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Pandemic Political Consequences

I should imagine UK MPs will be doing fewer weekend surgeries back in their constituencies until this blows over.

Definitely a political consequence but not necessarily a bad thing!
Yeah, all these politicians will be hiding in their big houses, advising people with a food cupboard not to panic buy whilst checking that the pantry (a whole room of food) is well stocked.
Yeah, all these politicians will be hiding in their big houses, advising people with a food cupboard not to panic buy whilst checking that the pantry (a whole room of food) is well stocked.
I bet Rees Might has a massive pantry, but he probably has staff to use it!

This thread is terrifying. It's focused on the USA but will apply everywhere that containment is not effective. Just a couple of months away from potentially the complete collapse of healthcare. I don't know what we can really do to prepare for it physically, but at least psychologically we need to be preparing for the worst case scenario. This is the big one.
Perhaps a new baby boom as a result of many people spending a lot of time indoors with nothing else to do. Randy pandemic!

I for one welcome our new randemic generation overlords, or at least I will once they are old enough to program the peoples democratic network of streets servers.
Just had this text form my GP surgery:

Due to the current escalation of Coronavirus cases, we are monitoring the situation to minimise risk to our patients and staff. From Wednesday 11 March until further notice, we will offer telephone reviews for urgent problems rather than the usual emergency clinics in the mornings. If you have an urgent medical problem, please call us on ************ and we will arrange for a doctor to call you. Please only attend the surgery if you have an appointment.

Suspect that many/most surgeries that have been offering 'emergency', turn-up & wait appointments will do the same. I doubt there'll ever be seen again...that's it, they've found the opportunity to move us on to a para-professional triage-style system that will, no doubt, yield handsomely for the software developers etc.
Wave of prison riots in Italy: "Prisoners in Pavia on Monday took two prison officers hostages for hours as other jail riots were also sparked in Salerno, Naples, Alessandria, Vercelli, Bari, Palermo, Foggia and Frosinone......... Order was restored at many of the prisons on Tuesday, although riots and protests continued at several others. In Palermo, 400 inmates are said to have taken control of part of the complex. "

All manner of possibility for disorder to come...
This will be a useful get-out for extending the Brexit transition period, won’t it? Too busy dealing with the pandemic/unable to have face-to-face talks etc.
This will be a useful get-out for extending the Brexit transition period, won’t it? Too busy dealing with the pandemic/unable to have face-to-face talks etc.
Nandy's been there for days...thinking she might yet squeeze some support from the remainy Southerners. :D
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With health services under (even greater pressure) and unable to meet day to day non-corona health needs will we see the comfortable and affluent moving more and more to private medical insurance, use of private GPs and so on, undermining national health service as a universal thing regardless of political actions or rhetoric?
There's one about three miles away from my gaff in England. Many years ago when I had a disc problem I was due to see a consultant at a hosptail and his receptionist rang up and asked if I could see him at the private hospital as it would be less travel fro him and for me. Apart from being newer , and obviously less busy as there is no A&E, it was pretty much the same tbh.

Nearest local hospital here in Portugal is private , nearest state is an hour away.
I could see some stuff about restricting
freedom of movement post-Brexit coming about.

Also, it could accelerate a shift away from traditional workplace environments and working remotely could become the norm. A prolonged period of quarantine like we've seen in China will basically eliminate companies who can't adapt to allow working remotely, and cause more businesses to structure themselves around people working from home.

If it becomes the norm, it could benefit disabled and sick people, but would mean the DWP could force people to WFH even if not suitable, etc.
Think it safe to assume that the 50% Tory Westminster polling of a few days ago will be looked upon as the ‘high’ water mark of Johnson’s ‘honeymoon’ period of popularity. With hashtags like #boristhebutcher topping the trends...feels like the Tory polling will soon look like this week’s FTSE graphs
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