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Pandemic personal consequences

I just heard a 71 year old friend got an invite, first person in my circle to get one,. So good news here too (and god could we do with some good news here in the Welsh Quarter of Plague Island)

Well that's some good news. :thumbs:

My GP are sending out invites for those over 65 now, they are operating 7-days a week again, normal GP services Mon-Fri, flu jabs on Saturdays & covid jabs on Sundays.

They should be finishing up on flu jabs in the next couple of weeks, so will switch to covid jabs on both days at the weekend, to match what they were doing earlier this year with both the 1st & 2nd jabs.
office i work in is formally removing one way system in the office and reducing social distancing measures as from week after next


(not that many people take a lot of notice now)

We're are in the shit again, should we remind people to stick to the one way system and social distancing measures?

No, let's remove them for the LOLz. :facepalm: :mad:
Was going to Tenerife with my mate next Monday, but on top of his cousin ODing last week and the funeral being next week, his daughter has tested to positive for the lurgy, LFT followed up by PCR. So, after the realisation that 'cousin' doesn't count as a 'close relative' under the insurance policy, we now face a wait to see he's covered for his daughter testing positive. I have a horrible feeling that because he's double vaxxed and therefore doesn't have to isolate under the rules, they'll say he could travel so they won't pay out. gah!
Having finally reached out, I am feeling so much brighter already. :)

I've been trying to dig myself out of this hole for months, I can't believe I've left it so bloody long, what a twat. :facepalm:

As someone who I think went through what sounds like similar steps to you (although no SSRIs for me, I don't get on with them), don't label yourself a twat over it - if you're anything like me and also enjoy torturing metaphors, you probably barely noticed you were digging your own hole until you were already in over your head and by that time your arms have gotten too used to digging. Depressive phrases are often blindingly obvious in hindsight but just feel like a fog of indecision when they're actually happening to you, for me at any rate. Therapy in varying degrees or just plain talking about it with some trustworthy friends are far more effective for me personally and from talking to the docs there's been an absolute avalanche of this over the last year.

Glad you're feeling better in any case, hopefully with tackling it head-on you can stay that way :thumbs:
My in-laws are taking our oldest and also her cousin to Venice at the end of this week for a long weekend as their respective bat/bar mitzvah present. Well, they're supposed to. God knows if they'll actually get on the plane - we think we have followed all the rules and booked all relevant tests but there's definite ambiguities. The government sites for each country seem to specify unvaccinated kids must have a negative test from the last 48 hours (which they will have - well providing test tomorrow is negative) and their parents must have proof of vaccination (Italy Tourism site says 'accompanying adults' everything else says 'parents') so as well as a 'permission to take our kids out of the country' letter, we're sending copies of our NHS COVID pass. It is accepted in Italy, but God knows, they might decide that unless we're physically there showing it they won't accept it or something. :facepalm:
NB, not asking for any advice or links, I've been bombarded with everything already, seen all relevant BBC, Italian & UK gov sites. And no they don't have to isolate, in-laws checked and double checked before booking, before anyone comes in and says 'Won't they have to isolate though?' ;)
Looking at coming back to the UK for a good friend's funeral in a couple of weeks but am feeling almost defeated by the maze of testing requirements etc. and the insanely high COVID rates in the UK, seems like there's a strong possibility I'd spend the entire visit quarantining in a friend's spare room.
O FFS, grand-daughter at mine for half term (so my daughter and her ex can go to work). Out of the blue, my daughter's half sister decided to visit so gdd could see her cousin. Was not terribly pleased as I already feel some anxiety about my grand-daughter staying...but I was too polite to send them away. My daughter is also just pregnant (9 weeks). Anyway, had a phone call that evening, letting me know that both of Gdd's cousins have tested positive and worse, J, my daughter's half sister and her partner are both antivaxxers and have not been being careful (she had just been to the cinema) despite being at the point of delivering her own baby. I knew none of this or I would have immediately vetoed a visit . Now in frightening limbo of attempting to balance priorities and care for desperately upset grand-daughter (she is only 10) who is facing having to isol;ate from her mum (my daughter) while my own partner is also at risk (60+ with COPD). Fed up. Have been nowhere for the whole fucking time and have been manically protective of my partner and (immune-suppressed) D-i-L...and just feel I have been put into an untenable situation by idiots (but taking a perverse pleasure that J, the thoughtless half-sister, has completely fucked up her own hopes of a home birth...so she will, at least, have to face some consequences for her selfish behaviour. Even more annoying, my daughter's ex (grand-daughter's father) has also been unwilling to collect Gdd and take her to his because he says there is no point in spreading it around, even though he is only 44 and in good health (because he has fucking tickets for some gig or another and doesn't want to expose his new gf to Covid and doesn't fancy having to take time off work as he will also have to isolate with my gdd (his own daughter, ffs), either. I am trying to allow him time to process the implications and he does have a point but I am frankly shitting myself that my sweetheart and I will have to keep our gdd until we have reliable negatives...and really freaking at the prospect of trying to look after everyone if we get sick. Have all been for a PCR test but it is only 24hours after being exposed so not really expecting a helpful result. What a fucking mess.
Plus, entertaining a 10 year old (who is devastated not to be with her mum, as well as missing Halloween), as well as daughter's mad dog, unable to leave the house for days is just horrible and worrying as fuck.

