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Pandemic personal consequences

Son's girlfriend tested positive with an LFT and so he took one - also positive. Both having PCRs. Apparently her mum is "blaming" him. Like there's blame here.

Mrs SI is mad at me for asking what happens next. Predictable. Somebody asks her something she doesn't have all figured out and she gets cross. Sigh.
Yeah that’s what I figured. It would be helpful if I could tell them because someone else could have the slot.
If it was through the GP and you didn't book online I don't think there's anything you can do. My GP has an online booking system so I would have been able to rearrange, and the national system you probably can too.
Back from drive thru PCR test.
The house next door had a full on halloween party all night. Their parents are away. Cars and taxis rockin' up at 3 am post clubbing. 8 cars still there. Me ...awake all night quietly grumbling...clearly I am now old.

The PCR was completely painless and I am now second guessing whether the cotton budded stick was pushed up my nostril far enough?

Might get a few hours sleep now.
If it was through the GP and you didn't book online I don't think there's anything you can do. My GP has an online booking system so I would have been able to rearrange, and the national system you probably can too.
It was booked online with my GP but there’s no option to cancel as it’s too close. So silly, why close it off on the day.
Son's girlfriend tested positive with an LFT and so he took one - also positive. Both having PCRs. Apparently her mum is "blaming" him. Like there's blame here.

Mrs SI is mad at me for asking what happens next. Predictable. Somebody asks her something she doesn't have all figured out and she gets cross. Sigh.
I’m sorry, I know you were worried about this. Sorry you’re getting stick at home too.

Hope everyone stays well and your son doesn’t feel too rubbish.
I’m sorry, I know you were worried about this. Sorry you’re getting stick at home too.

Hope everyone stays well and your son doesn’t feel too rubbish.
He doesn't feel ill, he's just furious with himself for not being vaccinated and worrying how long it'll be before he can see his girlfriend again. No indication as yet if either of them actually have it, although he says he can't smell anything.
Hoping ill people stay OK.

Oldest back from Venice tonight - they made it but the experience of checking all the rules etc was sufficiently stressful that we've agreed we're not going to book for Slovakia at Christmas. I mean, we never bet on it but there's the stress of changing rules, the UK might shut down, Slovakia might (quite understandably) close its borders to us, Slovakia might let us in but everything's shut etc. We can stay at my parents' place so if by some miracle things aren't looking scary and unstable we could go for it last minute but I doubt it overall.
Back from drive thru PCR test.
The house next door had a full on halloween party all night. Their parents are away. Cars and taxis rockin' up at 3 am post clubbing. 8 cars still there. Me ...awake all night quietly grumbling...clearly I am now old.

The PCR was completely painless and I am now second guessing whether the cotton budded stick was pushed up my nostril far enough?

Might get a few hours sleep now.
I’ve never felt pain doing these tests, just discomfort and extreme sneeziness. Cannot do the mouth one though as I just gag.
I’ve never felt pain doing these tests, just discomfort and extreme sneeziness. Cannot do the mouth one though as I just gag.
Me too, discomfort rather than pain. The swab up the nostril should meet with some resistance, but don’t push it any further!
Likewise with the throat swab, when I feel like I want to gag, then I stop. That’s usually allowed enough time to get the sample. Saying “aarrhhh” helps, I find.

I’ve done quite a few of these tests over the past 20 months (for an ongoing ONS survey and then from summer this year, for work), so I’ve had a lot of practice.

The one I do struggle with is getting a sample of blood from a fingertip pinprick; I often can’t get enough of it out
The one I do struggle with is getting a sample of blood from a fingertip pinprick; I often can’t get enough of it out
I have to do this kind quite often to check my vitamin D. Things that help: having warm hands before you start. Shaking your hand downwards a few times. Stroking the finger you're going to prick towards the end with a milking action.
Me too, discomfort rather than pain. The swab up the nostril should meet with some resistance, but don’t push it any further!
Likewise with the throat swab, when I feel like I want to gag, then I stop. That’s usually allowed enough time to get the sample. Saying “aarrhhh” helps, I find.

I’ve done quite a few of these tests over the past 20 months (for an ongoing ONS survey and then from summer this year, for work), so I’ve had a lot of practice.

The one I do struggle with is getting a sample of blood from a fingertip pinprick; I often can’t get enough of it out
And yet it’s so easy to draw blood accidentally!

I never managed to do the mouth swabs without gagging, so stopped doing them until the nasal only ones came out
I’ve never had any bother with doing the tests, though occasionally sneeze or cough after. I have to do two tests a week for work so it’s an easy routine now. The only time it hurt was doing the pre-departure drive through test before flying back in the summer, the test place there actually administer the test and shove it up as far as it will go.

The other half struggles with the tests and finds it all really uncomfortable. The kids (3&5) will fight having anything put up their nose like their life depends on it, it‘s really unpleasant doing it, especially in one of the public testing centre where it takes both parents to hold down a kicking screaming child like some fucking prison scene, feels proper abusive.
I have a really strong gag reaction so didn't think I'd be able to do either of them. I don't know whether I did them properly but didn't actually have problems.

