danny la rouge
I have a cheese grater in the dishwasher.
NE, have you read Jonathon Livingstone Seagull yet? Most boys discover it about your age, just before they discover girls, or other boys (according to taste).
What have been your own experiences of this?
The times I have been held back in my life were the times I was in conflict.
I was in conflict nearly every time because my belief system about a problem or matter was not in alignment with reality - hence "only the truth can set you free". The shackles were set free once I had empowered myself with true knowledge rather than continuing to live in the world of "it's not fair" and the world of "should be".
Note the negative replies on this thread indicate people who have not found the freedom you have, and are bitter about it
You are right about one thing tho - it is difficult to get a discussion going, mainly because this place has numpties like noego, gmart and yourself running around telling everyone that they're closed minded...
I agree - but still don't let their fear affect you - there will always be some who are open to straightforward discussion.
AFA the 'truth' is concerned - I feel this can be a distraction - like purity - I prefer 'following logic'. Being open to change, allowing others to speak always (coz you already know what YOU think), trusting the people around you, choosing who you surround yourself with etc - just general rules which have served me well.
I know that I went thru a period of judgment, shoulds and other people's approval, but maturity is knowing that you can move beyond this simplistic circuit.
As the 'NoEgo' name implies it is necessary to dissolve the ego at some point - and the ego will resist this. Once thru that you can start taking the world as it comes, rather than based on programs you have created in the past (often books regurgitated as Fela says).
Those who are defined by fear will abuse you for not worrying as much, about so many things, as they do. Be compassionate - as Robert Anton Wilson says, (to paraphrase) everyone who gets thru, recognises that they were robots before, but didn't realise it. (Prometheus Rising - a great book)
Remember their laughter is their only defense, which is why this site has so many who are simply up for laughs - that is the only way they have to deal with their fear.
The OP needs to read Ivana Markova's Dialogicality and Social Representations, and Paradigms, Thought and Language, and preferably either shut the fuck up until he has, or retire to a New Age Mush forum that the mods will set up for people with undercooked scramble eggs instead of brains.
NE, have you read Jonathon Livingstone Seagull yet? Most boys discover it about your age, just before they discover girls, or other boys (according to taste).
No fela, just that I and probably Dill, BA, soj and others got through this stage in our personal developement when we were in our teens or earlier. It's pretty elementry stuff, recognising that one can suffer from cognitive dissonance by attempting to impose ones own rules on a reality which continually kicks them back as being inadequate to the task.
But hey, you and Gmart (superb support, one of the best thinkers on Urban. Really.) continue to say 'book learning' and 'closed minds' and 'they live in fear' and whatnot.
You are right about one thing tho - it is difficult to get a discussion going, mainly because this place has numpties like noego, gmart and yourself running around telling everyone that they're closed minded...
Fair enough - still actions speak louder than words - if you look thru the threads on here most are derailed by others who refuse to ignore a thread which they have no interest in. They would prefer to throw snide comments into the pot and attack those who wish to engage.
I suppose I am hardly likely to agree with Kyser - it's just that I wish it were the case that I was the problem here. I just try and use this place to discuss issues which I find interesting - I have no interest in calling people names.
What have been your own experiences of this?
The times I have been held back in my life were the times I was in conflict.
I was in conflict nearly every time because my belief system about a problem or matter was not in alignment with reality - hence "only the truth can set you free". The shackles were set free once I had empowered myself with true knowledge rather than continuing to live in the world of "it's not fair" and the world of "should be".
AFA the 'truth' is concerned - I feel this can be a distraction - like purity - I prefer 'following logic'. Being open to change, allowing others to speak always (coz you already know what YOU think), trusting the people around you, choosing who you surround yourself with etc - just general rules which have served me well.
I know that I went thru a period of judgment, shoulds and other people's approval, but maturity is knowing that you can move beyond this simplistic circuit.
As the 'NoEgo' name implies it is necessary to dissolve the ego at some point - and the ego will resist this. Once thru that you can start taking the world as it comes, rather than based on programs you have created in the past (often books regurgitated as Fela says).
Those who are defined by fear will abuse you for not worrying as much, about so many things, as they do. Be compassionate - as Robert Anton Wilson says, (to paraphrase) everyone who gets thru, recognises that they were robots before, but didn't realise it. (Prometheus Rising - a great book)
Remember their laughter is their only defense, which is why this site has so many who are simply up for laughs - that is the only way they have to deal with their fear.
The mentality and maturity displayed by NoEgo's posts here
Note how you came here quoting me from other threads, dissing my name, dissing my development, disrespecting me, derailing the thread, and all because you ALREADY KNOW AND ALREADY WENT THROUGH THIS STAGE and don't have an ounce of empathy for those late developers as you see them.
Empowerment is the precursor to freedom, while being involved in power play and games is the impediment to freedom. But the kind of freedom you're talking about is not the same as, say, dillinger's, who really is just spouting texts and theories he's read in his midguided attempt to believe he's educated. That's why he says the law gives freedom, which is unbelievably naive, but there you go.
Not derailing the thread at all. In fact, all my replies have been completely on topic. You're the one who has consistently failed to engage with the OPs subject matter, not me.