Apols for venting here - just anxious and caught in an impossible situation since daughter has only had 1 of her vaccinations, on top of being newly pregnant. Should have been a really happy and celebratory thing but now we feel alone and isolated with an upset child and health worries.
Well, we had our first experience of a drive-in test but, as it's the weekend, not expecting to hear anything before Monday afternoon. Finding I am horribly aware of every twinge, flush of heat, vague shiver...

We had all this during the summer hols but did, at least, do a week of testing after a similar contact scare, before agreeing to have gdd at ours for a coupla weeks.
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Did my second post-Covid blood test thing yesterday, and as before I ended up having to prick two fingers to get enough blood in the vial. Now I’m still sore and can’t play guitar very comfortably because of this.
As a fellow musician. I have a very clear pecking order in terms of which fingers I'm going to stab...
That's enraging campanula - the selfish bastards. :mad:

Our oldest is heading back from Venice with ILs tonight - they made it, they look to be having a lovely time, and she and her cousin were able to get into things by doing an LFT midway through. Have made note in calendar for her to do day 2 test tomorrow - she'll be knackered as they're not getting in until after 11 here.
That's enraging campanula - the selfish bastards. :mad:

Our oldest is heading back from Venice with ILs tonight - they made it, they look to be having a lovely time, and she and her cousin were able to get into things by doing an LFT midway through. Have made note in calendar for her to do day 2 test tomorrow - she'll be knackered as they're not getting in until after 11 here.
Day you arrive back is day 0 - so she should do test on Tuesday.
Can I ask vaccine advice because nowhere is open to call?

I rearranged my Covid vaccine and flu jab last weekend as we both had the lurgy. Mind was mild but I’ve had a cough. Had negative PCR.
I’m booked this morning but my cough actually got worse again yesterday. I’ve got a sore throat and am a bit snotty.

I shouldn’t go should I? 😞 I can get a jab easily at my local pharmacy and also a flu jab but how long do I wait if this cough won’t shift.

I just don’t want to keep delaying because I’m CEV. I also can’t call and cancel because the lines are shut so my GP is going to have me down as a no show.
Can I ask vaccine advice because nowhere is open to call?

I rearranged my Covid vaccine and flu jab last weekend as we both had the lurgy. Mind was mild but I’ve had a cough. Had negative PCR.
I’m booked this morning but my cough actually got worse again yesterday. I’ve got a sore throat and am a bit snotty.

I shouldn’t go should I? 😞 I can get a jab easily at my local pharmacy and also a flu jab but how long do I wait if this cough won’t shift.

I just don’t want to keep delaying because I’m CEV. I also can’t call and cancel because the lines are shut so my GP is going to have me down as a no show.
They won't let you in anyway. When I went they asked me at the door if I had any symptoms.
Can I ask vaccine advice because nowhere is open to call?

I rearranged my Covid vaccine and flu jab last weekend as we both had the lurgy. Mind was mild but I’ve had a cough. Had negative PCR.
I’m booked this morning but my cough actually got worse again yesterday. I’ve got a sore throat and am a bit snotty.

I shouldn’t go should I? 😞 I can get a jab easily at my local pharmacy and also a flu jab but how long do I wait if this cough won’t shift.

I just don’t want to keep delaying because I’m CEV. I also can’t call and cancel because the lines are shut so my GP is going to have me down as a no show.
I think - Covid apart - that they don't like giving the 'flu jab if you're already carrying an infection. I've always assumed there was some kind of virology explanation, but it might just be as simple as "if you feel shit, this might make it feel worse" 🤷‍♂️
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