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Pandemic personal consequences

already have by text. she may have a good reason not to, but it seems we cannot have a live conversation about this as she’s so defensive and gets tearful, which shuts down the conversation immediately.
Doesn't she have an underlying health condition herself? I may have misremembered that. So what did she do over the last 18 months, was she in strict shielding lockdown? Maybe it was different in Leeds but in London, there was no other way you could avoid getting it. And even some people who were fairly strict still got it.
Doesn't she have an underlying health condition herself? I may have misremembered that. So what did she do over the last 18 months, was she in strict shielding lockdown? Maybe it was different in Leeds but in London, there was no other way you could avoid getting it. And even some people who were fairly strict still got it.
she has EDS and other things too. she was cautious at first but she also needs to make a living so has been out and about. But also the kids go to school of course. anecdotal, but i hardly know of anyone who’s had it up here though. I was working with the public throughout all this and only one colleague got it, so it’s been a surreal experience reading about others’ experiences
had a tiny rapprochement by text but she made it clear she doesn’t ever want to discuss it. at least i said what was on my mind - i’ve had sleepless nights worrying about this and one of the things that was going through my mind was how awful I’d feel if she got Covid and died and I’d never said owt. but that’s bollocks innit, cos nothing I say will change her mind and vice versa, so really should have just kept schtum
it sounds like you did right by your own conscience.
and you never know if you might have planted a seed that turns into a changed mind somewhere down the line.
70% of ICU covid patients over here are unvaccinated.
The other 30% are break throughs in vaccinated and mostly with underlying health conditions.

90% of all adults and over 12s are now vaccinated fully.
But covid is going through the under 12s in schools and leaching back into community that way.
They keep saying it's all great and look how wonderful we are...but people are still filling up ICU beds. And for 70% of those with Covid in ICU it was preventable.
70% of ICU covid patients over here are unvaccinated.
The other 30% are break throughs in vaccinated and mostly with underlying health conditions.

90% of all adults and over 12s are now vaccinated fully.
But covid is going through the under 12s in schools and leaching back into community that way.
They keep saying it's all great and look how wonderful we are...but people are still filling up ICU beds. And for 70% of those with Covid in ICU it was preventable.
Where's over here SK?
I've been like that for the last 23 years.
I was invited to an indoor party at the weekend. Didn't go.
I think the organisers said something like "let people do the amount of distancing they want to".
Had people getting far too handy and close up before covid came along, if you can't expect people to not grab you physically what's the chances of them keeping a sensible distance away from you? Less than zero.
My cousin (an ambulance technician, has been working in direct contact with Covid positive patients throughout the pandemic but so far has managed to avoid it himself)'s 16 year old (vaccinated) has caught Covid at a Yungblud gig last weekend. She has been quite poorly with it and had to spend the last day or so in hospital for oxygen because her sats dropped to 80% :eek: out and home again now but alarming quite how unwell she has got from it so suddenly. Danny is so far symptom free but awaiting a PCR result having sat in a car with her for 25 miles on the way home from the gig and in the room with her at hospital. His employer wants him to come back to work (ferrying care home patients around) :(
Thinking about going up to Scotland for a thing the first weekend of November. (Would be mask wearing, lateral flow testing etc beforehand and while there.) Is that fine or am I being a selfish irresponsible plague-spreading twat? I know people who haven't left their house in 18 months and other people who seem to be entirely back to pre-covid life as normal and I feel like I have no idea what's proportional or even allowed under the current rules any more.
Thinking about going up to Scotland for a thing the first weekend of November. (Would be mask wearing, lateral flow testing etc beforehand and while there.) Is that fine or am I being a selfish irresponsible plague-spreading twat? I know people who haven't left their house in 18 months and other people who seem to be entirely back to pre-covid life as normal and I feel like I have no idea what's proportional or even allowed under the current rules any more.

What current rules? :hmm:

There's no easy answer to your question, only you can decide what you are comfortable with.
Thinking about going up to Scotland for a thing the first weekend of November. (Would be mask wearing, lateral flow testing etc beforehand and while there.) Is that fine or am I being a selfish irresponsible plague-spreading twat? I know people who haven't left their house in 18 months and other people who seem to be entirely back to pre-covid life as normal and I feel like I have no idea what's proportional or even allowed under the current rules any more.
This might be helpful, iona :)

This might be helpful, iona :)

Cheers :) Still wearing a mask in indoor spaces here anyway, although it's not required any more. I'd seen the travel one already and it basically just says yes I'm allowed to travel from England to Scotland - it's more whether it's the sensible / "right" thing to do iyswim.
Supposed to be going to a big event with a bunch of friends in mid-November, and they'll be shouting and drinking. Not sure I'll be going at this rate.
I have gig tickets for December but looking at cases, deaths and the feckless, reactive cunt government am pretty sure I won't be going :hmm: can't see the SSE Wembley being masked up and distanced at a James / Happy Mondays gig.

