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Pandemic Political Consequences

Well one could argue that it was the Black Death ( or maybe it was actually pulmonary anthrax) in Europe in the 13th century that enabled the bonds of feudalism to be broken and for society to transform to early capitalism with the creation of quasi -bourgeoisie . Then that the waves of Bubonic Plague in the 16th and 17th century’s enabled the social changes that resulted in modern capitalism and the nation state*. So, advanced communism by a week Thursday?

* From the Ladybird book of massively over simplified and half remembered Marxist theory.
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It’ll be the other way round, NHS shortcummings will be the trigger for the need to ‘have a serious discussion about how healthcare is funded in this country’ and similar such shite.
that being said I know a few people for whom the opoisite is true and are far more productive/less anxious and stressed when working from home
That's true - it's a personal thing. We don't mandate working at home where I work, but some people have to as we don't have enough desks for everyone to be in at the same time. I prefer working at home as it's quiet and I get loads more done.
speaking to the young staff in cafes and pubs, many are thinking of joining a union, bakers one mostly, they are quite frightened about the future, losing their jobs, but seem to be itching to do something, post Corbyn failure, etc.
Optics, eh?
They've nailed it.
How to damp down that #boristhebutcher trending...shoot the breeze with the cunt that had the journo chopped up.
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Tory MPs have been instructed today to use SM to ask manufacturers if they might possibly switch their production to ventilators.

March 16th.

When the post virus inquiries/trials start, that’ll have to be a useful metric of their negligence.
Tell you what, when this immediate crisis is over, and I mean literally as soon as the pressure eases slightly, the RCN, unison, unite, all the doctors unions & bodies like HCSA, BMA etc, every union and professional body in NHS should be making an immediate charge on terms, conditions, staffing levels, bringing social care into the NHS. Ride a fucking coach and horses through govt policy while the enemy is weak
Didn't know where this should go, the number of threads is a bit over whelming now.

EXCELLENT article though. All private hospitals commandeered now!

cant find a better report than shitty business insider
Another consequence is when they need to rush to deal with a longstanding problem because its getting in the way of minimising death in this pandemic, and we immediately get an undisguised look at the scale of the problem and how much money they need to throw at it to solve it.

3h ago 17:51

The department of health and social care has announced £2.9 billion of the chancellor’s £5 billion response fund will go to help sort out a long-running problem that is now going to become critical: the “bed blocking” in the NHS caused by elderly and vulnerable people who are fit to go home but have no safe home to go to.

Local authorities will get £1.6 billion to boost the social care workforce - the carers who are vital to look after elderly people and those with other needs once they get out of hospital, whether they are returning to their own home or moving into a care home.

The rest of the money - £1.3 billion - will go to “enhance the NHS discharge process”, so that those who are fit to be discharged can actually leave.
We've got to use the anger that's building. There's half a million unemployed new benefit claimants. 5 million self-employed, many of whom will soon be unemployed. Huge layoffs are possible, maybe a 20% unemployment rate. Millions of hidden homeless, forced out by private landlords. There'll be lots of bereaved people believing that lives could have been saved had it not been for Johnson's carelessness and cuts to the NHS. Brexiters won't get their Brexit dividend. In a country like France these ingredients would be enough for some class warfare. How can we get it to happen here? I want London's mansions seized, the owners forced out. A general strike to demand Nordic tax and welfare and an end to the cruel capitalism of the US.
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