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Off topic anti-vaxx nonsense

Ah DTM_DHFC, so this:

I'm beginning to get the impression you're not going to answer this and I'm not quite sure why?
It’s difficult to converse when the suspicion that multiple monikers permeate and the degree of validity that I’m addressing one remains above ninety percent.

But anyhow, you raise a fair point as to how do we know? Firstly on the leak issue: individuals indeed have been leaking relevant issues for multiple decades through word of mouth, through books and through the media, so leaking is common place. But more pertinent to your question as to how it’s not common knowledge is quite frankly very easy to explain as the method is tried and tested in and at any major or global business corporation.

Compartmentalisation is its best descriptive term.

Only those that need to know the goals of the organisation [will know] the goals of the organisation.Now in commerce the goal is obviously profit so that’s not exactly a secret hence all from A to Z know that the goal is making money.

However, those unelected friends of ours -those that advise - or indeed control our presidents and our prime ministers compartmentalise so as again - only those that need to know the [absolute goal] need to know and the rest need know only enough to do their job successfully.


A- E. will know everything.
F- J. Will know some but not all.
K-O. Will only know enough to do their jobs ( usually political) but only have limited knowledge of what F-J knows.

P-T. Again political will know enough of what the goal of K-O is and have enough to do their jobs effectively.

U-Y. Again politics but also THE MEDIA fed enough of what P-T knows but not everything- will likewise do the best they can to do their jobs effectively.

Z Zed is you me and the family next door.:D
It’s difficult to converse when the suspicion that multiple monikers permeate and the degree of validity that I’m addressing one remains above ninety percent.
I can assure you, just me, single username etc.
But anyhow, you raise a fair point as to how do we know? Firstly on the leak issue: individuals indeed have been leaking relevant issues for multiple decades through word of mouth, through books and through the media, so leaking is common place.
Can you give some examples of things that have been leaked as it's difficult to know the kinds of things you're talking about. Thanks.
But more pertinent to your question as to how it’s not common knowledge is quite frankly very easy to explain as the method is tried and tested in and at any major or global business corporation.

Compartmentalisation is its best descriptive term.

Only those that need to know the goals of the organisation [will know] the goals of the organisation.Now in commerce the goal is obviously profit so that’s not exactly a secret hence all from A to Z know that the goal is making money.

However, those unelected friends of ours -those that advise - or indeed control our presidents and our prime ministers compartmentalise so as again - only those that need to know the [absolute goal] need to know and the rest need know only enough to do their job successfully.


A- E. will know everything.
F- J. Will know some but not all.
K-O. Will only know enough to do their jobs ( usually political) but only have limited knowledge of what F-J knows.

P-T. Again political will know enough of what the goal of K-O is and have enough to do their jobs effectively.

U-Y. Again politics but also THE MEDIA fed enough of what P-T knows but not everything- will likewise do the best they can to do their jobs effectively.

Z Zed is you me and the family next door.:D
I see. And who are A-E or even F-J in the Covid vaccination context? You must have some idea?

And if you're a Z, how do you know this? I mean if it's all so secret and hidden, it just sounds a bit implausible that someone like you/us would know all this?
Wind your neck in... have you seen the dogs abuse I’ve taken long long before I came even close to using even the F- word on this thread?
Clearly you need VAR ::D
You've been a twat on this thread since you started. Like a classic clueless conspiracy loon you continually swerve answering direct relevant questions and just switch to fresh torrents of vague, unsubstantiated garbage.

You've continued to ignore the calls for you to post up your 'concerns' and 'theories' in the relevant Covid forum and seeing as you're now throwing around more and more abuse, this is in clear breach of the board rules.
You've been a twat on this thread since you started. Like a classic clueless conspiracy loon you continually swerve answering direct relevant questions and just switch to fresh torrents of vague, unsubstantiated garbage.

You've continued to ignore the calls for you to post up your 'concerns' and 'theories' in the relevant Covid forum and seeing as you're now throwing around more and more abuse, this is in clear breach of the board rules.

This was never a debate about covid in terms of its virology- its science etc. This was a thread about covid restrictions if any at Hamlet on Sunday. Further it was about my intention ( now confirmed) to attend the next home game if I was allowed. As you correctly just stated the discussion about covid is for a specific forum and not a football forum- I agree with that.

That said: have you read this thread thoroughly- I doubt it because only in the last 24 hours out of I think twelve days since I started this thread have I used any profanity or directly reacted negatively with anyone other than ignoring them. Even that (profanity) took me being on the booze at the time. I’ve been coated on here so many time
( big time) but not once did I complain or fight back! Take a look on this thread and call out ALL the rule violators rather than just me!

You need VAR mi ole China 🇨🇳
I can assure you, just me, single username etc.

Can you give some examples of things that have been leaked as it's difficult to know the kinds of things you're talking about. Thanks.

I see. And who are A-E or even F-J in the Covid vaccination context? You must have some idea?

And if you're a Z, how do you know this? I mean if it's all so secret and hidden, it just sounds a bit implausible that someone like you/us would know all this?
Examples of leaks and any literature I’m not going to post on here because just as said early here I’m not a bible bashing door knocker neither am I about proselytism of my views.

