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Manchester architecture, culture and food meander - 12 May

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There is an Anthony Burgess Foundation near Home. I've never been so no idea what it is like...

...There is a Peterloo mini-demo thing each year in town - the campaign is for a statue I think (but can't really remember what was said when I went to the one last year).
Burgess is a smallish venue with a cafe bar attached, they do literary events, spoken word, music. There's an archive/research area for the Burgess stuff. And downstairs there are some display cases and artefacts.

Peterloo memorial gatherings are getting bigger and bigger every year, with groups doing walks from suburbs and further afield, from where protesters originated. Some big names turn up and give speeches/readings, like Maxine Peake and Christopher Ecclestone. No doubt there will be bigger attendance next year due to centenary and Mike Leigh film. A permanent memorial is in the works, not sure what form it's going to take, vaguely recall... hasn't Jeremy Deller or some other renowned artist got the commission, iirc?

There's a Facebook group for the Peterloo Memorial Campaign with more info.
I can't do the morning any more - basically just stick a couple of posts on if/as this goes ahead & I may very well come down & catch up with you.
I'd be there around lunchtime and come home at teatime if we do it. If you're not fussed about doing it, that's ok :)
I'd be there around lunchtime and come home at teatime if we do it. If you're not fussed about doing it, that's ok :)

Yeah, lets do it then. I'll think of some buildings to drag you round, and we could have a wander down to Grub if you want something to eat.
Yeah, lets do it then. I'll think of some buildings to drag you round, and we could have a wander down to Grub if you want something to eat.
Where do you want to meet up? I suppose we should meet outside an interesting building. One that's easy for me to find :)
I have figured out the address but my train gets in at 12.40pm so maybe it's best if you come to Victoria otherwise I may waste and hour trying to follow a dodgy map :oops::facepalm: I'll see you in front of the departures board :)
I have figured out the address but my train gets in at 12.40pm so maybe it's best if you come to Victoria otherwise I may waste and hour trying to follow a dodgy map :oops::facepalm: I'll see you in front of the departures board :)

So where is the pineapple? :hmm:

I'll loiter at Victoria to collect you at 12:40. :)
Binks building on Thomas Street :p:D

Correct - it is atop the old Odd Bar on Thomas Street (since closed and opened as something else). :cool:

Right - find the building with swastikas on - this is your next challenge for this evening. :thumbs:

mauvais will remember spotting these the last time we were in town. :)
Indeed. Have I told you that I went on a Skyliner tour since I last recommended the idea? It's a very, very good experience - highly recommended. Plus follow her for all kinds of tidbits.

I'm looking less likely for tomorrow due to various commitments but not ruling it out yet.
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