Have a family meal thing the week after and don't want time off work.
I have gig tickets for December but looking at cases, deaths and the feckless, reactive cunt government am pretty sure I won't be going :hmm: can't see the SSE Wembley being masked up and distanced at a James / Happy Mondays gig.

Have a family meal thing the week after and don't want time off work.
I was wondering about wearing a mask inside if I go to an indoor gig.
I was wondering about wearing a mask inside if I go to an indoor gig.
The issue is most the masks do more to protect people from you. If you wear a mask in what will surely be 90%+ unmasked, pissed and singing crowd then it will likely be pointless.

Also it will be hot and unpleasant to wear.
The issue is most the masks do more to protect people from you. If you wear a mask in what will surely be 90%+ unmasked, pissed and singing crowd then it will likely be pointless.

Also it will be hot and unpleasant to wear.
Very true. Would that include the FFP2 masks?

Gig is a few weeks before Xmas which is a nagging concern. I don’t want my dad to be on his own.
This is not much of a consequence but i feel so totally exhausted by it all right now, i don't think i'm actually depressed but do feel utterly miserable thinking about what the coming Winter will be like.
People in my immediate circle are testing positive again, it feels like it's been going on forever and looking at the news this morning 'Johnson urged to move to plan b to prevent disaster / lockdown' & then hashtag I Will Not Comply is trending on twitter.
Just hopeless.
Cheers :) Still wearing a mask in indoor spaces here anyway, although it's not required any more. I'd seen the travel one already and it basically just says yes I'm allowed to travel from England to Scotland - it's more whether it's the sensible / "right" thing to do iyswim.

Personally I think at this stage with so much covid flying around and with so many people carrying on as normal you're responsibility is really to your self and your friends and family.

That may not sound very community minded but the situation is mad at the moment and with so many people travelling here there and everywhere what you do is only going to make a difference to you and the immediate people you are meeting. Its about your own attitude to personal risk and those you will be meeting.

I'm taking things on a case by case situation and balancing the risk / reward whilst continuing to take all the basic precautions. I really don't think many people would think bad of you for taking a trip to Scotland after you'd taken all the precautions with lft's etc.
The FFP2 mask offers you more protection as well as others. I find them more sweaty than the standard ones and I suspect at a gig they will be very soggy very quickly which will reduce protection greatly :hmm:
Thanks. I suspect the venue is likely to be a bit of a sweat box based on how my mate described it (a bit like the purple turtle). Oh well decisions to be made. I’ve not had my leave approved yet so not booked the ticket.
A few weeks back I bought tickets to see the stylistics. I saw it advertised and booked tickets there and then, totally forgetting about covid until after I'd paid.:facepalm: Soon as I remembered I regretted buying them and didn't really know whether I should take my gf to the show or not. Last week got an email to say the show was cancelled and the money would be refunded. :oldthumbsup:
I have tickets to two theatre things next month, but after that I'm not going to book anything like that until late spring unless there is some consistent fall in infection, even if they do reintroduce masks. I was a bit astonished at how few people were wearing them the two times I've been in the last 6 weeks. Literally only 2 people I could see in a whole theatre balcony in one where they weren't asking people to wear masks (although more people wore them to move around theatre and loos), <5% in a theatre where they had asked people to wear them in the auditiorium.

They're never going to get people back to wearing them now, though, I feel. It'll rise slightly but compliance will still be too low.
Cheers :) Still wearing a mask in indoor spaces here anyway, although it's not required any more. I'd seen the travel one already and it basically just says yes I'm allowed to travel from England to Scotland - it's more whether it's the sensible / "right" thing to do iyswim.

I think it's all in the detail tbh.

I'm going to visit a mate in Devon at the end of this month.

I'll be taking precautions in the week before I go so as to minimise risk of carrying it to them (mostly just what I'm already doing ie distancing and mask-wearing etc but with even more care and attention!). I'll do daily LFT's that week prior to going as well as during my stay.

Im travelling by train at times when it should be half empty and easy to maintain distance. I'll wear FFP2 masks throughout the journey.

When I get there I'll only be spending time indoors with her and her bloke, we'll mainly hang out in their home plus on walks outside. When inside we'll keep windows open and distance (which will be easy, their kitchen and lounge are HUGE!).

He works from home and they don't mix much for various reasons so I feel very safe about the risk to me and just want to keep them safe mainly.

If I was travelling there and then mixing loads indoors with local people that would be very shit, but that's not what I will be doing and I feel fine about my plans tbh.
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