The example I posted you in alphabetical form was an example of how compartments work. An example was what you requested :thumbs:
Examples of leaks and any literature I’m not going to post on here because just as said early here I’m not a bible bashing door knocker neither am I about proselytism of my views.
I see. I'm very interested in your views though. I'm sure you can understand that without any examples/proof, you could be anyone telling me anything? Why believe you over anyone or anything else?
The example I posted you in alphabetical form was an example of how compartments work. An example was what you requested :thumbs:
I see. My questions still stand though.

1. Who do you think these people at the top are?

2. How do you -- as a person right at the bottom -- even know about all this secret stuff?

Or does that mean you're not actually at the bottom..? :hmm:
Examples of leaks and any literature I’m not going to post on here because just as said early here I’m not a bible bashing door knocker neither am I about proselytism of my views.

The example I posted you in alphabetical form was an example of how compartments work. An example was what you requested :thumbs:
How come serious journalists aren't privy to these 'leaks'?

And I'll ask again: what are the credible sources for your theories and beliefs. Or is it all voices in your head?
And why are you too much of a pussy to put your ideas to the test in the covid forum? If your facts stack up, then no one can argue with you.
I see. I'm very interested in your views though. I'm sure you can understand that without any examples/proof, you could be anyone telling me anything? Why believe you over anyone or anything else?

I see. My questions still stand though.

1. Who do you think these people at the top are?

2. How do you -- as a person right at the bottom -- even know about all this secret stuff?

Or does that mean you're not actually at the bottom..? :hmm:
The whole idea of compartmentalisation in this form is that you don’t know who is at the top- you don’t know the A-E because that’s the whole point- they need to be invisible.

At best you could speculate as to who the F-J are but that would be merely speculation.

Are you going to the football ⚽️ Sunday?
How come serious journalists aren't privy to these 'leaks'?

And I'll ask again: what are the credible sources for your theories and beliefs. Or is it all voices in your head?
And why are you much of a pussy to put your ideas to the test in the covid forum? If your facts stack up, then no one can argue with you.
Isn’t calling someone a pussy a violation of the rules on here?
The whole idea of compartmentalisation in this form is that you don’t know who is at the top- you don’t know the A-E because that’s the whole point- they need to be invisible.
If they're invisible, how do you know those at the top exist or even that compartments exist?

Can you understand why I'm sceptical as you've given absolutely no proof or evidence for any of this? (The shadowy group, their role in pulling the strings, how this relates to covid vaccinations.) I mean it all sounds pretty dubious tbh.
At best you could speculate as to who the F-J are but that would be merely speculation.
Go for it!
Are you going to the football ⚽️ Sunday?
If they're invisible, how do you know those at the top exist or even that compartments exist?

Can you understand why I'm sceptical as you've given absolutely no proof or evidence for any of this? (The shadowy group, their role in pulling the strings, how this relates to covid vaccinations.) I mean it all sounds pretty dubious tbh.

Go for it!

You're not going -
I hope it’s not because of me. :D

Are you coming to the football on Sunday- I hear you follow Hamlet?

I’m going to be at Hamlet this Sunday with my family and another couple of friends, I’ll very likely be one of the first in the bar because I don’t do queues. If you didn’t work it out already My name is Dennis. If you’d like to converse in the manor you have been and to do it directly to me in person I’m the one with the French rugby shirt in a group of six - three children and three adults ... I’d like to hear this “pussy claim “ to my face rather than from behind a screen.
So before you get banned for the (frankly ridiculous 🤣) call out stuff, fancy answering these, DTM_DHFC:

If they're invisible, how do you know those at the top exist or even that compartments exist?

Can you understand why I'm sceptical as you've given absolutely no proof or evidence for any of this? (The shadowy group, their role in pulling the strings, how this relates to covid vaccinations.) I mean it all sounds pretty dubious tbh.
Just arrived this from the COVID-19 forum to have a look at this prick mocking people and goading people for wanting to keep their community safe.

I have seen people banned from here for much less. He is not here to have a sensible discussion. He is here to troll. He has no intention of being there on Sunday as it does not seem to be the sort of place or people he would like to spend his Sunday with. i strongly suspect he will spend his Sunday down his anti-vax rabbit hole watching Piers Corbyn videos and pulling himself off.

Are you coming to the football on Sunday- I hear you follow Hamlet?

I’m going to be at Hamlet this Sunday with my family and another couple of friends, I’ll very likely be one of the first in the bar because I don’t do queues. If you didn’t work it out already My name is Dennis. If you’d like to converse in the manor you have been and to do it directly to me in person I’m the one with the French rugby shirt in a group of six - three children and three adults ... I’d like to hear this “pussy claim “ to my face rather than from behind a screen.
Oh, fantastic. Did anyone have "poster in the Dulwich Hamlet forum offering editor out on NYE" in their 2021 sweepstakes?

Are you coming to the football on Sunday- I hear you follow Hamlet?

I’m going to be at Hamlet this Sunday with my family and another couple of friends, I’ll very likely be one of the first in the bar because I don’t do queues. If you didn’t work it out already My name is Dennis. If you’d like to converse in the manor you have been and to do it directly to me in person I’m the one with the French rugby shirt in a group of six - three children and three adults ... I’d like to hear this “pussy claim “ to my face rather than from behind a screen.
And on that note, off you fuck.

I do like they way you've already decided what you're going to wear for your tough guy internet fight, though. 😂
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