Negative result but that may be because I presume it went to the incompetent tory test company that kept making up negative the results.
Negative result but that may be because I presume it went to the incompetent tory test company that kept making up negative the results.

i did get a text message (about 4 weeks after getting a negative PCR test because i had symptoms of something) saying words to the effect of 'your negative test may have been dodgy but it's probably not worth doing anything about it now' although that may be because i'd done a few negative LFT tests by then
They actually are quite horrid, those finger-pricky tests, Dogsauce. When I have done them in the past, I just had to dab on a piece of card...not squeeze out 2ml in a vial. I tend to do my own bloodtests from a handy vein - much easier than hopelessly squeezing tiddly amounts of viscous blood into a teeny vessel. Helps if you can drink a shitload of fluid and do a bit of arm'waving /windmilling to get a healthy circulatory set-up but gah, those nasty little lancets are a fuckton more painful than an IV orange needle, tbh (although obvs, ymmv)

So all our tests came back negative but we will have to do them again in 3-5 days because we did the PCR tests very soon after being exposed - just over 24 hours. Daughter's ex reluctantly collected grand-daughter for this evening but will be delivering gdd back to my daughter., tomorrow..who is much more concerned for gdd than Covid risks. Both daughter and ex have relied on each other for years until recently, when both acquired new partners. So gdd has gone from being the only child of 2 doting parents to suddenly having to negotiate 3 new potential siblings (including annoying 8 year old twin boys) and competing partners for her parents attentions...on top of any Covid related issues. Ha, I see stormy seas ahead for all of them but they are going to have to negotiate the lashing waves and winds. Also, have had another offspring also having a torridly intense emotional time. Clearly, even at 65, with adult offspring almost into their 40s and beyond, the parent child dynamics (and worries) never really abate.
I have to do this kind quite often to check my vitamin D. Things that help: having warm hands before you start. Shaking your hand downwards a few times. Stroking the finger you're going to prick towards the end with a milking action.
Thanks - good advice. On the two occasions I did it successfully I remembered to immerse my hand in a sink full of hot water which helped. Also the stroking the finger thing - did you mean before or after pricking ?

I hope I’ve got the hang of it now cos I’ve got to do another one, not for the Covid survey this time - but for a home test STD screening (haven’t had one done for 3-4 years, seemed a good idea)

TBH I never knew such a thing was available till now, but it makes sense in a pandemic, not wanting to have people waiting in hospitals. Also it might encourage some people to get tested for STDs who might otherwise be intimidated by going to a clinic.
Well, son has Covid. Seems very excited, laughing and joking on the phone to his girlfriend. The other three of us are going for PCRs tomorrow. I'll be amazed if we don't all end up with it, son doesn't give a shit about taking care. Going to be interesting how strict Mrs SI will be with him isolating/wiping surfaces in bathroom after use/using separate towel etc
Well, son has Covid. Seems very excited, laughing and joking on the phone to his girlfriend. The other three of us are going for PCRs tomorrow. I'll be amazed if we don't all end up with it, son doesn't give a shit about taking care. Going to be interesting how strict Mrs SI will be with him isolating/wiping surfaces in bathroom after use/using separate towel etc


can you lock him in the shed for a week or two?

The one I do struggle with is getting a sample of blood from a fingertip pinprick; I often can’t get enough of it out


not something i've had to do, but one time i needed a blood test at the doctors' and they couldn't get any. apparently if you're a bit dehydrated it can be difficult, and i was told to come back another day and drink a few glasses of water first.

can you lock him in the shed for a week or two?

You jest but this is literally what happened with my young work colleague. He's 18 still living at home. His mum is a head teacher. He got Covid from his girlfriend and spent his isolation period in the summer house in their garden because they didn't want his mum to get it. It has a TV and a radiator so wasn't quite as bad as it sounds but still :eek:
You jest but this is literally what happened with my young work colleague. He's 18 still living at home. His mum is a head teacher. He got Covid from his girlfriend and spent his isolation period in the summer house in their garden because they didn't want his mum to get it. It has a TV and a radiator so wasn't quite as bad as it sounds but still :eek:

TBH that sounds like heaven for most teenagers. And me. Warm shed with TV and food brought to you and you get to feel like a good person for doing it.
You jest but this is literally what happened with my young work colleague. He's 18 still living at home. His mum is a head teacher. He got Covid from his girlfriend and spent his isolation period in the summer house in their garden because they didn't want his mum to get it. It has a TV and a radiator so wasn't quite as bad as it sounds but still :eek:
Best place for them :mad:
I've said my piece - that he should have his own towel for bathroom visits that returns with him to hus room, and that he should wipe down everything he touches after use. At least while the rest of us are negative. Can't see the harm in it. No idea if Mrs SI agrees or not, she was "thinking about it" and us now upstairs discussing it with him.
I've said my piece - that he should have his own towel for bathroom visits that returns with him to hus room, and that he should wipe down everything he touches after use. At least while the rest of us are negative. Can't see the harm in it. No idea if Mrs SI agrees or not, she was "thinking about it" and us now upstairs discussing it with him.
Is this the teenager that didn't want to get vaccinated?
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