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Pandemic personal consequences

I'm still doing the mask thing everywhere inside but I'm often the only one. I'm really feeling quite judgey -- I mean it's not that fucking hard to put a mask on when you go on a bus or into a shop.

(And yes, obviously some people can't wear masks but I really doubt that's pretty much every 20s man (and many 20s women) I see on the bus. :rolleyes:)
I'm still doing the mask thing everywhere inside but I'm often the only one. I'm really feeling quite judgey -- I mean it's not that fucking hard to put a mask on when you go on a bus or into a shop.

(And yes, obviously some people can't wear masks but I really doubt that's pretty much every 20s man (and many 20s women) I see on the bus. :rolleyes:)

I dunno. Mostly we just all want to fit in don't we? Its got to stage now where wearing masks is pretty uncommon so you feel a bit odd one out doing so. I've had a few comments when I where one to buy a drink at the bar before heading out into the garden. Pointed you don't need to wear that in here you know sort of comments have happened several times.

I can see why people have stopped wearing them.
I dunno. Mostly we just all want to fit in don't we? Its got to stage now where wearing masks is pretty uncommon so you feel a bit odd one out doing so. I've had a few comments when I where one to buy a drink at the bar before heading out into the garden. Pointed you don't need to wear that in here you know sort of comments have happened several times.
"and yet you still wear those trousers" is my current favourite retort
Got really riled by a colleague not masking up and then sitting down with an unmasked customer for an hour or so. also found out another colleague who has returned to work this week is an antivaxxer

may be worth seeing if there's anything on union's website (or another union's - some have placed stuff in the public bit of their website. RMT and TSSA have a few things (not updated since July)

may be worth seeing if there's anything on union's website (or another union's - some have placed stuff in the public bit of their website. RMT and TSSA have a few things (not updated since July)
yeah, there is. Have previously contacted the union to complain about the rep but they never replied. I sort of have to do it myself but got carpeted and told not to speak for anyone else :mad:
Day 4 of a 5 day hotel quarantine…I had a 2 minute chat with the nurse that did my PCR at 6am this morning…that was it fir human contact…I think this is my 6th quarantine and they are getting harder. I’m really struggling to concentrate on reading a book.
A bit of an emotional rollercoaster today. I woke up to a message that the flight would probably be cancelled, the. A driver showed up who took my to a small airport (no scheduled flights). I wasn’t manifested in anything with the main helicopter operators…then someone suggested I try one of the smaller operators, and bingo, I’ve found my pilot.
Last week I had my annual medical. Here in Brazil, because of the type of work I do, it’s quite involved. One section is with shrink. I had to do concentration tests…there is no way I’d cope with one of those today.
A bit of an emotional rollercoaster today. I woke up to a message that the flight would probably be cancelled, the. A driver showed up who took my to a small airport (no scheduled flights). I wasn’t manifested in anything with the main helicopter operators…then someone suggested I try one of the smaller operators, and bingo, I’ve found my pilot.
Last week I had my annual medical. Here in Brazil, because of the type of work I do, it’s quite involved. One section is with shrink. I had to do concentration tests…there is no way I’d cope with one of those today.

I went quite mad during my 14 day hotel quarantine. Glad you're at the end of yours x
After a slightly nervous weekend having been told by school on Friday afternoon that oldest had had a COVID contact at school last week, I think we're off hook now. PCR taken at weekend came back negative, this morning's lateral flow also negative and we know it must have happened early last week, so I think anything would have turned up by now so it seems we've got away with it this time.
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Conspiraloon relative is back at it. She was due to be on holiday with her family in October half term, but won't get vaccinated, so the whole trip is at risk. Her husband doesn't want a) to pay for loads of additional tests and b) risk getting stuck out there (because of work and kids' schools), as she'll have to do a return to UK test.

I'm butting out, as the demands for explanantions of ' why I should compromise my natural immunity by having a vaccinne, I know I've had it', are infuriating. She's never tested positive but decided she's had it. I don't know if the vaccines have any effect on natural immunity IF you have had it? By why would I? Odds are if I go looking, it's the theme of conspiracies, that I'd imagine I could track down the source of and disprove. But fuck it, I'm just cutting her off.
Conspiraloon relative is back at it. She was due to be on holiday with her family in October half term, but won't get vaccinated, so the whole trip is at risk. Her husband doesn't want a) to pay for loads of additional tests and b) risk getting stuck out there (because of work and kids' schools), as she'll have to do a return to UK test.