What, in saying 'Hey, I've realised that the world doesn't work as I want it to'? That display's maturity?
That wasn't what he said. It is only what you have inferred again.
And your argument is based on quicksand. There are millions upon millions of people who have not found the empowerment that NoEgo is talking about, even if you yourself found it in your teens. But you didn't find it, and the proof is in your cynical and disrespectful manner of communicating.
BTW, it's not necessarily and empowering moment, unless you count acknowledging that the world as a whole is shit and your ideas of fair don't count as empowering. It's a moment of realisation, for sure, but empowering? Depends on how you deal with the knowledge really - if you then go on to accept every tenet of your society and never raise your fist to something you consider to be unfair or unjust again, I'd say it's the opposite of empowering.
I love it when people mistake their own personal subject change in belief for an experience that everyone else has not had thus needs to go through. Word to the disilluded, not everyone was illuded in the first place.
What have been your own experiences of this?
The times I have been held back in my life were the times I was in conflict.
I was in conflict nearly every time because my belief system about a problem or matter was not in alignment with reality - hence "only the truth can set you free". The shackles were set free once I had empowered myself with true knowledge rather than continuing to live in the world of "it's not fair" and the world of "should be".
I did type a reply to this but it got lost in the ether. Note the negative replies on this thread indicate people who have not found the freedom you have, and are bitter about it. They're stuck in their texts and theories so much they don't do their own work in life. The belief systems you talk of can be seen in operation here!!
Empowerment is the precursor to freedom, while being involved in power play and games is the impediment to freedom. But the kind of freedom you're talking about is not the same as, say, dillinger's, who really is just spouting texts and theories he's read in his midguided attempt to believe he's educated. That's why he says the law gives freedom, which is unbelievably naive, but there you go.
I'd be interested to hear what you mean by 'true knowledge'.
The realisation of reality and hence the finding the solution to a problem. Non-alignment with reality nearly always means that you are trying a fix a problem for which there is no answer.
I'm impatient with New Age and PoMo vacuity masquerading as meaning. Occasionally I express my irritation that this forum is packed with the stuff. I recognise that this may mean my view of what "theory, philosophy & history" means is out of step with the majority, who see it as the equivalent of a bookstore's "body, mind, spirituality and self-help" section, but hey, that's life.Ah yes, the "read the bloody text you fool" response. Yep, more theory, more other people's ideas rather than doing one's own discoveries. And yep, more disrespect and rudeness.
This thread belongs perfectly to this forum. And you would do better to choose threads you can contribute to rather than just hurling abuse at others. Have you nothing better to do with your life?
Dialogicality... social representations... wonderful sounding and impressively long terms, hope it serves you well, but no need to foist it on others.
It's interesting that you equate mockery with fear, as a defence mechanism. What exactly do you think I have to fear? What am I afraid of? What is my 'program of the past', because I know a lot from books?
Most conversations are simply monologues delivered in the presence of witnesses.
The realisation of reality and hence the finding the solution to a problem. Non-alignment with reality nearly always means that you are trying a fix a problem for which there is no answer.
I'm impatient with New Age and PoMo vacuity masquerading as meaning. Occasionally I express my irritation that this forum is packed with the stuff. I recognise that this may mean my view of what "theory, philosophy & history" means is out of step with the majority, who see it as the equivalent of a bookstore's "body, mind, spirituality and self-help" section, but hey, that's life.
And, by the way, no I wasn't so much saying "read the text" as "understand text".
To quote Margaret Millar:
Others just live in the moment, which is harder - you have to stay more focused on what is actually being said, responding to each point as it comes up there and then.
Depends if one is actually interested in what the other person has to say, of course.
Some are more interested in their own monologue, waiting for a space to regurgitate their agenda (a fixed opinion previously decided). Ironically they already know what they are going to say, and are paying very little attention to what the other person is saying due to their focus on their own agenda (ie. waiting for a gap to say their piece)
PoMo is shorthand for Post Modern fela.
Largely considered to be 'emperors new clothes' word games AFAIK
PoMo is shorthand for Post Modern fela.
Largely considered to be 'emperors new clothes' word games AFAIK
Thanks for that mate, but i still remain a bit confused! Okay, post-modern, i guess i know what that means in a context of art, but to me it literally means somewhere in the future, perhaps that has already just about arrived in the present?
Maybe you could elaborate a bit on the emperor's new clothes bit?
Trouble for me sometimes, well maybe it's a good thing, is that having lived away from britain for so long, new terminology that comes along often fails to reach me. I then don't know what connotational meaning these labels are supposed to carry.
Hugely powerful as a tool of language and symbol criticism, pretty much useless for anything practical is probably the most generous assessment of it.
It's also a bugger to get out of your head if you want to simply read something without drifting off on a whole 'How does this sentence, this choice of word, reflect the subconcious channeling of external power structures by the writer?'...
Just so we're clear - fela, you know what 'modern' means? Cos everything I've written about PoMo there only really has any meaning in the context of modernism...
Post-modernism as an intellectual movement started in France in the 1960s; as an artisitic movement it can trace it's roots back to the 1920s, so it's hardly 'new' terminology...