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Off topic anti-vaxx nonsense

Well I look forward to hearing your thoughts on your return.
The question is: Can we trust our elected front bench politicians when in reality they are in truth merely on screen personas -actors if you will , and it’s their advisers that really call the shots? Even at a national level it is the unelected advisers - most of them unseen - that really run our country, and we’re seeing it in this crisis today. Most of use can see this sham at the national level so why is it so absurd to believe that the same nonsense - unelected somebodies - don’t happen to do the same thing globally and can they be trusted?

There are global issues of malnutrition and starvation that have been ignored for scores of years yet we have the wealth to address it and we don’t- no profit in saving the starving! Clearly a global come together is not a moral come together in the 21st century but a come together for profit and it’s highly suspicious!

Who are these unelected advisers ?
The question is: Can we trust our elected front bench politicians when in reality they are in truth merely on screen personas -actors if you will , and it’s their advisers that really call the shots? Even at a national level it is the unelected advisers - most of them unseen - that really run our country, and we’re seeing it in this crisis today. Most of use can see this sham at the national level so why is it so absurd to believe that the same nonsense - unelected somebodies - don’t happen to do the same thing globally and can they be trusted?

There are global issues of malnutrition and starvation that have been ignored for scores of years yet we have the wealth to address it and we don’t- no profit in saving the starving! Clearly a global come together is not a moral come together in the 21st century but a come together for profit and it’s highly suspicious!

Who are these unelected advisers ?
The truth is no one’s in charge and no one knows what they’re doing. It’s very comforting to think there’s an over arching plan but there really isn’t.
can you explain "it's a bit like the Nazis" plan between countries? how it is organised? who is doing the organising?
The truth is no one’s in charge and no one knows what they’re doing. It’s very comforting to think there’s an over arching plan but there really isn’t.
You sound as if you rehearsed that response for a god fearing bible basher that’s waiting for the coming of the lord at the end times. Where you indeed addressing such a person I’d commend and agree with you for that reply but I’m not a bible thumper or a retched door knocking wittiness, I live in the real world and the all controlling unelected global body is not a god like deity but is flesh blood and bones and geared up for financial gain ahead of human freedom and health.

Sometimes a gut feeling beats a PHD.:thumbs:
Most of use can see this sham at the national level so why is it so absurd to believe that the same nonsense - unelected somebodies - don’t happen to do the same thing globally and can they be trusted?
That sounds like quite a lot of people would have to be involved worldwide. How come we haven't heard anything about them before? Is it not likely something would have leaked? How long do you think they've been pulling the strings/running things behind the scenes?

Who are these unelected advisers ?
Well I'd never even heard of them before. But you must have some proof/idea or you surely wouldn't be coming out with all this. Would you?
There's no "we" for an anti-social shitstain like you.
Doubtless you’re loving the 3000 plus home turnout these days- me too.. but where were you when we were really shit and had less fans than we had players and officials at a home match of a midweek and not many more of a Saturday - fuck your “we” you cunt !

Hamlet! ⚽
No it really doesn’t. The only kind of person who would even think it could be true would be a truly ignorant stupid cunt.

And so the circle of life is complete.
Many a detective police chief inspector has stated the same so fuck you!
Detective Police Chief Inspector? No such thing you stupid cunt. Good to see your ignorance extends to other areas of puffed up pontification.

I suspect what you meant to write was Detective Chief Inspector or DCI. It’s not hard.
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Detective Police Chief Inspector? No such thing you stupid cunt. Good to see your ignorance extends to other areas of puffed up pontification.

I suspect what you meant to write was Detective Chief Inspector or DCI. It’s not hard.
I’m talking to a mug.
I’m talking to a mug.
You aren’t actually talking to anyone, you are typing on a message board. Actually scratch that, I imagine you have to say the letters out loud as you type.

As to communicating with a mug, possibly, but one who seems to know more than you about at least virology and police rank and role structures. But, that’s not hard, can I refer you to my earlier response that I suspect there are ape creatures in the Indus less ignorant than you.
i think he is already vaccinated who the hell book 3 holidays during a pandemic when they have not be vaccinated

guess he just raging about the booster or wants attention as gate keeps of knowledge at talkRadio

have told him that faceless corporations are behind everything

because they are not MSM even if they are own by newscorp

list of crap owned by newscorp below in the uk includes the sun , the times and sky news to name a few

List of assets owned by News Corp - Wikipedia

:D our brave own reseach internet warriors
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I feel we were making real progress, DTM_DHFC. Any thoughts on this..?
That sounds like quite a lot of people would have to be involved worldwide. How come we haven't heard anything about them before? Is it not likely something would have leaked? How long do you think they've been pulling the strings/running things behind the scenes?

Well I'd never even heard of them before. But you must have some proof/idea or you surely wouldn't be coming out with all this. Would you?
No, surely our heroic little solider wouldn't be nasty about Jewish people?
I see the usual suspects are getting their gig together for yet another episode of playing the game of divide and rule... playing one against the other as usual, and seeking the again usual “isms” to use as their arsenal.

If you were not so blinkered and prejudicial you would be looking to the remanence of the Roman Empire for the answer to the question you asked rather than being stuck in the swamp of ignorance devised by the very same. :thumbs:
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