I'm butting out, as the demands for explanantions of ' why I should compromise my natural immunity by having a vaccinne, I know I've had it', are infuriating. She's never tested positive but decided she's had it. I don't know if the vaccines have any effect on natural immunity IF you have had it? By why would I? Odds are if I go looking, it's the theme of conspiracies, that I'd imagine I could track down the source of and disprove. But fuck it, I'm just cutting her off.
one dose of vaccine after an infection is more protection than 2 doses of vaccine apparently, and up the protection goes as you add more doses of vaccine.
Sounds like you decision to ignore her is the best policy.
1 positive PCR and 2 positive LFTs for son's class today - school have asked everyone in class to test. We all have to do LFTs tonight for synagogue tomorrow anyway (where I have a reading to do) and have decided that even if we're all clear, son should stay at home. I think the positive cases are not kids he sits near/has much to do with, so I don't think it's a foregone conclusion he has it, but obviously we should tread a bit carefully.
A bit of an emotional rollercoaster today. I woke up to a message that the flight would probably be cancelled, the. A driver showed up who took my to a small airport (no scheduled flights). I wasn’t manifested in anything with the main helicopter operators…then someone suggested I try one of the smaller operators, and bingo, I’ve found my pilot.
Last week I had my annual medical. Here in Brazil, because of the type of work I do, it’s quite involved. One section is with shrink. I had to do concentration tests…there is no way I’d cope with one of those today.
I’m back from 10 days in an oil platform. I couldn’t get the phone or laptop to connect to the Wi-Fi, so, a week and a half without internet. It’s wonderful! Obviously I missed you all terribly, but no connection with the outside world except for a couple of phone calls a day was a result
Colleague has tested positive today. He was in all last week and so was his partner (after she'd been off for ten days with Covid). Apparently he had a close contact with someone with Covid last Sunday but has only found out today - he takes regular LFTs (all negative so far) as he taxis at weekends. He's not feeling too bad, just coughing a lot, but he's 22 and in good shape.

Getting closer all the time...
I went back to work last Monday after being off for four weeks due to "covid-related stress" - a nervous breakdown, let's use some proper vocabulary.

For the time I was off, I was just sitting in the flat on my own with various different degrees of anxiety and hopelessness. I had no support as my psychotherapist got covid (IRONICALLY) and the GP, while surprisingly decent, really isn't able to do that. The action plan had been to increase social contact and novel experiences, to counteract the pummelling psychic effects of seeing nothing different all day and talking to more people in your dreams than real life. Taking time off work cut off excess stress, and I actually just couldn't work properly as once you get to a certain point you can't concentrate on anything, let alone deal with stress. But avoiding that didn't change the underlying situation, and the action plan didn't get addressed because how could it be?

So I wish I'd not approached work like this, as now they think I'm "mostly ok might need a few adjustments" and yet I find that there's little or no difference between me just before I had a breakdown and me now. It was a punt as I wasn't getting better just not working, try to get some focus, try not to get too out of touch, but now I feel worse.
I've been back at work for a few months now (christ, was it August that I went back) after simply going back because I was bored and wasn't getting any better, and it remains the case that there's little or no difference between me just before having a breakdown and me now. I increasingly "lose" days through not feeling capable of doing anything at all - manifests in different ways, sometimes big fat panic attacks, sometimes huge periods of fatigue, very often just not seeing the point of getting out of bed in the morning (which is not in itself a weird thing but it's when you simply don't that it's different) - and it's been getting worse. Also now that I've returned to work there's an implicit assumption I feel that I've somehow stated that I'm better, and so have a responsibility to do things as if I was the happiest bunny in the whole of Toytown.

I don't really see much change from the sensory deprivation that was part of lockdown and the sensory deprivation that's part of working from home on my own all day all week. Before lockdown I deliberately went out of my way to pick a job that had a lot of human contact and wasn't WFH - it would have actually been easier to get WFH jobs - but now the role has become that indefinitely with no end to it in sight.
Bloody hell, Fridge. What’s preventing the return to office? We’re getting increasing pressure to return as if there was no Covid at all. I don’t understand why your place is seemingly the opposite.
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