red listed for the U.K. and no need to pcr test before flight unless airline mandates it

The U.K. continuing to do absolutely fucking zero about corona. Just walk on in.

This from a bunch of lizards voted in on the message take back control and protect borders

Compare that to the recent airport scenes in Australia when families were reuniting after not being allowed back in their own country for 18 months
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Just read this .. the CMO Tony Holohan (Ireland)

"If you are in an an environment where you're not asked for your Covid cert or where hand washing facilities are not present, or mask wearing is not as it should be - you should look at that as a riskier environment than it should be, and you should feel empowered to leave."


The CMO added: "If you haven't yet been vaccinated, or if it's time for your booster, please ensure to come forward for that vaccine. Our individual behaviour and adherence to all the basic public health advice that we are so familiar with has worked over the course of this pandemic.

"We need to continue to focus on the importance of basic hand washing, wearing of masks, social distancing, recognising risk environments, and being aware of the kinds of activities that we’re involved in that do constitute a higher risk of transmission."
Why would you stop wearing a mask when you know it is a line of defence?

You're a medical person arent you? You know how to protect yourself...
Why would you not wear a mask just because others stop?

Genuinely confused..

I said I felt like it, not that I had. And it's a very human and understandable reaction that loads of people are having when they look about and see barely anyone else doing it, especially when it's primary use to protect others not yourself.
I said I felt like it, not that I had. And it's a very human and understandable reaction that loads of people are having when they look about and see barely anyone else doing it, especially when it's primary use to protect others not yourself.
It feels completely pointless to be the only one wearing a mask in a building full of people not wearing them. And that's because it is completely pointless.
I took a flight on Friday from the UK to Turkey. It was a holiday flight full of Brits on holiday. Mask use was minimal - over the 4.5 hour flight, the cabin crew repeatedly said to the large family across from me "can you pull your mask up please". Such a massive difference to the other flights I've taken.
Apparently not as the virus can get in through the eyes. A mask is worn primarily to protect other people.

The most common way of catching is by breathing in droplets, so they do provide some protection to the mask wearer.

Wear Masks To Protect Yourself From The Coronavirus, Not Only Others, CDC Stresses

ETA - And, it's not just about protection against catching it, but also reducing the viral load if you do, thus reducing how bad it will be.
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The most common way of catching is by breathing in droplets, so they do provide some protection to the mask wearer.

Wear Masks To Protect Yourself From The Coronavirus, Not Only Others, CDC Stresses

ETA - And, it's not just about protection against catching it, but also reducing the viral load if you do, thus reducing how bad it will be.

Yep. Especially an n95 mask.
Wearing a mask during a short period I can see being effective. But turning up day after day for full working days into a working environment in which nobody else is wearing a mask? I have no confidence that even an N95 mask is going to make any difference in the long run to that.
Best not to bother then 🙄

Zero chance of you having and/spreading it is there?
I don't quite get why people seem to have just given up. I remember organising a five a side match and four people didn't turn up because we were going to be three short.

Isn't it obvious? It's been talked about loads here I'm sure. People aren't entirely rational beings, and are massively influenced by what their peers are doing and what see around them (even ignoring the official advice and 'messaging'), so if lots of people stop then others will look at that and also think 'fuck it, I won't bother either'. It's not 'right' and it of course has risks and negative impacts, but that's humans ffs, look at smoking etc etc.

What if its an n95 mask?
Surely that would offer some protection?

Yes, but I haven't worn them at any point in the pandemic, and I expect I'm not going to start now. All I said was I feel like giving up as it all feels quite pointless given the overwhelming numbers of people not doing anything.
I have been wearing the N95 masks in high risk testing locations. They are better for protection but are less comfortable. Do know that comfort is not a massive sacrifice when there is a deadly virus about 🙄 but can fully understand why people struggle with the comfort and cost (mine are supplied) of said masks.
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