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Old Manchester.


New Member
Anyone here interested in old Manchester? Just found an ancestor who died in 1865 at 9 Spencer Street. His burial was at Christchurch, Bradford-cum- Beswick so I guess it was in this area. Lots has been lost in slum clearance last century. I'd love to see maps of the area in which he lived. He died seven weeks before his daughter, my great grandmother, was born. We have only just discovered his true identity. Thanks for your help.
Manchester isn't quite my patch, but I'll have a go.

National Library of Scotland are gradually digitising their OS map collection

Christ Church, 1890s - here - seems to be about where School of the Resurrection is now.

You can opt for the 'side by side' option to see it next to current maps, and / or other era maps (looks like they haven't got the post-1945 very large scale on there)

I've had a quick look but can't see Spencer Street. Church parish boundaries may not match the borough ward boundaries shown on the map.

Basic google searching hasn't got me very far, as I can get references to various Spencer Streets, none of them seem to be the right one. And there being another Bradford doesn't help.

bit about the church here.

this has some pictures of the general area before redevelopment, but no mention of spencer street.

manchester university also have a map collection online - here

manchester archives website here - they are likely to have old street directories of Manchester which may help. Leicester University have digitised many of them and may be worth a look.
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